Doing this topic to share a pretty big issue with Hellebore Outpost.
Firstly, i'll state that i love this new map and the multiple engagement opportunities it offers. And it's beautiful.
Now to the main point :
There's a big problem with some map hitboxes.
I'm thinking of one in particular in the canyon on one side of the map (next to the "tunnel")

The hitbox of the rocks is way bigger than the visual and you end up hitting an invisible wall a lot. Forgot to take a screen yesterday when i was in this spot and couldn't hit my ennemies consistantly even tho i tried to distance myself far from the wall, also the ennemies ended up rushing at me to get me out of this spot and had to expose themselves by going much further than they expected because even tho they had a clear visual on me, they kept hitting an invisible wall.
On the screen we can see how this spot is bugged :
if there was an enemy who was hiding behind the rocks and i flanked him so he was right in front of me with no cover anymore : I'll still shoot an invisible wall even tho he has no protection anymore (he can't shoot me either tho)
Edited by Veolfen, 16 December 2021 - 01:15 AM.