justcallme A S H, on 30 June 2021 - 03:51 PM, said:
- MGs - Agreed. Manny mechs have volume hardpoints make it hard. RoF quirks will come into play on some mechs with limited ballistics so watch out for that - definitely happening/on the radar.
- Flamers - They are really good at what they do - heating up mechs. 1-2 flamers is enough to get a mech to a cap of 90% rather fast for minimal tonnage. You bring 4 and oh boy - any mech you look at it gonna be cookin' and you can go and do this to 2-3 mechs at a time.
There have been suggestions around more dmg, more crits etc - right now we aren't looking to touch them because of how strong they are at what they do. Even if they did a little more damage it would not do much.
Added crits increase is off table. Reasoning is - they already fast heat-cap and if you then now are having weapons crit out as well - that is not FUN gameplay.
If there is a workable suggestion / idea Cauldron would be all ears - most things need a mechanic change however. - TAG - 750m as it is and that is affected by skill tree and mech quirks so you can get out to 900m on some mechs which gives them that flavour option. Is that not enough range? For 1T with great range and neutralises ECM while also helping allied mechs with lockspeed. It is very powerful for that 1T investment.
I cannot say Cauldron has discussed anything around TAG as we deemed that to be fine. - NARC - This is an interesting one. Cauldron have discussed a mechanic change although we obviously cant do that right now - that is the true desire. Changed such that once a mech received "X" damage the NARC beacon falls off/wears off. So you cannot be under NARC for 30-45s and constantly barraged with missiles until you die - that just not FUN.
NARC RoF - Feels fine @ 7s cooldown. It is very strong and given how long it lasts you can have 3-4 NARC beacons active at any given time. Does the game really need more?
NARC ammo - Interested to hear why you think ammo is low. 16 shots and you can increase that via skill tree, that is huge. You generally need 2T max for QP with is ~40 shots. I cannot say a ammo buff has been discussed as being needed.
NARC Tonnage - IS NARC 3T - cNARC 2T. Cauldron has not altered the tonnage of any weapons to date, crit slots yes, not weight. A slippery slope to start perhaps.
MGs: Have you considered the reverse? Buffing MGs and adding negative buffs to mechs with massed ballistics, proportional to the number of hardpoints they have? Honestly, it's really only the lighter mechs with massed ballistics that makes them a serious problem. It could be amusing to have the machine gun King Crab be a relevant threat.
TAG: It neutralizes ECM, but layered ECM and stealth armor are still serious problems for TAG to overcome. At the very least the last time I tried to use TAG, I believe nearby ECM kept a target under ECM effects, even if the primary target had its own ECM neutralized. Stealth seems to completely ignore TAG altogether. This may be the intent of the current balance, but that would be nice to know.
Narc: 16 shots per ton is plenty, provided you never miss. The trouble I see with Narc is primarily the whole "missing" business, it's an incredibly small projectile that fires very slowly and there is zero "response" from it connecting other than the icon popping up. In some ways that's part of what makes it so powerful, in that you can NARC someone and absolutely no one has any idea what's happened or where it came from. That seems a little silly to me, honestly. In combination with the fact that it's rather heavy and you have no idea, going into a QP match, whether it will be at all useful or not makes it a harder sell. If it weren't so strongly linked with being a benefit to LRMs, I would almost suggest changing its concept entirely and completely remove the "enemy spotted" comm wheel option.