Brauer, on 02 April 2021 - 09:10 PM, said:
Nerfing whatever was meta is what brought us to this place. Currently IS MPLs, UAC5s, UAC10s, LBX10s, and CERPPCs are all satisfying to use. I'd like to see other weapons buffed up to the point that they are as satisfying to use, or nearly as satisfying to use as the current top picks. I have no interest in seeing everything nerfed to the point where every engagement feels like a pillow fight.
Regarding TTK, since the top weapons are not being buffed this won't do much to impact the minimum TTK that we saw pre-patch. Overall TTK with this patch is going to be complicated because not all players run optimal builds all the time, but imo this patch just tries to put weapons that currently are not meta on a more even playing field with our current meta.
I am definitely aware of previous nerfs to things over the years. So psychologically, it is an unavoidable fact that gamers prefer buffs to nerfs. I get it. That's the way it is is in every game. Certainly related to some primal brain regions and Pleistocene-era evolutionary adaptations where we don't like any of our favorite toys taken away; we'd rather get new ones. It's irrational, but not unexpected. (And I am sure not a popular position to take that nerfs and buffs are equally effective tools at bringing a game into balance).
Additionally, one of the reasons the current meta weapons seem to feel 'satisfying to use' (which I do not dispute) is because everything is relative, i.e., whether people are aware of it or not (most aren't), the meta weapons are satisfying to use because they are optimal relative to so many other useless weapons. If I were to introduce a new more optimal weapon, a lighter LPL with ultra short duration and less heat, it would instantly make the current meta feel 'less satisfying.'
But all of this is neither here nor there if we don't care about TTK. I find your asserertion that 'Regarding TTK, since the top weapons are not being buffed this won't do much to impact the minimum TTK that we saw pre-patch' to be highly dubious at best, and outright malarkey at worst, good sir! (No one get your panties in a bunch please; I like Brauer, he is good people and he is smarter than most of you though you are all lovely
What you are saying would only be true if everyone was already running those 3 or 4 meta weapon systems all the time. So in comp play, yes I am fairly confident TTK will not be changed much from what it was before the March patch. In Soupy Queue, everyone is going to be running around with shiny new buffed weapons that have been made suddenly viable, i.e., all the people playing less than what was previously considered to be optimized builds/meta weapon systems--let's say a completely arbitrary 80% of players in tiers 4-5, 70% of players in tier 3, and 60% of players in tiers 1-2--have had their effective TTK reduced. This will, overall, reduce average TTK in the game.
Now, I am adaptable: I had fun in solo queue, I have fun in soup queue, and I will be fine whether it unmerges or stays the same, and I don't have the time or energy for comp or FP. Similarly with TTK increasing it or reducing doesn't bother me one way or the other--even if changes were fairly drastic; I will adapt. However, you saying you don't want a pillow fight is a clear indication you aren't really in favor of doing to much to increase TTK (no judgment from me either way), but this seems to be PGI's stated goal. And if rescale and agility increases are more than merely modest relative to the weapon buffs, this potentially is going to have the effect of making things definitely seem more like a 'pillow fight' due to smaller hit boxes and the ability to spread more damage. I suppose you could attempt to balance the agility and rescale perfectly against the weapon buffs so TTK isn't affected. But like PGI said, TTK increase is the goal. Do you think this is the wrong path?