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Patch Notes - - 19-October-2021

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#321 Kodan Black


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Posted 01 November 2021 - 12:03 PM

View PostTitan Prometheus, on 01 November 2021 - 10:14 AM, said:

As sure as I can be. PC solid as a rock. I have now spoken with a few others in-game and many are finding similar issues. One thought it might be related to comms via VOIP at inopportune moments e.g. when the game goes from the lobby to the battlefield. I have a suspicion it might be related to alt-tabbing out, which I do often.

Be good to have someone else corroborate that they are experiencing issues.

Not only do I have issues but I would say that the VAST majority of games have 1+ DCs. Nothing has changed on my computer so I'm gonna rule that out. I haven't really seen a pattern though the 2 things I see that seem to happen most is DC on lobby and DC when a lot is happening and it seems to get overwhelmed. Beyond that I've had it happen mid-game, after match, and loads of other times.

#322 Bowelhacker


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Posted 01 November 2021 - 01:58 PM

I'm not getting disconnections, but my frame rates have been often unplayable in recent weeks.

#323 Kodan Black


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Posted 01 November 2021 - 02:20 PM

Some nights the rubber banding is almost unplayable.

#324 Sawk


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Posted 01 November 2021 - 02:52 PM

HI Kodan black.
PLAYED a few games with you, you may have things running in the back ground, i use SPYHUNTER search and destroy, and there reg program, so you get clean, and repair, also it cost money, but worth it--- anything running in the back ground on you PUTER.
are you running a fire wall, if not you need one, i will tell being gamer, ZONE alarm by check point, is ok it has game mode, for testing, it also has 3 levels of COST, and software, but you can put it on 3 computers, or devices i guess they do phones and pads now.
I want tell right away some times this 2 programs will fight from time to time, take it for what its worth, its like the boy and girl i never had, anyway way i also keeps a windows disk around, if thing get CRAZY, i reload windows.
LAST thing i do BUILD, my own COMPUTERS, this rig is off the charts, and i been playing on WIFI, from COMCAST for more then year, sorry my house burnt down, that why i am stuck in a 3 hour window to play.
OHH the computer we built is just over 4000 dollars, say 6 years ago 2 upgrades, and plans now are looking at 3500 bucks, but i have to wait for my money to release, go figure.


#325 Big-G


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Posted 02 November 2021 - 01:30 PM

View PostTitan Prometheus, on 01 November 2021 - 07:05 AM, said:

I am getting constant game crashes now. Perhaps 1 in 5 games even. Something has gone wrong with a recent patch.

Try doing a display driver uninstall using DDU (Google It) and then re-installing it fresh. That always sorts out those issues.

Your driver updates sometimes leaves a lot of "garbage" around that can cause these instabilities.

View Postpattonesque, on 01 November 2021 - 07:47 AM, said:

try setting to borderless windowed, that fixed it for me

The only way I play it these days...

#326 Roodkapje


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Posted 09 November 2021 - 08:25 AM

View PostTitan Prometheus, on 01 November 2021 - 10:14 AM, said:

As sure as I can be. PC solid as a rock. I have now spoken with a few others in-game and many are finding similar issues. One thought it might be related to comms via VOIP at inopportune moments e.g. when the game goes from the lobby to the battlefield. I have a suspicion it might be related to alt-tabbing out, which I do often.

Solid guess because I have VoIP Disabled for years now because I only use our TeamSpeak Server :)

Fullscreen @ 5760x1200 @ 60 Hz
Nvidia GTX 1080 but I don't know the exact Driver version at the moment, although it should not matter IMHO ;)
i7 3930K 6C/12T
Windows 7 Pro
Security Essentials
Firewall Disabled
OS on C:\
Games on D:\
Behind a NAT Router but never had issues when I am behind the 2nd one in my network :)
Based in Europe with a 250/250 Mbps connection
Running my own DNS Stuff via Pi-Hole + Unbound

Hope this helps! :D

#327 D V Devnull


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Posted 10 November 2021 - 06:39 AM

Congratulations, folks! You triggered my Batch Reply Function with enough stuff worth my attention! ^_^

Here my fingers go again (And some four-line gaps to separate each Reply to those it's related to... Maybe I should start using more Horizontal Rule commands in my layout???) while my mind is lagging due to my body...

View PostXDevilsChariotX, on 22 October 2021 - 12:06 PM, said:

Giving the Commando more armor was a ridiculous mistake!

View Postpattonesque, on 22 October 2021 - 12:48 PM, said:

Commando has like no firepower, all it has going for it is survivability

I'm sorry to say, but pattonesque has it right on this one. Prior to the Commando COM-2D getting an Armor Buff to the Arms which it has, it was too easy to lose 66% of that Mech's usual attack capability. At least with it, now that Variant has the fighting chance to be something useful for more than just the best players in the game. :mellow:

View PostTubbyToast, on 23 October 2021 - 03:57 AM, said:

Lurms,AC2s,PPCs and Lasers with the pinpoint duration all working better on Is side.

Uhm... Has my poor mind misread you, or are you saying I.S. LRMs are a pinpoint weapon when we really all know they never have been??? :wacko:

View PostVercors, on 23 October 2021 - 09:45 PM, said:

Thanks for the masc changes.

Seconded... It still felt too short prior to this change, but is now probably in just the right spot for everyone... :)

View Postambosen, on 27 October 2021 - 07:03 PM, said:

So, for the most part, I like how the patch turned out. However there is one weird thing that's occurred that I'm assuming has to be some sort of bug.

Ever since this patch any time I put a RAC-2 or RAC-5 on a number of mechs it seems I get a ludicrously large amount of ammo per ton for them in comparison to what you'd get with or without skill perks or any quirks I know of for literally any other ballistic weapon, even those machine guns that received a flat amount of ammo increase as part of the recent balance changes. I'm talking 1 ton of RAC-5 ammo giving you a bonus ammo count of between twice to three times the stock ammo amount that as far as I can tell, isn't rreally affected by mech quirks or skill perks, to clarify except that it incrreases the already ludicrous ammo amount a fairly marginal amount more in line with ammo counts and upgrades under previous patches.

That's gotta be a bug right? If not, it's a decidedly confusing decision, given it basically gives RAC's a very substantial advantage over other autocannon types in terms of hypothetical damage done over time as well as potential staying power. Especially since vulnerability to damage from ammo explosions with or without CASE of RAC equipped mechs doesn't seem to have changed much at all from previous patches from what I can see.

I'm guessing you're a Light Mech Pilot normally, right? This change was only applied to a dozen Variants in the entire list of Mechs which exist in MWO at this time. Some of them are Medium Weight Class Mechs as well. Further, the change silently increases the chances of taking damage from an Ammo Explosion happening because the bins on a small number of Mechs will not be depleting so soon. It basically piggy-backs off the "Magazine Capacity" Skill Nodes for how it works. Sure that extra Ammo can be a miracle blessing for pilots of this small bundle of Mechs which got it, but it's also a massive curse if they can't use it up fast enough. And before you ask, this increase to Ammo-Per-Ton which someone chooses to load in their Mech is something that "The Cauldron" did intentionally, and possibly very much for allowing that purpose. I can't even tell you if they would have to change this again at some point down the road, as I have no clue. :o

View PostKodan Black, on 01 November 2021 - 02:20 PM, said:

Some nights the rubber banding is almost unplayable.

Heh... You're not the only one seeing glitches like this. Have you felt the one at the start of a Viridian Bog Match where it throws your JumpJet-enabled Mech up in the air, or just quick-deals some damage to your Legs if it can not? There has to be a problem with the Viridian Bog terrain data itself, but I can not figure out the specifics of how without some serious tools to use. I know the problem is not on my end simply because I use the Repair Tool and verify my configuration with every Game Update Patch that gets sent out. :blink:

...and now I'm gone again. Who knows... Maybe I missed saying something here, but I just can not see it right now. Have a nice day, everyone whom I chose the option of replying to! B)

~D. V. "Dealing with body lag on 2021-11-10 while chattering about Patch v1.4.247.0 Game Mechanics" Devnull

#328 ghost1e


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Posted 10 November 2021 - 01:06 PM

View PostTubbyToast, on 23 October 2021 - 03:57 AM, said:

On Is side stands Battlemaster 6erll +30%range boost defeats the supernover with more range and way better peaks ,PPC Highlander Is also wins against Highlander IIC with more velocity (close to 3000) and range of cause, Awsome mech again with crazy range and is basiclly king of the ppcs...
Lurms,AC2s,PPCs and Lasers with the pinpoint duration all working better on Is side.
Just some facts i had in mind doesn't mean i think Is is superiore in eveyway. I also think clanners don t use they full potential and keep sticking to old builds what ash said already.

There's a good reason most comp teams use mainly clan mechs atm. awesome is not the king of ppcs, if there is one, it's probably the summoner. supernova, mad cat and direwolf might just be the best trade assaults rn.
in summary, I'd almost say clan is a little too strong

#329 evlkenevl


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Posted 11 November 2021 - 07:25 AM

Who asked for Viridian Bog to be redone? Just like PGI before it, the Cauldron is steamrolling forward. Starts out with the intent of doing better, then just gets full of itself.

#330 pattonesque


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Posted 11 November 2021 - 08:31 AM

View Postevlkenevl, on 11 November 2021 - 07:25 AM, said:

Who asked for Viridian Bog to be redone? Just like PGI before it, the Cauldron is steamrolling forward. Starts out with the intent of doing better, then just gets full of itself.

which part of the new viridian bog do you have an issue with?

#331 C337Skymaster


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Posted 12 November 2021 - 09:28 AM

View PostTheUltimateGhost, on 10 November 2021 - 01:06 PM, said:

There's a good reason most comp teams use mainly clan mechs atm. awesome is not the king of ppcs, if there is one, it's probably the summoner. supernova, mad cat and direwolf might just be the best trade assaults rn.
in summary, I'd almost say clan is a little too strong

Comp is 8v8. All other modes are 12v12. Comp is also Conquest with chassis variation requirements, so you don't get the campy trading game like you do in Faction Play, or some QP matches. Only one of the three 'mechs you listed has a halfway decent peeking profile for hill-humping, while the IS counterparts (Stalker and Battlemaster, specifically) have extremely high, closely spaced torso mounts that allow those 'mechs to hull-down behind terrain and hide their center-mass behind invisible walls. Combine that with range quirks and Ghost Heat limits, IS has the overall better peeking and trading setup, and any combination of 8 Stalkers and Battlemasters will out-trade any combination of 8 Supernovas and Dire Wolves in every match.

#332 justcallme A S H


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Posted 12 November 2021 - 07:43 PM

If you deliberately design a scenario to achieve an outcome to support your argument - it comes as no surprise that outcome will be achieved.

Although it would be arguable that your scenario would even come to pass.

Thankfully MWO and it's gameplay will never be a specific scenario. MWO and gameplay is quite dynamic hence the Pro/Con, Strat/Counter, Strength/Weakness and then mode and map variables etc etc all come into play.

So making a specific scenario to try and create a basis for a point of argument is essentially pointless.

#333 ghost1e


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Posted 13 November 2021 - 12:39 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 12 November 2021 - 09:28 AM, said:

Comp is 8v8. All other modes are 12v12. Comp is also Conquest with chassis variation requirements, so you don't get the campy trading game like you do in Faction Play, or some QP matches. Only one of the three 'mechs you listed has a halfway decent peeking profile for hill-humping, while the IS counterparts (Stalker and Battlemaster, specifically) have extremely high, closely spaced torso mounts that allow those 'mechs to hull-down behind terrain and hide their center-mass behind invisible walls. Combine that with range quirks and Ghost Heat limits, IS has the overall better peeking and trading setup, and any combination of 8 Stalkers and Battlemasters will out-trade any combination of 8 Supernovas and Dire Wolves in every match.

Clan and IS have about equal range. the only real advantage IS has is its lower burn time, at the expense of less damage. Clan can make up for the burn time by using gauss though, so you get a STK firing 6xERLL for 54 damage over 1.3 seconds (45 over 0.8s if you eat ghost eat with 5xERLL). Meanwhile a MCII can shoot 4xERLL 2xGauss for 74 damage over 1.1 seconds. Now, I'm very sure the MCII will win that trade. The other advantage the STK has are its hitboxes, but those matter less at a higher level of play since people can just easily shoot CTs. Mounts aren't too relevant tbqh imo, as long as they are decent, the exposure time is about the same as for a mech with great ones.

P.S.: Comp is actually mostly trading at a high level. And I really don't see how it being only 8v8 would matter much.

#334 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 November 2021 - 04:48 AM

View PostTheUltimateGhost, on 13 November 2021 - 12:39 AM, said:

Clan and IS have about equal range. the only real advantage IS has is its lower burn time, at the expense of less damage. Clan can make up for the burn time by using gauss though, so you get a STK firing 6xERLL for 54 damage over 1.3 seconds (45 over 0.8s if you eat ghost eat with 5xERLL). Meanwhile a MCII can shoot 4xERLL 2xGauss for 74 damage over 1.1 seconds. Now, I'm very sure the MCII will win that trade. The other advantage the STK has are its hitboxes, but those matter less at a higher level of play since people can just easily shoot CTs. Mounts aren't too relevant tbqh imo, as long as they are decent, the exposure time is about the same as for a mech with great ones.

P.S.: Comp is actually mostly trading at a high level. And I really don't see how it being only 8v8 would matter much.

Comp being only 8v8 (and having 3 or 4 of those 8 elsewhere dealing with caps rather than participating in the main trading game) helps when considering speed and maneuverability in deciding how good or bad a build is: an 85 tonner (either tech tree) has better accel/decel and turning/twisting speeds to enable it to expose for the minimum amount of time possible and twist off a greater amount of damage, which is important when you're taking fire from 8 or 10 entrenched defending 'mechs at once and you're one of only two or three 'mechs exposed (or possibly exposed completely by yourself). A very common situation to find yourself in in Faction Play. Additionally, at least on Boreal Vault, and in a couple other Faction maps, the trading range is well in excess of the effective range of most weapons, such that you're dealing 25% or less of your effective damage. In those situations, energy weapons reign supreme because they simply have to cool off and can keep firing, eventually dealing the required damage if the ranges never close. Gauss Rifles will eventually run out of ammunition if each shot is counting for an insufficient percentage of a target's armor, regardless of their ability to tickle at that range. Alpine Peaks is the only QP map I can think of where trading at that kind of extreme range takes place, and then only a couple of times as one team moves up behind the hill at L8 and begins trading over and around it within effective range of most weapons. 90% of FP range trading takes place at the extreme end of weapon range where ammunition based weapons simply can't reach, or are extremely inefficient even if they can reach.

As far as less damage on IS side: Both sets of ERPPC have the same range with the same pinpoint damage allocation, and IS has numerous builds, now, which can fire more than the allotted two-per-salvo. ERLL, while individually having a lower damage amount on the IS variant, can fire 3 per salvo (3x9=27), while Clan is limited to 2-per in most cases, and in every case where the mounts aren't extremely low-slung, forcing over-exposure to get off a decent shot (2x11=22). And while Clan is technically capable of "eating the ghost heat" given a sufficient quantity of heat sinks, the simple fact that the warning presents at 2 is going to discourage most pilots from doing so.

And saying "IS ERLL is dominating Faction Play right now" is not setting up a specific scenario to make a complaint, it's stating an observed fact. I haven't seen much other than IS ERLL boats in the last several Faction Play matches I've played, with the sole exception of MRM boats on Terra Therma due to the shorter ranges and the heat. We, as Clans, took our own ERLL boats to counter, and got absolutely cut to ribbons, so no, Clan ERLL cannot compete with IS ERLL at the moment in Faction Play. The vast majority of IS ERLL boats are Stalkers and Battlemasters, with the occasional Annihilator-1P observed using its own high-torso-mounted configuration and much greater armor allocation. I would argue that its mounts aren't as ideally placed as the Stalker and Battlemaster in comparison to the Cockpit, but it was arguably just as difficult to trade against and took several of us out before we were able to bring it down.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 14 November 2021 - 04:56 AM.

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