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Patch Notes - - 16-March-2021

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#101 minnowzzz


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 02:27 PM

PGI, If you are doing as you claim and are listening to your community, please make a post in this tread and start a open discussion with the people here. as it stands this patch is not good, but if we can change tweak the numbers we can make all these changes something positive.

#102 ghost1e


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 02:38 PM

Just to throw it out there...

The title of this thread is literally, and I quote:

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 15 March 2021 - 10:41 AM, said:


16th of March 2020???

Now, one mistake such as this would be fine, but there's more:

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 15 March 2021 - 10:41 AM, said:

Cooldown Increased to 6 (from 4.5)

Cooldown Increased to 6 (from 4.5)

Cooldown Increased to 7.25 (from 4.5)

The original cooldown values given here are WRONG, the real value right now is a 4 second cooldown for these PPCs.

And as 4.5 -> 6 is a 33% increase, 4 -> 6 is a 50% increase.

Honestly, if this is the level of professionalism and understanding of the current game mechanics we are dealing with here, I see no future for MWO, as sad as it might me.

P.S.: IS PPCs were already niche and underused, this patch is killing them on most chassis that aren't quirked (Awesome, BJ, Catapult)

Edited by TheUltimateGhost, 15 March 2021 - 02:39 PM.

#103 McGosy


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 02:42 PM


and back to higher alphas
-is erppc velo pretty sick

-more precission on most used and most effective autocannons

-negative mobility for using masc

-buff only IS weapons health (or did u just forgot to list a higher health for clan gauss, which is 5 atm, what is ridiculous compared to what is planned to IS)

-what about the sick toughness of some IS mechs? please

pretty sure i won`t like most of changes, letz see.

maybe, just maybe its good idea to get more ppl in command that actually play the game.
ayk best

#104 K4I 4LL4RD LI4O


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 02:50 PM

Why? Why is it that everytime you touch weapons, you guys are making it worse? In one sweep you killed most gauss rifles and ppc's. 6-7 sec. Cooldown? Heat through the roof for two points of damage? It is not about killing the meta every god damn time it is about balance. This is not balance this is just killing of the vgl-1, deathstrike, whk-prime, aws-8q and Hgn-iic-A. This is what we did not want. This is the same we had 3 years ago. Stop trying to kill the meta, there will always be a meta. Start balancing the game. And as mentioned by others before me, keep chris away from the weaponbalancing and give it to someone who can read the numbers and what they will do to the game right.

#105 Devil To Pay


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:01 PM

Maybe instead of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic again PGI could actually do something that would make the game better for the other 95% of the few people still actually playing the game -- FIX FACTION PLAY, maybe a new map, do something about nascar, etc. PGI's "tweaks" are just a ridiculous way to may a few players think PGI is still supporting this game when all they are doing is churning tweaks to keep a few dollars coming in while they make it unplayable. Please stop giving them money until they actually do something!

#106 MechWarrior414712


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:02 PM

View PostK4I 4LL4RD LI4O, on 15 March 2021 - 02:50 PM, said:

Why? Why is it that everytime you touch weapons, you guys are making it worse? In one sweep you killed most gauss rifles and ppc's. 6-7 sec. Cooldown? Heat through the roof for two points of damage? It is not about killing the meta every god damn time it is about balance. This is not balance this is just killing of the vgl-1, deathstrike, whk-prime, aws-8q and Hgn-iic-A. This is what we did not want. This is the same we had 3 years ago. Stop trying to kill the meta, there will always be a meta. Start balancing the game. And as mentioned by others before me, keep chris away from the weaponbalancing and give it to someone who can read the numbers and what they will do to the game right.

Have to comment on this that the heatcapped mechs like veagle, warhawk, C-erppc thingys don't care about this and they'll gladly take higher pinpoint over some bingbong dps reduction as they were limited by... their heat previously. With less hps their pumping doesn't get limited, but buffed instead.

And saying gauss & meta in the same sentence is just wrong I don't know anyone that considers gauss (minus hgauss) meta in todays MWO :D

#107 nopempele


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:03 PM

The only thought I've got after reading the patch notes is WHY? Why are you doing this to your game, PGI? Seriously, why? Why did you decide to get away from the Battetech numbers? Why did you decide to buff the PPC and Gauss alpha which is already high?

It was mostly fine in terms of balance (except for the "broken" OP mechs like ubiquitous Vapor Eagle and the very weak Light Gauss). It was fine.

No one asked for this. Just look at the comments, people are not happy about this. Do you have a God complex or what?

It reminds me of how you've previously broken the Solo matchmaking queue for a year or so for no apparent reason. People wanted to keep playing the game and you just crippled it due to your incompetence. Now you are doing it again. Facepalm.

#108 nopempele


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:08 PM

View PostK4I 4LL4RD LI4O, on 15 March 2021 - 02:50 PM, said:

This is not balance this is just killing of the vgl-1, deathstrike, whk-prime, aws-8q and Hgn-iic-A

While I hate the changes those mechs were not balanced at all. Especially the vapor eagle. Poptart PPC cancer at its best.



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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:11 PM

I am one of the very few light pilots, and the only thing that saves my *** in tier 1 is my masc-fu in flea, i allready cannot play locust, and now i won't even be able to seriously play flea. Great.

At least you did something however, and that alone is good enough...

Edited by RASTIL, 15 March 2021 - 03:12 PM.

#110 -Ramrod-


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:12 PM

Yay....more Gauss and PPC spam (and you can't convince me that there won't be). Since you know, this is SniperwarriorOnline.

#111 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:12 PM

View Post-Ramrod-, on 15 March 2021 - 03:12 PM, said:

Yay....more Gauss and PPC spam (and you can't convince me that there won't be). Since you know, this is SniperwarriorOnline.

Lol is it sniper warrior online AND Nascar warrior online at the same time??

#112 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:12 PM

Why increase velocity on ballistics? Do you want them to fire like lazers? Is that the ultimate goal? It's a good thing that they should feel different than energy weapons.. did anyone ask for this?

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 15 March 2021 - 03:14 PM.

#113 Valyknir


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:13 PM

*quietly starts building 3x light ppc mechs*

#114 C337Skymaster


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:16 PM

View PostStitchedup, on 15 March 2021 - 12:22 PM, said:

This is just what this game needs less shooting and if you get shot die quicker, well done ask for what the community wants the just do as you please. (This barbed sarcasm just incase you thought this was praise)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the post: They doubled the armor on 'mechs so weapons would do less damage, so why are we increasing damage beyond TT values for the weapons? If that's the end goal, then we can just go back to TT armor, and 'mechs can die from a single gauss hit to the head, or lights can die from a single AC20 shot, etc.

#115 Kano111


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:17 PM

Thanks for the patch PGI and I appreciate your efforts. I am just about to celebrate my 1 year anniversary in MWO. It's the best online shooter I have ever played. In regards to the patch. I have a few comments.

It seems fairly clear the response in the forum has been 'not great'. I do wonder why you would nerf (the cooldown and heat + minimal damage boost = nerf) weapons (light gauss, light PPC) that are hardly being used in the first place? The cooldown times are weapon breaking unless you are a pro. The Snub is a close range weapon, so it's probably causing more damage to the piloted mech from overheating.

"The ultimate goal is to better reward the PPC players that successfully play to their weapon strength, but also open them up to a bit more natural counter-play when pressed by more close range-focused 'Mechs"

Hard to understand how the heat spiking and cooldown nerfs will help when being pressed by "close range-focused" mechs. The PPC and Gauss variants are already fairly specialised and are difficult to manage without practice. Personally I can see these weapon systems being abandoned (or used less often) for most players. It seems like the idea is to "work the the strength" (range, pinpoint damage) of these systems at the expense of close range encounters. People will simply push aggressively on them and shoot them while reloading or overheating. In matches, we will likely see more:
  • Laser vomit
  • Dakka (especially C/AC2 and C/UAC 5-20 builds)
  • SRM/MRM boats
  • PPC Poptarts (less non JJ PPCs)
  • Nascar.
So instead of opening up the battlefield with trading (which would be fine in a coordinated team), it will be quite to opposite imo.

In summary: PPCs and Gauss are already quite challenging to use in close encounters and this just makes it worse. The cooldown and heat changes are too aggressive and are nullified my the boosts on offer.

Kind regards,

Edited by Kano111, 15 March 2021 - 03:29 PM.

#116 XX Sulla XX


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:17 PM

After around a year really not playing MWO I finally just yesterday played played like 15 games in my 3 ERPPC vapor and did other moves with units etc with a plan to start playing again. I did so with hope PGI would make changes. But this just looks like it is going to suck the fun out of the ERPPC vapor with the new terrible cooldown etc. My return to MWO might be one day long. Hmm I will have to think about this.

PS please consider not ever listening to who ever told you to make these weapon balance changes again. Then reverting these changes. Then working with the community to come up with better changes.


After looking at the "gulag" changes some one mentioned. Just do that. Just try it.

Edited by XX Sulla XX, 15 March 2021 - 03:32 PM.

#117 Heavy Money


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:31 PM

View PostXX Sulla XX, on 15 March 2021 - 03:17 PM, said:

After around a year really not playing MWO I finally just yesterday played played like 15 games in my 3 ERPPC vapor and did other moves with units etc with a plan to start playing again. I did so with hope PGI would make changes. But this just looks like it is going to suck the fun out of the ERPPC vapor with the new terrible cooldown etc. My return to MWO might be one day long. Hmm I will have to think about this.

PS please consider not ever listening to who ever told you to make these weapon balance changes again. Then reverting these changes. Then working with the community to come up with better changes.

"I was going to return to the game but I can no longer play what is widely regarded as the most broken and annoying build" doesn't exactly inspire sympathy. I'm concerned about what these PPC changes will do to other mechs, but tbh it'd almost be worth killing the whole weapon off just to be rid of vapor eagles and their ridiculous imbalances.

#118 East Indy


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:32 PM

View PostTheUltimateGhost, on 15 March 2021 - 02:38 PM, said:

The original cooldown values given here are WRONG, the real value right now is a 4 second cooldown for these PPCs.

And as 4.5 -> 6 is a 33% increase, 4 -> 6 is a 50% increase.

Okay, so I wasn't going crazy.

It's a 25% drop in DPS per the example. And a 40% drop in HPS.

Promoting secondary weapon systems for PPC builds, I guess? "Shoot these while you're waiting!"

#119 Brauer


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:33 PM

This patch is horrendous. You all are nerfing garbage-tier weapons (lppc, LGauss), nerfing weapons that need love (IS peeps), nerfing masc which was a niche piece of equipment, and largely buffing CERPPCs.

Why? Just stop.

On top of all that you're buffing AC velocity, which is largely fine, but the buffs for AC20s on both sides are insufficient, and AC2s didn't need a buff at all. So again it seems like there's very little understanding of what would help weapons or create better balance.

#120 dervishx5


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Posted 15 March 2021 - 03:35 PM

They're not aiming the patches at the competitive players.

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