Edited by LordNothing, 29 October 2021 - 06:52 PM.

What New Weapons Would The Cauldron Recommend?
Posted 29 October 2021 - 06:48 PM
Posted 29 October 2021 - 09:01 PM
IS omnis I would just use quirks or allow some more changes but still with limits. Like perhaps a xl300 can be changed to lfe300 or std300, or to a lfe/std engine of the same weight.
Posted 29 October 2021 - 10:08 PM
dario03, on 29 October 2021 - 09:01 PM, said:
IS omnis I would just use quirks or allow some more changes but still with limits. Like perhaps a xl300 can be changed to lfe300 or std300, or to a lfe/std engine of the same weight.
Yep, my baby Urbies have been waiting for 2x LAC5 for a long time, also Proto-ACs for Clans.
Also Binary Lasers because IS needs their basically heavy-laser as well, MML as soon as PGI figures out the ******* ammo-switching, RACs for Clans, HvACs because why not.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 01:28 AM
Seriously speaking, most tech in Battletech starting with the clan invasion is just pointless power creep with no added gameplay depth. You'd have to cut out most stuff from any new era and only include whatever the MWO devs can invent new interesting mechanics for, which is not easy at all.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 01:48 AM

In that regard the BattleTech weapon development is understandable. Sadly for a gameing envoirment such as MWO that is kinda boring to the point where it just makes some older weapons opsolete and the Cauldron did just put so much work into balanceing things out.
So in that regard, yes new tech would need some gameplay niche that makes the use interesting. I think some balance of advantage vs drawback could be a way to balance things out.
For that to happen and be more detailed we would also need a rework on some other stuff like weapon converganze that many people hate by default. God forbide you don't have pinpoint accuracy.
Heat table needs an introduction. Radar needs a rework and other stuff.
In the end I think we will end up with MWO 2.0 and we kinda know that this won't happen. The licence is running out and I guess there is only a next to non existing chance of it beeing extended another time.
I hope they prove me wrong.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 02:39 AM
Nesutizale, on 30 October 2021 - 01:48 AM, said:
I hope they prove me wrong.
Honestly, me too.
I just bought 7$ worth of MC right now to quality on the ECM Urbie.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 02:51 AM
napalm missiles
green tag laser
twin microlaser
black smoke launcher
dual targeting computer for arm mounted gun and fixed position
Tag Lock Missile TOM launcher who need a tag and locking
backward shooting for turrets
New armor, lights gain increased center armor but losses all side torso slots.
weld tool able to recover health to the body but damages armor
Posted 30 October 2021 - 03:38 AM
also weapons tech is pretty basic. ;p.
how about parity between the factions for max fit options no clan rotaries ie and duh gatling guns have been a thing since near firearms were invented yet the clans cant figure the things out........REALLY bothers me just saying. nm looting the things off enemy mechs nope cant reverse engineer that, huh? so much logic and lore fail my brain hurts some times.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 04:38 AM
For IS omni's for low end mechs like For example BJ-Omni stronger survival quirks and offensive quirks for low weapon point pods, and if possible for most omni's that use xl I would have them be treated as a lfe or something.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 09:32 AM
Posted 30 October 2021 - 09:41 AM
Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:35 PM
Nesutizale, on 30 October 2021 - 12:32 PM, said:

A lot of new guns could easily copy existing mechanics. Armor on the other hand is a bit trickier because IDK if this game can distinguish between different damage types.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:37 PM

Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:49 PM
FupDup, on 30 October 2021 - 12:35 PM, said:
Well at least you could bring heavy armor or this costum armor plates (forgot the name. Reduces speed for extra armor) could be brought in.
Katrina Steiner, on 30 October 2021 - 12:37 PM, said:

And add Melee like in MW5
Posted 30 October 2021 - 12:52 PM
Nesutizale, on 30 October 2021 - 12:49 PM, said:
By "custom armor plates" I think you mean Modular Armor.
Either Modular Armor or Hardened Armor would depend on if we could attach quirks to equipment. If we could, then I think they could be done, or at least Mod Armor could.
Hardened Armor also depends on EITHER having all damage reduced by 50% or having twice as much armor capacity to achieve the same effect. Or maybe that could also be done with a 100% armor quirk.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 01:56 PM
Nesutizale, on 30 October 2021 - 01:48 AM, said:

In that regard the BattleTech weapon development is understandable. Sadly for a gameing envoirment such as MWO that is kinda boring to the point where it just makes some older weapons opsolete and the Cauldron did just put so much work into balanceing things out.
So in that regard, yes new tech would need some gameplay niche that makes the use interesting. I think some balance of advantage vs drawback could be a way to balance things out.
For that to happen and be more detailed we would also need a rework on some other stuff like weapon converganze that many people hate by default. God forbide you don't have pinpoint accuracy.
Heat table needs an introduction. Radar needs a rework and other stuff.
In the end I think we will end up with MWO 2.0 and we kinda know that this won't happen. The licence is running out and I guess there is only a next to non existing chance of it beeing extended another time.
I hope they prove me wrong.
i cant imagine the license thing being an issue. ms has proven time and time again that they are willing to negotiate. all pgi really has to do is make it worth their while, that of course means windows and xbox take priority and get first release, and then other platforms after an exclusive period. im sure it wouldnt be too difficult to get another extension if thats what pgi wants to do. of course part of that might mean a new game.
Edited by LordNothing, 30 October 2021 - 01:58 PM.
Posted 30 October 2021 - 03:18 PM
I am not that certain that PGI can prove to MS that its worth extending it. IIRC PGI makes hardly any profit from MWO so I don't see how they want to pay MS. Also I could be completly wrong and the reason why PGI dosn't make a profit is because all the money goes directly to MS

To me the only way to make MWO profitable again is to appeal to a new playerbase, also the current one is very generouse I think and would invest into an MWO 2.0, it bears the question if the old playerbase alone is enough for createing MWO 2.0. Espacialy with MW5 and its planed DLC and maybe Clan addon takeing up a lot of money and time?
Still there is hope that the new fusion, whatever, with the new published made them enough money and with the new crytech team from that other company they can actually pull it off.
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