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Weekly Review - July 27th

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:00 AM

Weekly Review – July 27th

This (work) week is technically coming to an end, but we have that Nvidia MWO Community Event tonight, so there’s more to come. Let’s review anyway: Monday was Ask The Devs 11 – Answers, followed up quickly by Here's Caustic Valley. Then on Tuesday by the release of more Beta Keys, then some more Beta keys were tossed in throughout the week. Wednesday we announced that we'd be covering the Mech Madness event as closely as possible, as well as releasing Here's The Jenner - a look at the founders package Jenner. Thursday we put up the Official Mech Madness thread, and today we're going to give you as much coverage as we possibly can.

You can join us today at http://mwomercs.com/chat for Live chat with me, on the forums in our Official Mech Madness Thread. We'll also have updates on our facebook as well as our twitter.

So please, come join us at 5:30 PST (8:30 EST) for the start of the Mech Madness event; posts will be made on twitter with a #mechmadness hashtag, periodic updates will be made on Twitter, and I'll likely be sitting in the http://mwomercs.com/chat chat room giving updates the second I get them.


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#2 Greyrook


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:02 AM

You guy's are the bomb, hope the event goes well!

#3 miscreant


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 09:07 AM

I'll be there...Could hardly sleep last night. Long day ahead of me, making my boss rich. Hope the day goes by quickly.

#4 Graives


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 10:46 AM

Just a correction, I'm pretty certain that.. Yeah, I just double checked. ATD 11 was posted on Wed, not Monday. Not only was it late, it was really half assed at that, nothing was actually said and the post had half as much dialog as any other ATD. A lot of people were disappointed. I think there were 2 posts of people being happy about THG getting mentioned.

Also, the Mech Madness thread was posted on Wed, not Thurs. And the word was in there, that there would not be any streaming of the event, including the matches. I am however, glad to hear that things have changed since then and there will be streaming tonight.

I'm not hating on you guys, but you gotta know you can't just play it how you want and then tell the community what you want them to hear/think and expect it to go over without a hitch. At least not with this kind of community. I'm not getting payed for this or anything, but I was able to spot all of these inconsistencies in a matter of moments, and post them in just a few minutes. I just hope that all of the quality that is missing here lately is seriously going into the game.

#5 Taavetti


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Posted 27 July 2012 - 06:54 PM

This is the first post that I've read on the forum. Graives, are you really that hot under the collar about notes posted to the community? The game is what, a few weeks from launching. With any luck, those guys are able to go home before midnight to have some cold dinner. My opinion is that they should get a little break on the notes.

In all seriousness, that kind of close attention to detail may be a symptom of a syndrome called Aspergers. It's a tough thing to have, and if left untreated can be really painful. If I were in your shoes, I would consider seriously getting tested and finding treatment. I don't mean it as an insult at all, please don't take it that way.

#6 Fooooo


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 12:31 AM

View PostTaavetti, on 27 July 2012 - 06:54 PM, said:

This is the first post that I've read on the forum. Graives, are you really that hot under the collar about notes posted to the community? The game is what, a few weeks from launching. With any luck, those guys are able to go home before midnight to have some cold dinner. My opinion is that they should get a little break on the notes.

In all seriousness, that kind of close attention to detail may be a symptom of a syndrome called Aspergers. It's a tough thing to have, and if left untreated can be really painful. If I were in your shoes, I would consider seriously getting tested and finding treatment. I don't mean it as an insult at all, please don't take it that way.

Its not a few weeks from releasing.

August 7th is when all the founders are supposed to be in the closed beta afaik. (thats not the release date)

Then a little after that it will goto open beta.

Then a bit after that it will release.



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Posted 28 July 2012 - 07:07 AM

You guys should do a Billy Mays commercial for the next Mech announcement.

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#8 3trip


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 05:04 PM

yeah, when are you going to announce the urbanmech?

#9 Failure Pride


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Posted 28 July 2012 - 08:06 PM

cool art bro

#10 Zeon x LobbieZ


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Posted 29 July 2012 - 05:34 PM

Hope I can get a beta key so I can play this Awsome game. :D)

#11 Morang


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 09:42 AM

...And this week looks absolutely bare up for now. Not even Jenner wallpaper we need to complete Founders wallpaper series. Our high hopes is on Wednesday however, any Assault Mech is cool.

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