1453 R, on 21 May 2021 - 08:25 AM, said:
You miss the point, Captain. or I didn't make my own clear enough. Apologies.
I'd rather have Scrapiron in his "off/bad" Highlander that he's built and refined over many, many games - the 'Mech he knows, the 'Mech he likes, the 'Mech he's comfortable in and intimately knows the limits of - than I would any number of other folks piloting a bog-standard DakkaKitty Mack Tew they're driving specifically because the Internet told them that's what they need to drive in order to win fights.
It's similar in a lot of ways to the phenomenon of Netdecking, in competitive card games (a scene I have/had an extensive background in, and in which I was
much better than I am at MWO). Back when there was such a thing as competitive TCG scenes in my area, I never worried about netdeckers. Netdeckers don't know their decks - they can only execute the strategies the Internet tells them to execute, any attempt to deviate from what their deck is 'supposed' to be doing muddies them up and throws them out of their groove. I can look up the counterplay to netdecks as easily as netdeckers can look up netdecks, and a deck I built my own-*** self that does what I want it to do, instead of what the Internet says I should do, lets me play headgames with bad netdeckers that gumps them and lets me win even though their four hundred dollar Golden Super Buy Internet deck is much more powerful than mine.
Because I know what the local scene is like (back when there was one T_T) and how it's different than what the netdeck was built to deal with, I know the structure of the game well enough to know what the netdeck is hoping to accomplish and what its win conditions are, and in many cases I know that netdeck better than the person playing it because I've spent my whole TCG timeframe building my own decks and learning the tools, instead of memorizing rote formulas. Netdeckers are casual players spending more money than they should trying to pretend to be top-level comps by blindly copying top-level comp decks without understanding why those decks are good
in top-level comp, and what they might need to change to make the decks perform better in the slums of Local Sceneland - if they work at all.
MWO is similar. People like to play Top 'Mechs, copying builds from better players or following trends without taking the time to work on their own preferences, their own answers. One of the more successful builds my group runs is an
ACW-2 loaded with a giant heaping mess of dissimilar Streak launchers (avoiding both ghost heat and long downtimes between shots), a TAG (for dealing with stealth armor and the overabundance of enemy ECM), and whichever random energy weapon somebody feels like, with a too-slow engine peeled out of other 'Mechs. Most folks'd look at this thing and just cry into their coffee at the 'waste of tonnage'. It almost never fails to perform well, because it was specifically built as a Fatbro Guard Dog to cripple lights chasing down juicy assault butts, and because the Streak missiles make it quite effective at high-speed engagements against weakened targets. In the early and mid game it parks itself near large, valuable chunks of assault metal and keeps them safe, and in the late game it breaks off and hunts wounded victims to finish off with constant barrages of homing missiles. It's a terrible 'Mech that plays
exactly to what its pilots want to do - they know that 'Mech, they developed it together, and both of its regular users do very well in it.
It doesn't
need to be the 130kph SRM missile bomber everybody figures is the only reason Arctic Wolves exist. It's as fast as it needs to be to do its job of Fatty Escort and lategame hunter-killer. And I'd rather play with this, or LL/LRM Highlanders, or anything else of the like, than with people who build Net'Mechs without any real attempt to adjust their 'Mech to how they play.
I agree AND disagree. did a lot of cardgames too, primarily dominion, the GoT cardgame and dicemasters (which is a cardgame..with dice on top), and at least those three good enough to win local tournaments in a not-sober-state^^
with that background we both seem to share, here's onto your analogy. I get it. I get what you see and mean.
and still I have to say things are the same AND different with mwo.
using your netdeck-analogy: yes, people copying decks exist, as well as copying mechs. ofc they do.
many (as in almost every competent mechjock) WILL arrive at similar optimised mech-configs. what you percieve as a "netmech" is something many of us "evolve" their build to.
two examples, to better understand: when ATMs were new, ppl ran different configs on the hunchieIIC with em - we didnt have a vaporeagle back then. from 4x6, 2x12 and so on, everything was tried by everybody.
many of us tinkering soon found that 3x9 offers us the best compromise of high alpha, good speed, ammo and armor, for a standard-QP-match at least (faction-mechs are a different thing).
soon after you saw 3x9atms everywhere on those hunchies, on huntsmen and later on that very vaporeagle you will view as a "netdeck".
likewise, the hellbringer with the introduction of hvyLL evolved very quickly into 4xerML+2LPL / 2HvyLL you see as a "netdeck", and even an official trialmech.
now; while there ARE people that copy those builds and may not know how to use them - many will learn it; as with netdecks, this is hardly rocket-science and a just matter of understanding, training and willingness to learn.
MANY MORE however 'evolved' their builds to said optimised mech themselves - its just we all came to a very similar and in many cases identical build, the "natural way". and yeah - we DO know how to use them, as we learned that by "playing, adjusting, playing".
and here we are again full circle; a person familiar with a good mechbuild WILL clobber a similar skilled person in a worse (or not optimised) build many times over.
all good and friendly here, so no worries - but I'm offering you to proof my point ofc. send me sth ingame;
you choose your mech (or just tonnage if you don't wanna tell the mech) and the map, I chose a mech of similar weight and over a few rounds and a beer or 2 we can find out what's what
Edited by Captain Caveman DE, 21 May 2021 - 10:16 AM.