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Bring Back "classic" Hpg

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#21 pbiggz


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Posted 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM

View PostNightbird, on 29 March 2022 - 06:06 PM, said:

Why not let the voters decide what is better?

Because they vote for what gets them easy rewards every time, the map that punishes snipers and rewards nascar laservomit skirmishers. We've discussed this fallacy already, but its why toxic metas can be so damaging to a game; people will literally choose to do the less fun thing if it gets them better bing bing wahoos. They'll do it until its so unfun they burn out and quit. Designers need to actively be aware of when their games encourage players to play in a toxic way because you literally cant expect players to control themselves.

View PostExtra Guac, on 29 March 2022 - 06:46 PM, said:

That's really not true. You could take the top, or take the bottom. A donut implies that you couldn't occupy the center of the map.

Its only redeeming quality. This is a nitpick at best. You can also take the top and bottom of new HPG and the added real estate makes it a vastly better experience, and the sniper perches add a piece of counterplay so that a faster or slightly more coordinated team still has to fight to hold the middle, rather than just win by default because they got there first and the opposition splintered.

View PostBud Crue, on 28 March 2022 - 08:06 PM, said:

There is no question that new HPG "plays differently" than old HPG, but how does a single map, even if I agree with your premise that THEE most popular map in the game was an objectively bad map, force or even encourage players to "cling to outdated builds and bad strategies" or prevent them from having to "avoid having to think critically and up their games"? What super inventive build and game upping techniques does new HPG encourage that old HPG didn't afford? What brilliant strategy is being consistently applied to new HPG that was impossible to utilize on old HPG?

Old HPG punished pretty much everything except modestly fast laser skirmishers. Its too small for snipers, and too open for lights. Its about as close to a grey box prototype map with generic boxes for obstacles as you can get. All the action goes straight to the middle, where it clashes on the top or bottom or nascars. Rare were the matches where the edge of the map was actually in play. If every match plays in one of 3 almost the same ways, the map isn't offering enough.

View PostBud Crue, on 28 March 2022 - 08:06 PM, said:

Sure there is less NASCAR around the center, but there is way more wall snipping and basement camping than there ever was before. Are those suddenly considered "good" strategies?

Yes. Literally yes. These are good things. The specific things certain people are loudly whining about are the exact reasons the new map is good. They don't like it because it offers a challenge they think they're entitled not to deal with.

If there's a center feature, holding it should be good, but not an auto win. There should be walls and perches to snipe off of. There should be enough pathways and cover for light mechs to hit and fade. There should be enough terrain for slow brawlers to maneuver cleverly. All of these strategies should be in play. If you can't pick the mech you want for the map you play, then each map must offer options for every valid playstyle, as new HPG does. That's how this works.
Old HPG punished pretty much everything except modestly fast laser skirmishers. Its about as close to a grey box prototype map with generic boxes for obstacles as you can get. All the action goes straight to the middle, where it clashes on the top or bottom or nascars. Rare were the matches where the edge of the map was actually in play.

#22 Bud Crue


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Posted 29 March 2022 - 07:58 PM

View Postpbiggz, on 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM, said:

Yes. Literally yes. These are good things.

You heard it here folks, basement camping is the pinnacle of MWO strategy reserved for the best maps and the most elite players. It’s so weird that no one ever did this on old HPG, and it took a redesign to show us all that the most evolved and superior tactic was to hide in the basement, or stand 1000M out on a wall. Tactics that were apparently impossible on old HPG, and only made possible on new HPG. Truly, only the most eliete and advanced of players and builds would have realized this. Thankfully new HPG showed us the way. LOL.


#23 PocketYoda


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Posted 29 March 2022 - 10:17 PM

Please give me more Nascar.. Lets not.

Lets remove voting completely and just have randomly different maps and matches each game.

#24 Extra Guac


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM

View Postpbiggz, on 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM, said:

Old HPG punished pretty much everything except modestly fast laser skirmishers. Its about as close to a grey box prototype map with generic boxes for obstacles as you can get. All the action goes straight to the middle, where it clashes on the top or bottom or nascars. Rare were the matches where the edge of the map was actually in play.

I disagree. It had a lot of level changes via ramps, which led to some dynamic play & rewarded jump jets. Fast lights could do well, and dakka was fine, in addition to lasers, PPC poptarts, and many different playstyles. It was a mid to close range map. New HPG is just another ERLL sniper map.

#25 Feezou


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 06:37 AM

I miss all the brawls I’ve had to take the top on old HPG, but it’s better that’s it’s gone. Once a team lost the top, an endless spiral would start. New HPG can be restrictive to movement at times, but it is nowhere near as bad as old HPG.

#26 pbiggz


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 07:22 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 29 March 2022 - 07:58 PM, said:

You heard it here folks, basement camping is the pinnacle of MWO strategy reserved for the best maps and the most elite players. It’s so weird that no one ever did this on old HPG, and it took a redesign to show us all that the most evolved and superior tactic was to hide in the basement, or stand 1000M out on a wall. Tactics that were apparently impossible on old HPG, and only made possible on new HPG. Truly, only the most eliete and advanced of players and builds would have realized this. Thankfully new HPG showed us the way. LOL.


I mean you can elect to ignore 90% of my post if that's what you wan't to do. I can't stop you. You can enjoy being wrong.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM, said:

New HPG is just another ERLL sniper map.

Except there's lots of ways to counter snipers and break line of sight with them. The snipers have to park on a wide open perch, usually far away from the rest of their team. Send lights to kill them, or sneak up behind them. Snipers don't like getting brawled. Additionally both the top and bottom, and the area around the middle have cover to help you break line of sight with the perches.

Not personally liking having to play against snipers is not an actual rationale for building maps that actively punish them. I don't enjoy PVPing against rogues in world of warcraft, that doesn't mean I'm entitled to demand their nerfing or removal from the game.

If players don't get to choose either the map they play on, or the mech they play on a particular map, then every map needs to offer options for every build. Recall how many brawlers felt when they landed on old polar highlands. There were some places where they *could have brawled* but largely they were food for snipers and LRM boats because the map was big, and they were slow, the game was over for lots of people as soon as the map got voted for.

All you're arguing for is that, but with the tables turned so snipers (which you seem to not like) get punished instead.

You cant have that. Stop asking for it.

Edited by pbiggz, 30 March 2022 - 07:28 AM.

#27 Extra Guac


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 07:44 AM

View Postpbiggz, on 30 March 2022 - 07:22 AM, said:

I mean you can elect to ignore 90% of my post if that's what you wan't to do. I can't stop you. You can enjoy being wrong.

Except there's lots of ways to counter snipers and break line of sight with them. The snipers have to park on a wide open perch, usually far away from the rest of their team. Send lights to kill them, or sneak up behind them. Snipers don't like getting brawled. Additionally both the top and bottom, and the area around the middle have cover to help you break line of sight with the perches.

Not personally liking having to play against snipers is not an actual rationale for building maps that actively punish them. I don't enjoy PVPing against rogues in world of warcraft, that doesn't mean I'm entitled to demand their nerfing or removal from the game.

If players don't get to choose either the map they play on, or the mech they play on a particular map, then every map needs to offer options for every build. Recall how many brawlers felt when they landed on old polar highlands. There were some places where they *could have brawled* but largely they were food for snipers and LRM boats because the map was big, and they were slow, the game was over for lots of people as soon as the map got voted for.

All you're arguing for is that, but with the tables turned so snipers (which you seem to not like) get punished instead.

You cant have that. Stop asking for it.

You're making a lot of assumptions here. I have nothing against snipers, and I'm not asking for anything. I'm just explaining why new HPG is inferior to old HPG.

The old HPG had better balance. Now it favors snipers too much. Yes, it's possible to break line of sight with them, but it's hard for an entire QP team of pugs to break line of sight with them for the entire match, because it's such a sniper-friendly map.

The gameplay is much worse than before. Old HPG was the best QP map in the game, it was perfect.

#28 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 08:11 AM

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 07:44 AM, said:

Old HPG was the best QP map in the game, it was perfect.

... for the kind of mech and game play you personally engaged in. Yes.

As has been stated, it crimped most other kinds of play though.

#29 DaZur


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 08:24 AM

Yes: Bring back all maps into the rotation.

Here's the reality... And many won't like it... All maps eventually are vetted, most opportune positions identified and the play mechanics that best suite the map design abused.

The pretense that a map can be created that does not and cannot be vetted and eventually abused is a fallacy.

That said, everything has a hard counter... It's OUR job as players to figure it out and apply it.

#30 Extra Guac


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 09:12 AM

View PostScrapIron Prime, on 30 March 2022 - 08:11 AM, said:

... for the kind of mech and game play you personally engaged in. Yes.

As has been stated, it crimped most other kinds of play though.

Nah. I engage in all different playstyles & mechs.

As I already explained, old HPG supported more varied strategies than new HPG.

#31 Annihilator


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 09:22 AM

Classic HPG was very good, the new one is good too. But the only problem with the new HPG is the ramps, remove some ramps and the map will be fine.

#32 pbiggz


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 10:24 AM

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 07:44 AM, said:

You're making a lot of assumptions here. I have nothing against snipers,

Yes you do.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 07:44 AM, said:

and I'm not asking for anything. I'm just explaining why new HPG is inferior to old HPG.

To quote you.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM, said:

It was a mid to close range map. New HPG is just another ERLL sniper map.

Here you plainly say "mid to close range good, sniping bad." This isn't up for debate here. You clearly express that the close range qualities of old HPG are virtuous, and the long range qualities of new HPG are a detriment.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM, said:

The old HPG had better balance.

By your own admission old HPG favours mid to close range play, which means its objectively worse balanced, unless your personal thoughts on good balance are "make me good and make them bad" in which case, anything that's actually fairly balanced, or close to it, is "badly balanced" for you.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM, said:

Now it favors snipers too much. Yes, it's possible to break line of sight with them, but it's hard for an entire QP team of pugs to break line of sight with them for the entire match, because it's such a sniper-friendly map.

So you don't like getting sniped, and you don't want to figure out how to deal with it, you just want it gone. As I've said before, this is not a defensible or reasonable position to take. You can't demand something be removed from the game because you personally dislike it. Its not your game. You don't have the right to demand these things.

View PostExtra Guac, on 30 March 2022 - 05:32 AM, said:

The gameplay is much worse than before. Old HPG was the best QP map in the game, it was perfect.

Perfect insofar as you not having to personally worry about the thing that you have openly claimed you do not like several times in several posts, despite denying that you dislike it in the next post. The doublespeak is exhausting.

Don't argue in bad faith. Be honest. You're allowed to not like getting sniped at, but the answer is counterplay, not nerfs, be that in the form of sniper-hostile maps or otherwise.

Edited by pbiggz, 30 March 2022 - 10:28 AM.

#33 Extra Guac


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 11:57 AM

View Postpbiggz, on 30 March 2022 - 10:24 AM, said:

Yes you do.

To quote you.

Here you plainly say "mid to close range good, sniping bad." This isn't up for debate here. You clearly express that the close range qualities of old HPG are virtuous, and the long range qualities of new HPG are a detriment.

By your own admission old HPG favours mid to close range play, which means its objectively worse balanced, unless your personal thoughts on good balance are "make me good and make them bad" in which case, anything that's actually fairly balanced, or close to it, is "badly balanced" for you.

So you don't like getting sniped, and you don't want to figure out how to deal with it, you just want it gone. As I've said before, this is not a defensible or reasonable position to take. You can't demand something be removed from the game because you personally dislike it. Its not your game. You don't have the right to demand these things.

Perfect insofar as you not having to personally worry about the thing that you have openly claimed you do not like several times in several posts, despite denying that you dislike it in the next post. The doublespeak is exhausting.

Don't argue in bad faith. Be honest. You're allowed to not like getting sniped at, but the answer is counterplay, not nerfs, be that in the form of sniper-hostile maps or otherwise.

It's always funny when people resort to putting fake, made-up quotes in quotation marks, and then accuse someone else of arguing in bad faith. Yes, your doublespeak is indeed exhausting.

Snipe isn't bad. I love to snipe, and I love to play against snipe.

One-dimensional maps are bad. Hence, old HPG > new HPG, because it allowed for more varied playstyles - again, as I have already explained. You could use brawl, mid-range, dakka, poptarts, etc. The new HPG has less dynamic gameplay.

#34 Vonbach


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 01:01 PM

The new HPG is an abortion. Get rid of it and give us the classic HPG map. It was the best brawling map in the game.

#35 pattonesque


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 01:56 PM

View PostVonbach, on 30 March 2022 - 01:01 PM, said:

The new HPG is an abortion. Get rid of it and give us the classic HPG map. It was the best brawling map in the game.

new HPG is an incredible brawling map if you pay attention and utilize cover

#36 Vonbach


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:22 PM

View Postpattonesque, on 30 March 2022 - 01:56 PM, said:

new HPG is an incredible brawling map if you pay attention and utilize cover

Lol. You mean hide in the basement. Its yet another snipertard map.
There are to many already. Half the maps are the toilet bowl of death
pattern. With sniper ridges all around and a central bowl of targets to shoot at.
Sorry but "dodge the ER laser" isn't a fun game for most people.

Edited by Vonbach, 30 March 2022 - 02:29 PM.

#37 pattonesque


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:34 PM

View PostVonbach, on 30 March 2022 - 02:22 PM, said:

Lol. You mean hide in the basement. Its yet another snipertard map.
There are to many already. Half the maps are the toilet bowl of death
pattern. With sniper ridges all around and a central bowl of targets to shoot at.
Sorry but "dodge the ER laser" isn't a fun game for most people.

The basement is a terrible spot. The actual middle of the map, on top, has a great deal of cover from snipers and just requires you to pay attention to where they are -- which is how it should be. Snipers are also very vulnerable to being jumped by fast brawlers in this map, who can also utilize cover to great effect.

I've had a great deal of success on this map in a UAC20/SNPPC Yen-lo-wang, for instance, as it is very well able to hold corners. An SRM/ECM/JJ ACW is also great fun for getting the drop on snipers. Trust me on this, you don't have to dodge ER Lasers if you use cover correctly on this map.

#38 Bud Crue


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:36 PM

View Postpbiggz, on 30 March 2022 - 07:22 AM, said:

I mean you can elect to ignore 90% of my post if that's what you wan't to do. I can't stop you. You can enjoy being wrong.

Ok lets do the whole thing…

View Postpbiggz, on 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM, said:

Yes. Literally yes. These are good things. The specific things certain people are loudly whining about are the exact reasons the new map is good. They don't like it because it offers a challenge they think they're entitled not to deal with.

You are claiming that more wall sniping and basement camping are a good thing. Okay. While I don’t care for one over the other, to pretend that somehow these options were somehow not available on old HPG or that they are now some sort of “challenge” on new HPG is the worst sort of revisionist history combined with delusion of how new HPG fairly consistently plays out.

View Postpbiggz, on 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM, said:

If there's a center feature, holding it should be good, but not an auto win. There should be walls and perches to snipe off of. There should be enough pathways and cover for light mechs to hit and fade. There should be enough terrain for slow brawlers to maneuver cleverly. All of these strategies should be in play. If you can't pick the mech you want for the map you play, then each map must offer options for every valid playstyle, as new HPG does. That's how this works.

And so did old HPG. The problem with old HPG (if we want to pretend that this is a problem) was predictability, not some pretense that certain play styles or mechs were somehow impossible to play or were at some significant disadvantage. On old HPG you could go on the walls and snipe (just like new HPG), on old HPG a light or even a slow brawler, could cut through the basement and flank, cut left around the outer walls and do the same (just like on new HPG). But because of the size of the map most people chose not to. But the options were available if folks wanted to use them. That is why the map was THEE most consistently voted for; you could make anything work on that map. Also as to center features and them being a dominate factor…are you familiar with oh…roughly half the maps in this game?

View Postpbiggz, on 29 March 2022 - 07:26 PM, said:

Old HPG punished pretty much everything except modestly fast laser skirmishers. Its about as close to a grey box prototype map with generic boxes for obstacles as you can get. All the action goes straight to the middle, where it clashes on the top or bottom or nascars. Rare were the matches where the edge of the map was actually in play.

Nonsense and then some. There are plenty of videos out there of players dominating HPG in PPC Shadowhawks; ERLL builds,LRM boasts, Gauss builds, AC20, SRMs etc. Again, the map was thee most popular map in the game -FOR YEARS- to pretend that everyone not playing “fast laser skirmishes” were at a disadvantage is simply BS given the history. As to matches where the edge of the map was actually in play; I have yet to see a new HPG match where the perimeter has mattered any more than in old HPG, the occasional conquest match being an exception in both cases.

#39 Vonbach


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:40 PM

Its yet another toilet bowl map. The only saving grace of the new map emerald vale map is there is some actual cover. It was a good fun map just like caustic valley was until the ruined that map too. Get rid of HPG and Caustic valley while they are at it.

Edited by Vonbach, 30 March 2022 - 02:41 PM.

#40 pattonesque


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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:49 PM

View PostVonbach, on 30 March 2022 - 02:40 PM, said:

Its yet another toilet bowl map. The only saving grace of the new map emerald vale map is there is some actual cover. It was a good fun map just like caustic valley was until the ruined that map too. Get rid of HPG and Caustic valley while they are at it.

as explained earlier, Emerald and Caustic are likely too sniper-friendly, but HPG is a good balance.

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