Hey PGI team!
I'm 1 year player, with 600+ hrs played.
Tier 1
I'm glad to see that
"your efforts here are seriously disappointing..." you are actually changing the game (in a bit odd manner but still).
Let's start:
PPC's are dead now
(outDPSed by LPL by far, no joke - x2 DPS for the same weight and less heat)
C-ERPPC and light PPC are non-playable anymore in tiers higher than 3 if you want any
PSR of
DMG numbers, matches simply won't last long for you to score these hits.
Average game distances are 350-500, and if you try to play range trades - you are messed up by fast-movers.
Yes, you'd increase the projectile speed but 7sec cd has killed this weapon type.
Conclusion (PPCs):- revert or rework the changes
AC projectile speed wasn't an issue.
(AC20 speed, mb, but nothing "worth a shot" in general)
Gauss cd is ALREADY reduced by warmup sequence if you didn't notice that, so in fact your's 7sec cd is almost 9cd between actual shots.
So GAUSS is outclassed by UACs, RACs by far.
The only option is HGAUSS because of high alpha but you have your pants down after that one shot...
And again Light Gauss cd 5 sec, without ghost heat changes is dead on arrival.
Conclusion (Ballistics):- rework the changes on GAUSS
- rework velocity to keep dakka builds in the current state
Without engine desync denial, the current MASK kills
SPIRIT BEAR KODIAK (A real-money version), and makes lights on MASK a range gameplay killer, so you are killing your own "BUFFS" by this move.
Conclusion (MASK):
- can be plausible IF we'll see a great rework on heavies and assaults, otherwise - nah.
Honorable mentions section:
"I said nothing about":- engine desync
- rescale
- light mechs survivability through tanking with dead components
- spawn locations and other map-related stuff
"Thank you" part:- love the bolt-on's that didn't fall of
- love the maps changes
- love the new trial MECHs on board!
- you started a changes process, - thank you, guys!
- messing up is okay, everybody did, - don't be upset!
- listen to your community - these people are real fanatics and the only thing they won't forgive you - project MWO being closed.
We are all waiting for a new weapon balance patch, so don't stop in a middle of a journey!
Thank you for listening,