Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
What about us casual players that want the flavor of real battletech feeling? Why the game has to always shift to the minorities like "Gulag" and "champion" / "competitive people" that are not the majority?
Oh boy.
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
You destroyed Gauss riffle by adding the charge,
Not the fault of Gulag, or even the general competitive playerbase. That was PGI.
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
you gave the PPC splash only to clans,
Also PGI.
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
the same people held a campaign against the LRMS and now its a shame to play that weapon without being discriminated.
Its not just Gulag/Competitive players that hate LRMs. Plenty of casuals out rage out plenty because they got lurmed into oblivion before they even got to shoot anything.
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
Now you want to take away the fun we have from the PPCS (Since you all cry about reverting it). You keep destroying the very core of the playerbase ,the CASUALS.
Once again its not just Gulag/Competitive players that are against this change. Plenty of casuals don't like waiting 3 centuries to fire their magnet guns, or don't like how punishing it is to miss a target that's pushing up.
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
Mechwarrior was about bringing different ideas to the table and surprise your enemies. Not ending up copying eachother's maximum effective builds that are already pre DECIDED by the minority.
The competitive community doesn't decide what works and what doesn't, they just know how to play the game and know how to read the numbers to figure out what is and isn't good. Believe it or not, the Gulag and competitive players hate having only 4 maximum effective builds standing on a peak practically miles above everything else. Its
incredibly boring. They want the variety as much as you do, but you're letting some crazy prejudice against
"the evil comp minority" blind you from seeing this.
When comp players tell you your build is bad, its rarely that they hate the very idea of the build, its just that fundamentally within the current state of balance its a bad build. The whole intention of the Gulag is to close the gap between good and bad so "that build is fundamentally awful" becomes "hey if you shave some armor here and move some ammo there you can get another heatsink".
Alexandros, on 19 March 2021 - 03:56 PM, said:
You push a small company to do constant tuning according to your fetishes and not letting them develop SOMETHING NEW.
PGI has never listened to the community, minority or otherwise. If they go through with the Gulag Public Test Server it will be the
first time that they've listened to
any part of the community.