w0qj, on 26 February 2022 - 12:07 AM, said:
In fact, if I were MWO management, I would have delayed publishing this MWO 2022 Roadmap (or the lack thereof), citing the very recent sudden European tension, and "will give an appropriate update MWO 2022 Roadmap in due time".
What does that have to do with MWO ?!
I suggest you follow your own advice :
If you have nothing good to say, better to say nothing. (as the saying goes).
And do some actual reading on the situation instead of watching the news on TV and your local newspapers...
Mighty Spike, on 26 February 2022 - 12:21 AM, said:
How the Hell you Guys saw that image??? just looked now under the Roadmap link and see nothin, null nada zero..

you Guys are amazing +1
I don't get it either and I often check for such stuff by pressing CTRL+A
Perhaps something that only works in Chromium based browsers ?!
If so : Please avoid creating another case of "Internet Explorer 6.0" interwebz...
Horseman, on 26 February 2022 - 01:07 AM, said:
This is what I got:

Seriously : How ?!
John Bronco, on 26 February 2022 - 12:26 AM, said:
How about some quality of life stuff, like getting rid of map voting to get into games quicker
Why would you do that ?!
IMHO it's a great option for avoiding crappy maps that are still crap after the editing done the last year or so!
or adding a global chat to aid unit recruitment, or making it so you could mechlab while searching?
Those two would be GREAT tho!
Any of that to make this game seem slightly less like a 10 year old hunk of junk would be great, because the combat is still quite good.
10 years... DAMN... you could be right!

Time goes by so faaaaast!!!
Weeny Machine, on 26 February 2022 - 12:41 AM, said:
Something tells me we are locked in the dominating monotone l4z0r vomit and snipe meta for a long time. ZzZZZzzzzz
Camper/Snipe meta really needs to disappear indeed!