GuardDogg, on 02 November 2021 - 10:28 AM, said:
Deleted. But why? It is proof. Are we to remain silent? And their is lots of em, solid Proof of pure hacking. Good ones to.
If you want to discuss the matter, there's a thread about it on Reddit - but PGI does not want any discussion of the subject on this forum.
From a certain perspective, they are not wrong about it - in the long term, allowing it would lead to an insane level of toxicity on the forums.
I am shocked, ticked off, and I was ridiculed for the 6 erppc raven.
The accusation in question is very different - the only proof you had for the alleged 6 ERPPC Raven is your own word of mouth (and at the time, your credibility, or at least the credibility of how you remembered it, was fairly low - given that you repeatedly claimed to pilot a King Crab build that the game doesn't actually permit to exist), whereas the other one had its' allegations thoroughly documented
and the alleged cheats used are also more plausible on a technical level.
Stating MWO could never be hacked, when I see it now, and been going on since MWO came out.
I know English is not your first language, so maybe some of this is just a problem with language barriers.
The cheats alleged in this scenario are plausible on the client alone. To do some of the things you claimed, the supposed cheater would have to have control over the game server itself. That's like the difference between saying "I saw a plane" (and having a photograph that certainly
looks like one) and saying "I saw an alien spaceship".
Edited by Horseman, 03 November 2021 - 09:21 PM.