Khobai, on 01 July 2021 - 08:14 AM, said:
it only has 2 less DHS than the direwolf so it doesnt really get heat capped any faster than the direwolf does
it can easily have the same cooling as the direwolf if you drop the engine size down and get rid of FF to make room for extra DHS instead. I prefer the extra speed though thats my preference. But even with the smaller engine size youre still going considerably faster than the direwolf.
deathstrike has so many more customization options because its a battlemech.
That's not how heatcap works, and your stipulation was 63kph or faster.
Two less DHS doesn't mean the cooling is the same, or similar, when the initial heat from alpha is considerably higher.
There's no discrediting the capability of the Deathstrike, but your comparisons are simply out of touch.
There's also no real reason to compare the DWF to the MK2 as they're entirely different mechs with different strengths.
Also, can you make a post without going back and editing to adjust your points? It really takes away from the conversation when a response might have to be completely changed because you decided to fluff up your post.
Khobai, on 01 July 2021 - 08:14 AM, said:
The deathstrike build is x2 gauss, x2 clan heavy larges, x4 CERML, x5 tons of ammo, x17 DHS, 350 engine, and uses both endo and ferro.
More weird editing after the fact...
That build doesn't work with slot limitations unless you drop the jumpjet, which is 100% silly to do on the chassis. If that's what you're doing your arguments are even more pointless in comparing these two mechs.
Edited by McGoat, 01 July 2021 - 08:27 AM.