Krasnopesky, on 18 February 2021 - 06:16 PM, said:
First edit
Inner Sphere weapons that are currently under-performing and need a buff:
- IS Small Laser - Increase damage and range
- IS ER Small Laser - Increase damage and range
- IS Small Pulse Laser - Increase damage and range
- IS Snub Nose PPC - Significantly reduce heat
- IS PPC - Outclassed by ERPPC, reduce heat and allow 3 without ghost heat
- IS Light PPC - Reduce heat and remove ghost heat
- IS Light Machine Gun - Increase damage, ammo and range
- Light Gauss Rifle - Buff damage, unlink from ghost heat so you can shoot 2 LGR + 1 or 2 PPCs
- IS Laser AMS - Reduce heat
- Clan Micro Pulse - Increase range and damage
- Clan Small Pulse - Increase range and damage
- Clan Light Machine Gun - Increase damage, ammo and range
- Clan Laser AMS - Reduce heat
I can see where you are coming from for the IS weapons, but the trade off is the significantly lower heat which over time balances the damage aspect out.
Similarly, when looking at the IS PPC, this works perfectly IF you are willing to work on the right distancing, damage/heat sits nicely in comparison with other weapons.
Machine guns are tiered reasonably for range, damage and weight, but if an adjustment was necessary, all of them would require a rework to keep their flavour and usefulness.
One thing I do agree with, is that LAMS are too high on the heat scale - fit 3 or 4 of them to a mech and watch it overheat and blow up on Polar Highlands when there's an LRM fest. Range/damage could be the balancing factor to cover reduced heat?