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Intel Gathering: Weapons Balance Pass 1

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#441 FupDup


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Posted 27 February 2021 - 04:32 PM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 27 February 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:

Yeah, PGI is dumb like that. One mech overperforming, and then it's the rest of the mechs that are also nerfed.

Nobody complained about 4x CUAC10 on a direwolf IIRC, but god-forbid the Kodiak with it overperformed, now it's suddenly nerfed to 2x GH limit.

They should be liberal with Nega-Quirks, -20% MG ROF on Piranha or something instead of making it sluggish and unfun to pilot.

I don't think that comparison is accurate, because the UAC/10 is a great weapon in pairs or even alone. The Spooky Heat cap didn't change how effective it was with just 1 or 2, so it had far less collateral damage. The Dire Whale has far greater problems than the lack of ability to alpha quad UAC/10s.

...But yes I get the point.

Edited by FupDup, 27 February 2021 - 04:32 PM.

#442 dario03


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Posted 27 February 2021 - 07:16 PM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 27 February 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:

Yeah, PGI is dumb like that. One mech overperforming, and then it's the rest of the mechs that are also nerfed.

Nobody complained about 4x CUAC10 on a direwolf IIRC, but god-forbid the Kodiak with it overperformed, now it's suddenly nerfed to 2x GH limit.

They should be liberal with Nega-Quirks, -20% MG ROF on Piranha or something instead of making it sluggish and unfun to pilot.

Piranha doesn't really overperform though. MG one deals good damage but requires constant exposure at close range while having the lowest hitpoints in the game. I think people just remember the times they see high damage from one, and not when it does 47 damage before exploding from someone looking at it funny.

#443 Der Geisterbaer


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 03:46 AM

FupDup said:

I'm not one of those assaultwarriors who thinks lights are OP.

Let's just say that your reference to instantly destroyed weaponry after armor breach and your choice of naming sounded just like you actually said that this particular Light was (and still is) OP

FupDup said:

I'm saying that this one particular light makes it harder to make buffs to MGs because it will naturally get a lot more benefit from those buffs than other Clan mechs who can only pack a few MGs.

There are two other Clan Lights and at least on paper one Medium with better survivability than this "one particular LIght" that can pack 7 to 8 machine guns as well (plus 2 to 4 energy weapons in case of the Lights). Those would actually benefit far more from buffs to machine guns (particularly heavy machine guns) than the Fish-1 would.

FupDup said:

Yeah, the Fishbot is armored with glass, but it's got plenty of cannon to go with that and it caused Clan MGs to get nerfed for everybody (which is exactly the point I'm making) as well as getting its own agility nerfed a few times.

Here's the fun part (at least for me): Even prior to those Clan MG nerfs (spread) the Fishbot-1 didn't actually over-perform and the agility nerfs? Well, they originally weren't aimed so much at the MG variant but rather at the energy variants

FupDup said:

Those nerfs didn't come out of nowhere, they came because a particular mech initially had abnormally high performance.

Oh, those nerfs indeed didn't come out of nowhere, but it wasn't necessarily a "abnormally high performance" on the PIR-1's part. Despite regular accusations of OP-ness even in the days of its introduction the PIR-1 didn't significantly out-perform all other Lights or - after the novelty effect had worn off - was the mech with highest usage rate within the least played weight class.
What actually brought those nerfs about were two things:
  • A vocal subset of players with a preference for assaults with next to no rear armor and a decent amount of "lone-wolf mentality" (both an actual player preference and as a result of the "leave your assaults behind" behavior in the PUG environment of QP) cried havoc about being backstabbed and then circled by PIR-1s (and to a lesser degree MLX-Gs) with "insane" DPS-numbers with next to no heat ... while ignoring that the PIR-1 actually has - by comparison- an extremely long exposure time at very close proximity to actually deliver that kind of damage and has to get to its target unscathed in the first place
  • The fact that - even with GhostHeat - the energy based Fishbots with their original agility values were ultimately far more dangerous because they could deliver massive amounts of damage at far shorter exposure times and still engage in the circle running

FupDup said:

As for what exact damage to give them in exchange for crit reduction, I'd start with between 10-20% more for Clan MGs and 30-40% more for IS MGs (because they're twice as heavy and IS mechs don't have many hardpoints).

So you're advocating for a 50% reduction in what (currently) constitutes the niche of machine guns and are in return willing to grant only a significantly lower damage bonus (albeit lopsided in favor of IS). Sounds like like you're actually very strongly in favor of nerfing (pretty much) all machine guns across the board instead of buffing them like you originally wanted ... with one noteworthy exception, because ...

FupDup said:

Spread would get tightened a bit for all of them with LMGs getting the most tightening because range is their job and they kinda fail at that job right now.

... considering that its's pretty much only LMGs that actually have to worry about spread in the first place it would appear that your suggestions aim at turning LMGs in (somewhat) effective armor shredding devices from range with a relatively low opportunity cost and ...

FupDup said:

I'd also push out the ranges for regular and light MGs a bit more because they're just too close to each other right now (especially MGs and HMGs, I don't know why people in this thread keep wanting to give them the exact same range). I'd actually let the Clans have a little more range here because it keeps the theme of Clans generally outranging the IS and it adds more give-and-take than just "Clan weapon is lighter and weaker."

... this final point of yours seems to hammer that notion home

Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 28 February 2021 - 07:32 AM.

#444 The6thMessenger


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 05:49 AM

Can we get smaller muzzle-flashes on the Ultra Autocannons like that of RACs? It's quite blinding when being used in something like the Hunchback.

View Postdario03, on 27 February 2021 - 07:16 PM, said:

Piranha doesn't really overperform though. MG one deals good damage but requires constant exposure at close range while having the lowest hitpoints in the game. I think people just remember the times they see high damage from one, and not when it does 47 damage before exploding from someone looking at it funny.

Yeah. Honestly, I prefer the laserboat piranha better. 6x SPL + 9x ERuL, say what you want about it being slow or the SPL being bad, but god damn that's 45.6 damage under 0.75s.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 28 February 2021 - 07:20 AM.

#445 Itsacon


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 11:48 AM

View PostAlreech, on 25 February 2021 - 10:26 AM, said:

The matchmaker in Quickplay isn't even able to balance teams by Mech class and player tier while achiving short match making times.

Even with equal teams by Battle Value the team with more clan mechs will have either less players or less tonnage or both.
I don't think that even die hard Clan players would like that.

A much easier way to balance teams would be the use of dropdecks and more spawns or tonnage for the IS mechs - and dito, i don't think even the die hard Clan players would like that.

On the contrary. Adding BV to the matchmaker would make it quicker to get fair teams:
  • Collect 24 players
  • Add up the BV for each player: Mech BV * PSR multiplier * gamemode multiplier (a light is more valuable on conquest, less so on skirmish, etc)
  • Divide total BV by two
  • Divide mechs across teams so that each team's total BV is as close as possible to the result from (3). (There's simple algorithms for that).
  • Drop

From then on, any balance changes can be done by tweaking BatteValues and the different multipliers, without invalidating builds.

#446 aardappelianen


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 12:01 PM

BRING BACK MISSILE BENDING ! unguided lrms spread more anyway. i don't understand why this utility had to be removed from lrms and atms.
i have to face my opponent if i want to send unguided lrms their way and thats a problem if im trying to hide my exposed CT while running away and waiting for a lock isn't always an option especially if the target has ecm cover.

make missiles collide in mid air and let us shoot them with our own weapons.

reduce the blinding from being under fire.

reduce spread on racs, having to stare down an opponent to keep the stream on target is more than enough of an disadvantage beside the heat and jamming.

more heat dissipation for light and medium mechs

heavy lasers are too hot and too slow to be usefull in most situations as well

light ppc need to have their min range removed, their cooldown reduced and ghost limit increased
why the hell can i fire 2 ppc for 20 damage but not 4 lppc's for 20 damage ?

clan large laser ghost heat limit should be 3 as well, IS already has cooler an faster firing lasers, the extra range on clan lasers is only usefull the first minute of the match most of the time

Edited by aardappelianen, 28 February 2021 - 12:24 PM.

#447 KursedVixen


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 03:54 PM

Can we get Atms to fire more like MRMs since they are highly infficent at long range compared to LRms.

i mean Atms don't arc and instead fire straight like Srms.

Edited by KursedVixen, 28 February 2021 - 03:55 PM.

#448 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 07:48 PM


View PostItsacon, on 19 February 2021 - 12:34 AM, said:

The Gauss rifle is designed to be a glass cannon. The explosion mechanic is also there in TT, if I'm not mistaken. Compared to an AC20, it has the following upsides:
  • 83% less heat
  • 244% range
  • 30% fewer critslots
  • 25% more ammo/t
  • Ammo doesn't explode.
The downsides:
  • 7% more weight
  • 25% less damage/hit
  • 25% more cooldown
The cooldown and damage are easily offset by the extra range, as it means you can start hammering your enemy long before he can even damage you. The extra weight is offset by the fact that with a Gauss rifle, you can pack an XL. The explosion makes is so that that is not a 'free' choice. Remember that all these things were implemented before light engines (or even Clan XLs) were in the game, and the maps were much smaller. Play Forest Colony Classic, and you'll see that a well positioned Gauss rifle can cover almost the entire map. (dual) Gauss snipers were an extremely dominant species back then. The charge mechanic forced them to have a certain skill level, the explosions make it a high-risk, high-reward loadout. As a balancing mechanic, it worked pretty well, in my experience. And if it really bothers you, for 0.5t you can wrap that Gauss rifle in a C.A.S.E., that's what it's for...

Excuse me, please, but I partly completely (Posted Image)disagree with you.
You are now talking about something that was once upon a time. Since then, as far as I can remember, Gauss has been nerfed at least tree times (this is in my memory):
- Health has been reduced for Clan GR;
- Clans GR increased the already high chance of explosion when incapacitated. In fact, it has reached 100%;
- IS and Clan GR have received a reduction in firing range.
Thus, GRs are currently being punished for the benefits they lost long ago.
CASE? How will the CASE help? Originally clan mechs always (it seems) have a CASE. Ok, for example. The GR is located in a halftorso, lasers are located in the same halftorso. The GRs explode. How did CASE help in this situation? Nothing. All weapons in this location are lost, the ability of the mech to cool is impaired, the mobility of the mech is impaired.
You see, even the logic of the explosion of the GR, which was described above, is, upon closer examination, completely illogical. She is frankly flawed. What does it mean that the GR explodes because it builds up a charge? Wait a minute, but the GR is not building up a charge! More precisely, the GR accumulates a charge only that short time when you press the button on the mouse until the green indicator turns on. Its all, after the green indicator lights up, the GR has no charge: you either release the key and the GR is discharged with a shot, or you did not release the button and the charge simply disappears somewhere. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.
We found that GR accumulate energy very short time. Then either a shot or a discharge of energy is completely unknown where.
And now the logical conclusions and questions from what I have just said.
1) If the GR does not have a constant supply of energy, why does it explode?
2) If the GR explodes, then it has a constant supply of energy. Then where does the mechanics of charging the GR come from?
3) And next question will be quite interesting. Why don't lasers and PPC explode? This weapon has a reserve of energy. After firing, it have cooldown and further is constantly ready to fire.
Yes, we can say that the energy for a laser or PPC shot is accumulated somewhere in the mech's reactor. Ok. But this does not negate the illogicality of the explosion of the GR or the mechanics of its charging.
Here we really need to decide:
- or GR explode because they constantly have energy, but at the same time they must shoot when the fire button is pressed, without having a charging mechanic;
- or GRs do not have a constant charge, then we leave the GR charging mechanic, but we must get rid of the GR explosion.

I hope I have sufficiently consistently and clearly described all the illogicality of the explosion GR and the mechanics of its charging.

Best regards, your Voice of Kerensky.

P.S. Sorry for huge text...

Edited by Voice of Kerensky, 05 March 2021 - 01:09 AM.

#449 Tamerlin


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 08:51 PM

Ultra Autocannons (UAC) are over-powered vs. Autocannons (AC) in MWO compared to BattleTech Table Top (BT-TT). MWO uses BT-TT tonnage and size (crit slots) for both. But where in BT-TT a jammed UAC is useless for the rest of the match, in MWO maximum jam time is 8 seconds. Admittedly, the 15% jam chance in MWO is five times that of BT-TT. I don't think the increased jam chance makes up for the drastically lowered jam time.

Rather than a 15-minute jam time (even Harebrained Schemes "BattleTech" did not do that) replace the current RNG-dominated system with a more player controllable version that increases jam time with each consecutive jam.
  • The first two jams are the starting value, but every following jam increases in time by 50% of the starting value. For example: UAC/10 has a starting jam time of eight seconds, but the third jam is 12 seconds, fourth is 16 seconds, and so on until a maximum of 40 seconds (starting value * 5).
  • Jam chance is now related to 'Mech total heat. 25% and lower has a 3% jam chance, 25% < 50% heat has 10% chance, 50%<75% heat has 20% chance and over 75% heat has a 30% chance to jam.
The player now has greater control over jamming, but is potentially punished for spamming double-taps. 'Mech too hot? Only fire single to be safe.

In addition, even if the UAC does not jam after a double-tap, the cooldown time should be longer than not rapid-firing, perhaps by 25%?

Medium Range Missiles (MRM) needs a minimum range penalty as the lower DPS compared to SRMs do not make up for the doubled range. Maybe have a reduced damage within 50 meters?

Crits should only be possible within a weapon's effective range. You can still burn thru a 'Mech's armor and structure at maximum range, but you can't crit any components (nor gain bonus damage).

Rather than a generic "+1 slot, +1 ton" rule, have Artemis-enabled missile launchers have a percent-based increase is tonnage. Currently an LRM 20 has a 20% increase in tonnage for Artemis, but for an SRM 2 it's 100%. I suggest 20% rounded up to the nearest 0.25 tons. To make up for the change (and effective increase of more-concentrated damage), Artemis missile launcher can have a 20% increased cooldown.

Machine Guns and Small Lasers
Here's a strange one: auxiliary weapons like machine guns and small lasers should not do any damage to armor or structure at all, they only damage components. Once a 'Mech's armor is removed, such weapons do great against the weapons and equipment within that location, but they do nothing to the structure.

Edited by Tamerlin, 28 February 2021 - 08:53 PM.

#450 The6thMessenger


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 09:22 PM

View PostTamerlin, on 28 February 2021 - 08:51 PM, said:

Ultra Autocannons (UAC) are over-powered vs. Autocannons (AC) in MWO compared to BattleTech Table Top (BT-TT). MWO uses BT-TT tonnage and size (crit slots) for both. But where in BT-TT a jammed UAC is useless for the rest of the match, in MWO maximum jam time is 8 seconds. Admittedly, the 15% jam chance in MWO is five times that of BT-TT. I don't think the increased jam chance makes up for the drastically lowered jam time.

I think the Jamming problem is BS to begin with. MWO's jam system while yes is a lot more forgiving than the TT, but come on, if our UACs jam for the entire game, that's just not fun is it?

View PostTamerlin, on 28 February 2021 - 08:51 PM, said:

Rather than a 15-minute jam time (even Harebrained Schemes "BattleTech" did not do that) replace the current RNG-dominated system with a more player controllable version that increases jam time with each consecutive jam.
  • The first two jams are the starting value, but every following jam increases in time by 50% of the starting value. For example: UAC/10 has a starting jam time of eight seconds, but the third jam is 12 seconds, fourth is 16 seconds, and so on until a maximum of 40 seconds (starting value * 5).
  • Jam chance is now related to 'Mech total heat. 25% and lower has a 3% jam chance, 25% < 50% heat has 10% chance, 50%<75% heat has 20% chance and over 75% heat has a 30% chance to jam.
The player now has greater control over jamming, but is potentially punished for spamming double-taps. 'Mech too hot? Only fire single to be safe.

Isn't that how it works though with anything %? Like if 1 to 100 you didn't jam, that means 1 to 99, you don't jam, then 1 to 98 you don't jam, so on and so forth. You increase your chance to jam as you use the weapon, like a russian roulette -- yeah you have 1/n-chambers chance, but the more it's shot, the higher the chance.

If its related to mech-heat, then UACs builds instead focus on cooling and not using any other weapons to pad the heat. That's an unfun way to structure the UACs. And once they did maximize the cooling, then they will never jam. What you're doing is to completely negate many other builds that can be done like using purposefully dakka-heavy builds, or dakka-vomits. It's just going to be the cool dakkas because they barely build up heat.

Hows about you do it like this?
> 0% chance jamming
> Increase cooldown to target DPS.

For example, UAC5 is at 1.66 CD at 15% chance jam and 6.0s jam duration. That is 1 jam every 6.666667, that is 66.6667 damage over 11.06667 + 6.0s = 3.90625 EDPS.

We could instead approach it by removing Jam, and put the CD straight up at 2.56s, which results in the same 3.9025 DPS. No fuss about jamming, technically you still fire faster than the standard AC5 at 1.28s average, you simply take a loan.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 28 February 2021 - 11:03 PM.

#451 FupDup


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 02:47 AM

View PostTamerlin, on 28 February 2021 - 08:51 PM, said:

Machine Guns and Small Lasers
Here's a strange one: auxiliary weapons like machine guns and small lasers should not do any damage to armor or structure at all, they only damage components. Once a 'Mech's armor is removed, such weapons do great against the weapons and equipment within that location, but they do nothing to the structure.


They have always been anti-armor weapons in every previous BT/MW game, both real-time and turn-based. Only in MWO was there a deviation from MGs being anti-armor (and subsequently, HBS-Battletech deviated too).

#452 KursedVixen


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 08:18 AM

View PostFupDup, on 26 February 2021 - 01:16 PM, said:

Most lights can't even carry enough MGs to pose a threat. The only thing holding back MG buffs (for Clans at least) is a certain 20-ton elephant in the room, but even then I think a rework could be possible to reduce frustration while simultaneously making MGs less boat-dependent.

Such "Elephant" drops faster than a fly if you have a swatter.... and also is highly situational....you have to find someone alone or be lucky and have a horrible team who doesn't cover their allies or have the right timing when the team is distracted you need face time and good aim to pull off a kill with it... try it yourself it's not as easy as it looks. I have better games with my mist lynx.

Edited by KursedVixen, 01 March 2021 - 08:19 AM.

#453 Mochyn Pupur


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 12:07 PM

Having looked at the gulag spreadsheet, I would be quite happy for the majority of those adjustments - great work there!

Only two weapons I would like to see changed are;

Flamer - someone suggested a limiting effect dependent on the number being used, that would make far more sense than a mech of any weight getting into range and completely locking down any heat generating weapon builds with just a single flamer, this coupled with the stupidity of the clan xl or LFE builds heat penalty currently in place, leaves the flamer overpowered imho.

Gauss Explosions - If you have ever worked with high current capacitive gear, you would know that capacitors rarely explode; they melt, breakdown or discharge to ground, but explode in the way the MWO mechanic operates, so, so rarely. Oddly enough, the mechs are predominantly built of steel or composites which would tend to have excellent conductive properties that would allow a discharge to ground, something that would be safe to the vehicle and pilot (not necessarily anyone stood nearby) - look at a lightning conductor on a building, these are capable of grounding 1TW of energy with minimal damage (various estimates put the World's average power use at 15 to 20 TW to put this into perspective). A mechanic of shutting the weapon down due to component damage would be far closer to reality than the current one.

Gauss Charges - Again, once a capacitor is charged, it stays charged with minimal leakage, so once the weapon is ready to fire, it should be good to go. Yes there will still be a recharge delay, just as with any other weapon system, but this is more reasonable than this minimal charge hold duration, which technically should blow the weapon up if held and not released based on the gauss explosion mechanic. Perhaps an added second on recharge time would be a fair balance for off loading excellent pin point damage?

#454 imhoopjones


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 12:45 PM


Full proposal including the above mentioned weapon changes and other aspects, like mech mobility and Jump jets: https://www.dropbox....AG_v2.pptx?dl=0

Will update this post if something changes.

If PGI is serious about giving the game a much needed booster shot then listening to veteran players and data would be the hope.

#455 KursedVixen


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 02:33 PM

View PostPeppaPig, on 01 March 2021 - 12:07 PM, said:

Having looked at the gulag spreadsheet, I would be quite happy for the majority of those adjustments - great work there!

Only two weapons I would like to see changed are;

Flamer - someone suggested a limiting effect dependent on the number being used, that would make far more sense than a mech of any weight getting into range and completely locking down any heat generating weapon builds with just a single flamer, this coupled with the stupidity of the clan xl or LFE builds heat penalty currently in place, leaves the flamer overpowered imho.

Gauss Explosions - If you have ever worked with high current capacitive gear, you would know that capacitors rarely explode; they melt, breakdown or discharge to ground, but explode in the way the MWO mechanic operates, so, so rarely. Oddly enough, the mechs are predominantly built of steel or composites which would tend to have excellent conductive properties that would allow a discharge to ground, something that would be safe to the vehicle and pilot (not necessarily anyone stood nearby) - look at a lightning conductor on a building, these are capable of grounding 1TW of energy with minimal damage (various estimates put the World's average power use at 15 to 20 TW to put this into perspective). A mechanic of shutting the weapon down due to component damage would be far closer to reality than the current one.

Gauss Charges - Again, once a capacitor is charged, it stays charged with minimal leakage, so once the weapon is ready to fire, it should be good to go. Yes there will still be a recharge delay, just as with any other weapon system, but this is more reasonable than this minimal charge hold duration, which technically should blow the weapon up if held and not released based on the gauss explosion mechanic. Perhaps an added second on recharge time would be a fair balance for off loading excellent pin point damage?
speaking of which there was a mention of a lightning bolt hitting a mech and being alright as the outer armor of the mech send most of the electriccity from the lightning bolt to ground, and since PGi is sticking mostly to lore this makes sense, this same thing might explain why ECm is disabled by PPC because the electrical dicharge is disperesed over the armor that extra jolt might throw off the ECM for a few seconds.. Further proof that there is at least some metal inside mech armor and components comes from thier very name

On another note can we get some further clarification of ranges for some peopl the graph doesn't do it and things like ATMs that do different damage depending on it's distance traveled really need some better explanation of ranges taking into account quirks... and as i said before can we please list the extra 5 splash damage of the CERPPC in some way?

Ferro-Fiberous Endo-Steel

Edited by KursedVixen, 01 March 2021 - 02:39 PM.

#456 soulfire


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Posted 01 March 2021 - 08:53 PM

I would request that the light show when getting hit by rotary uac weapons be toned clear down. Right now it is near blinding and it shouldn't be. Sparks I can understand to a point but not full on flashing light show. that blinds you and has a chance for those susceptible to such things physically.to go into convulsions..

Your always going to get people that quote table top rules but they need to put that away. The game is based on but a copy of the table top game. If it was a copy of Lights would be seriously nerfed and only good for scouting attacking other lights, attacking troops and smaller units, which are in MW5 but not this one or working with others to bring down a mech that is heavier.. In this game lights were made to do more damage so that players would play them and at times the devs went too far in my opinion. At one time a light if it got stupid and got to close to a heavier mech and got ran into or ran into the mech at speed would be knocked down. Perfect sense in the game. Light pilots cried about it constantly. SO they nerfed that just to make them happy but it was taking known laws and saying oh not for them. Now if I am in an atlas walking between two close buildings, I can have an urbie run strait up to my legs and hinder or stop the atlas a 100 ton mechs movement. The reality is the atlas should be able to punt the Urbie across the map. If you have ever fired a machinegun you know you fire it in bursts. There is a possibility of the gun jamming and a real possibility of the heat building up in the barrel and warping it. Yet for this game or is it a simulation.. the machineguns can be fired continuously on a small mech.with little worry of heat or jamming esp in some of the more ludicrous multi machine gun builds with lasers. You really need to bring a little more reality into the game. It is why allot of us left. Why would anyone in the real world buy an Abrams tank if a jeep and a 50 cal machinegun could destroy it? That's what your assault or heavy mechs verses lights look like. The machine gun doing crits yea sure the ods should be worse than a laser head shooting a light.Whether one machinegun or 20.
Why not keep most of the weapons the same and rise up the value of all the armor. Why have the center torso be one area so that a small can just sit behind an atlas and shoot the back part between the legs and blow the whole center torso instead make it three or 5 and the majority has to be destroyed to destroy the section. More pin point firing needed not just the normal spam 8 micro lasers. and multiple machineguns. All it seems to be looking at it with tired eyes is what 8 years of nerfing things and then wondering why people are not playing. I'm already seeing the same sad playing with LRMs once again..

#457 MechWarrior414712


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Posted 02 March 2021 - 02:02 AM

Buff normal gauss rifles and light gauss rifles please please please ! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!! !! !! !

#458 aardappelianen


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Posted 02 March 2021 - 04:53 AM

View PostKursedVixen, on 01 March 2021 - 08:18 AM, said:

Such "Elephant" drops faster than a fly if you have a swatter.... and also is highly situational....you have to find someone alone or be lucky and have a horrible team who doesn't cover their allies or have the right timing when the team is distracted you need face time and good aim to pull off a kill with it... try it yourself it's not as easy as it looks. I have better games with my mist lynx.

the flea 17 is way more op than the piranha ever was. with small lasers in stead of mg's you only need to point in the general direction of an enemy mech once every couple of seconds and just focus on movement.
the flea 17 is the best asssault mech in my opinion, no other mech could brawl with 5 other mechs, get a kill and be gone to try again, just tap masc to the rythm of their ballistics and don't worry about lasers because taking more than 0.1 second of burn at a time just doesnt happen until you stop moving

the piranha is way easier to hit and disarm, it moves at a constant speed unlike the flea making it easier to lead a shot into it.
also the piranha's cockpit is clearly visible from a distance ive been headshot a bunch of times with it already unlike the flea

why haven't IS small lasers and masc been nerfed yet ? they work so well on this one mech

im just a average player but the stuff i can pull of with a flea 17 is just ridiculous it doenst need armor quirks at all.
flea 20 is good too because of stealth armor.
i like the romeo 5k too because its fun to play with srm 2 and lasers but just like the 15, 19 and fire ant its dogshit compared to the 17 and 20

Edited by aardappelianen, 02 March 2021 - 04:53 AM.

#459 Mateuszy


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Posted 02 March 2021 - 09:30 AM

I have one humble request.
IS PPC - i'd like to see 90 meters blindspot removed.
I think that would be fair, to increase damage output inside 90 m to 5 points, instead of nowdays 0.
With these changes in mind, PPC users wouldn't be defensless if somehow they would end up less than 90 meters from their enemy, but still would be punished if they would play careless.
Additional cooldown and heat reduction would be welcome.
I hope my feedback will be useful.
Good luck with making Mechwarrior Online great again.

#460 Reno Blade


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Posted 02 March 2021 - 10:33 AM

UACs could be changed to be 100% jam chance after 2nd shot with 50% of the normal cooldown as duration.
e.g. you can fire you UAC20 two times and wait 4+2 seconds (cd + jam).

It would no longer be random and you would have a unique mechanic.

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