Volomon, on 15 July 2021 - 01:24 PM, said:
I donno about this. I mean think Warframe that game is a small development studio. Company of Heroes 2 just upgraded to x64 7 years later. Has 1 guy working on it and gets FREQUENT updates more than on here. The rest of the updates maps ,.etc,. are community driven and so are changes. That's one dude. I think they bumped it up to 5 guys for a few month for x64 but come on.
Except look at the history of the company that made Warframe.
The company Digital Extremes started about 1993. In some of its earliest work, it cooperated with Epic a major company making Unreal games thus was propped up by Epic and gained a lot of experience.
After trying to do their own game with Dark Sector that came out meh, they partnered with other companies on various work. 2K, THQ, Bandai Namco and Paramount. Success or failure, working with big companies allowed them survive.
Digital Extremes is then acquired by some group that rebrands itself as Leyou who just last year was aquired by Tencent. I presume you know how many in gaming feel about THAT company.
Compare that to PGI who started out partnered with IGP, neither a big company and they split. PGI went their own way never partnering with anyone until the recent acquisition by EG7 who is sorta known but not really considered a big name like Epic, 2K, THQ, Bandai or others.
Digital Extremes spent 13 years developing Warframe before it even launched officially, compare that to MWO dev time that was much shorter.
Company of Heroes was put out with support of THQ. When THQ went bankrupt, they sold the dev company Relic to Sega so both CoH titles fell under big name companies.
In short you are comparing companies with ties to big name gaming companies to one, PGI, that has little to no connection to any.
JediPanther, on 15 July 2021 - 03:37 PM, said:
Just get mw5 when it's on sale and hbs battletech.
MW5 however is messed up. Though it can be modded, I do not think there are mods out that address all the core issues. I have seen other games that could be modded where the company still fixed serious core issues despite modding like HBS Battletech did. MW5 seems to fix a few issues here and there but not as well as HBS or some other companies do.
I also do not believe a number of MWO players even bought MW5 or they tried it but either do not play anymore vs are refusing to even talk about it. Would be interesting to see what they had to say if they knew what was in it.
I am not completely down / negative on it. MW5 did some things right but still has serious flaws. If those came into a new version of MWO, the Forum Flame Wars would renew again I have no doubt. It is wildfire season here in North America right now.