The large weapon loadout of mechs is supposed to make them flexible over all ranges, too much specialization robs them of this flexibility and short range weapons alone only make sense in exactly those areas where you should not use mechs due to their size (urban areas) because they are easy prey for infantry and tanks.
and lights...
That is the basic problem that light mechs, which were never intended as opponents for other heavier mechs, were pushed into a game and a role where only damage and kills from mechs count because there is nothing else PVE. Humvees and Willy Jeeps against Panthers and Abrams.
Then there are artistic designs that were never meant to be simulated in a virtual environment where they are suddenly real bodies that can be hit if we had real physical rules here, the first original designs(thank Alexis for the new functional Look) would probably fall to the ground with the first step go, since they also had missing joints and completely unrealistic center of gravity.
Designs like Hollander pure nonsense(who this construct have the Place for his Ammunition?)or mechanical Nonsense like Komodo(legs to far from the gravity Point for a bipedal walk-
walking on two feet is a controlled fall onto the other leg, while the center of gravity has to be shifted over the supporting leg for a short time).Many in the BT was nonsense and its becomes more and more rules for more and bigger nonsense, fight against Aerospacefighters...Clans...Protomechs(idea good-technical Design terrible with his greek Monsterart).To many unrealistic SF Elements thats never can balanced only with a Rescaling.
Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 07 February 2022 - 09:23 PM.