Seriously, this is just dumb. Whenever i play against a team with more than ONE player with RACs, even if they both have only one RAC/5, they literally smelt my allies. 11 DPS is a massive number, basically this is the same as Clan ERLL that fires every second, generates only half of normal C-ERLL heat per second, and PERMANENTLY BLINDS THE TARGET. This is not ok, at all, whenever i play against team with 2 or more RAC boats it is 90% chance of have 12-2 or 12-3 loss. When you are being fired upon with RACs you cant even fall back normally, because you can't see whatever is going on on battlefield. And it is not a "blinding" utility weapon that deals no damage, every second you spend in front of the RAC boat your armor decreases by at least 11 points. And you can't effectively back off. And you cant shoot the RAC off even if you have 91.5 alpha strike damage, because you dont know where is it and you can't see due to explosions. Players who usually boat RACs will respond to all this points with lines such as "go to the cover", "hit R and fire back" or sometimes even simple "play better". RACs HAVE to be nerfed, or soon it will be the ONLY weapon that can be seen on battlefiels, because it can outdamage every other weapon.
If fact that even couple of RAC boats can constantly let their teams win with scores like 12-2 or 12-3 is not enough, I found this: When i was testing weapons, i tried to maximise damage potential of my Atlas. I usually run a 4xML + 4xSRM/6 + AC/20. Without the AC/20 my alpha damage number (The "firepower" stat in the "Mech stats" Window in Loadout section in MechLab) was 71.5 With AC/20 it went to a 91.5, because AC/20 deals 20 damage per shot. And when i installed a RAC/5 instead of AC/20, my damage number went all the way up to 126.2. 126.2 CARL!!!. RAC/5 occasionaly deals 54,7 DAMAGE. This is 34,7 Damage MORE than AC/20, the most powerful single shot cannon-type and truly iconic battletech weapon. But there is more: AC/20 Weights 14 tons and occupies 10 slots. RAC/5, on the other hand, weights only 10 tons and occupies only 6 slots. So, the weapon that deals MORE THAN TWICE BIGGER damage than AC/20 (in game's opinion, at least) weight nearly 33% less and occupies 40% less space. What a balance. RAC/2 is also a nonsence, because it weights only 8 tons and occupies 3 slots. The AC/2 have equal weight and occupies only 2 slots less. But while AC/2 deals 2 damage per shot and rougly 2,7 DPS, RAC/2 deals 32,2 damage in "firepower" stat of the mech and deals 6.5 DPS. This is NOT ok. RACs HAVE to be nerfed, even game itself is telling us that they are OP.
The same thing with all UACs but they aren't SO unbalanced. Still, a DIrewolf with all his hardpoints filled with UACs can deal humongous DPS and blind people just as RAC boat does. So they also probably have to be stricted a bit.
Edited by JumpingHunter, 30 January 2022 - 06:55 AM.