I'm going to be honest here, like I have all of the time, I agree with the direction of the Gulag, I just disagree on how far it should go. There's issues with their approach, and just reeks of that min-maxing stuff that they transparently retain, that I could only describe as disgust to SSRMS and homing-weapon in general, and the further enforcement of poking.
But seriously, the Gulag group have literally done the work for all of you, for free, as baby-steps as they could put it that I already disagree, but here it is going to be ignored once again, just like the previous Community-Driven Balance Update, going to be done with their own ******** of direction.
Why the selective balance pass? why just not all of it? is it because there's a direction that is different than what PGI wants? While the debate about baby-steps or giant-steps is subjective, PGI ******* up the balance with a series of bad decisions is objective. If they are back to their usual BS, I don't see any point in continuing, it'll be just wasted effort.
We all know where this is going, because we've already been there.
We are here right now because of a series of bad decisions from PGI, that includes the weapon balances before that dropped us down in a hole. What is bound to happen is just to get us another hole. It has been said that "those who don't learn from history is doomed to repeat it". And here comes PGI failing to learn from their mistakes, and now about to make the same mistake over again.
Either do the entirety of Gulag, or just forget the revitalization effort and stop wasting our time.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 03 March 2021 - 03:51 PM.