![Posted Image](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/022/527/028/4k/victoria-passariello-bsk-low.jpg?1575756496)
![Posted Image](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/thumb/d/db/HBS_Bull_Shark_Screenshot.png/600px-7qycojx5cg6wodjhtnf564wu8rk4rql.png)
Release the Bull Shark, much of the work is already done, it just needs to be integrated in MWO. I tried my best with the variants, to be close to lore as possible. It's basically an IS Mad-Cat MKII.
Bull Shark A
Bull Shark B
Bull Shark C
Bull Shark 1
Bull Shark 2
Bull Shark 3
Bull Shark Castle Bravo
The6thMessenger, on 11 November 2020 - 02:47 PM, said:
![Posted Image](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/thumb/d/db/HBS_Bull_Shark_Screenshot.png/600px-7qycojx5cg6wodjhtnf564wu8rk4rql.png)
Release the Bull Shark, much of the work is already done, it just needs to be integrated in MWO. I tried my best with the variants, to be close to lore as possible. It's basically an IS Mad-Cat MKII.
The Bull-Shark is a stolen prototype of the Clan Wolverine, turned down in favor of the Mad-Cat MK2, it is initially made with Clan-Tech but later used the more common technology of the Inner Sphere. While a formidable opponent to the Mad-Cat MKII, models are known to run quite hot.
Bull Shark A
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/A7S85jY.png)
The Configuraton A is the typical loadout of the Bull Shark upon mass production. It comes with 16 tons of light ferro-fibrous armor for protection. It's armaments include a pair of everything; two 10-tube Long Range Missiles linked to Artemis Fire-Control with three tons of ammunition, a pair of Particle Projector Cannons, and a pair of Ultra Autocannon 5 with four tons of ammunition. Equipped with an XL285 allows a standard 54 KPH with a total of 14 double heat-sinks keeps the 'mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/A7S85jY.png)
The Configuraton A is the typical loadout of the Bull Shark upon mass production. It comes with 16 tons of light ferro-fibrous armor for protection. It's armaments include a pair of everything; two 10-tube Long Range Missiles linked to Artemis Fire-Control with three tons of ammunition, a pair of Particle Projector Cannons, and a pair of Ultra Autocannon 5 with four tons of ammunition. Equipped with an XL285 allows a standard 54 KPH with a total of 14 double heat-sinks keeps the 'mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark B
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/lWOHU0W.png)
The Configuraton B was meant to replace the aging King Crab while being able to be a formidable command-vehicle, it uses a devastating pair of Ultra Autocannon 20, a quartet of Extended Range Medium Lasers, and a pair of 15-tube Long-Range Missiles for long-range fire-support. With only a total of 11 double heat-sinks it typically runs hot.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/lWOHU0W.png)
The Configuraton B was meant to replace the aging King Crab while being able to be a formidable command-vehicle, it uses a devastating pair of Ultra Autocannon 20, a quartet of Extended Range Medium Lasers, and a pair of 15-tube Long-Range Missiles for long-range fire-support. With only a total of 11 double heat-sinks it typically runs hot.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark C
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/DSCjSYD.png)
The Configuration C eschews the Long Range Missiles to upgrade the Particle Cannons into the Heavy variants, and replacing the missiles are a quartet of medium pulse lasers got backup. A total of 15 double heat-sinks is enough to keep the mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/DSCjSYD.png)
The Configuration C eschews the Long Range Missiles to upgrade the Particle Cannons into the Heavy variants, and replacing the missiles are a quartet of medium pulse lasers got backup. A total of 15 double heat-sinks is enough to keep the mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark 1
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/qTsC1rb.png)
The Configuration 1 is a particularly popular variant through the simple use of brute-forcing fire-fights with a wall of shells. It mounts a pair of Rotary Autocannon 5s with 4 tons of ammunition, and a pair of Rotary Autocannon 2s with 3 tons of ammunition, and for backup it has a quartet of Medium Pulse Lasers. A total of 14 double heat-sinks keeps the mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/qTsC1rb.png)
The Configuration 1 is a particularly popular variant through the simple use of brute-forcing fire-fights with a wall of shells. It mounts a pair of Rotary Autocannon 5s with 4 tons of ammunition, and a pair of Rotary Autocannon 2s with 3 tons of ammunition, and for backup it has a quartet of Medium Pulse Lasers. A total of 14 double heat-sinks keeps the mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark 2
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/argv2vB.png)
The Configuration 2 eschews the cannons on each arm with quartet of Large Lasers, two in each hands. Supplementing it's long-range fire-power is a pair of 15-Tube Long-Range Missiles linked to Artemis Fire-Control with three tons of ammunition, and for short-ranged defense is a pair of Streak SRM6s with two tons of ammunition. A total of fifteen double heat-sinks keeps this mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/argv2vB.png)
The Configuration 2 eschews the cannons on each arm with quartet of Large Lasers, two in each hands. Supplementing it's long-range fire-power is a pair of 15-Tube Long-Range Missiles linked to Artemis Fire-Control with three tons of ammunition, and for short-ranged defense is a pair of Streak SRM6s with two tons of ammunition. A total of fifteen double heat-sinks keeps this mech cool.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark 3
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/c2g4AyU.png)
The Configuration 3 is a departure from the standard chassis of the previous production as it is instead built upon an Endo-Steel Chassis. It mounts six Ultra Autocannon 2 with five tons of ammunition, able to provide long-range fire support with extreme prejudice. However it only has a pair of 6-Tubed Short-Range Missiles with two tons of amumunition. Rounding out it's protection is 18 tons of standard armor with an Anti-Missile System. With it's relatively cool armaments, it only comes with 11 single heat-sinks.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/c2g4AyU.png)
The Configuration 3 is a departure from the standard chassis of the previous production as it is instead built upon an Endo-Steel Chassis. It mounts six Ultra Autocannon 2 with five tons of ammunition, able to provide long-range fire support with extreme prejudice. However it only has a pair of 6-Tubed Short-Range Missiles with two tons of amumunition. Rounding out it's protection is 18 tons of standard armor with an Anti-Missile System. With it's relatively cool armaments, it only comes with 11 single heat-sinks.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Bull Shark Castle Bravo
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/8EcdhK2.png)
The Castle Bravo is the first Inner Sphere prototype used by Natasha Kerenesky, featuring first iteration of future weapons that are yet to be mass-produced after a decade. It features a pair of of Heavy PPCs, an MRM40, and an Ultra Autocannon/20, a Light Engine, and a total of
12 Double Heatsinks, which aren't exactly enough for sustained fire causing the mech to easily overheat, earning the nickname "Castle Bravo" which was a prototype nuclear weapon.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
![Posted Image](https://i.imgur.com/8EcdhK2.png)
The Castle Bravo is the first Inner Sphere prototype used by Natasha Kerenesky, featuring first iteration of future weapons that are yet to be mass-produced after a decade. It features a pair of of Heavy PPCs, an MRM40, and an Ultra Autocannon/20, a Light Engine, and a total of
12 Double Heatsinks, which aren't exactly enough for sustained fire causing the mech to easily overheat, earning the nickname "Castle Bravo" which was a prototype nuclear weapon.
> Armor (RA): +8
> Armor (RT): +16
> Armor (LA): +8
> Armor (LT): +16
Much of the work is already done by HBS.
![Posted Image](https://media0.giphy.com/media/UqZ4imFIoljlr5O2sM/giphy.gif)
Edited by The6thMessenger, 29 April 2021 - 06:54 AM.