Thanks for the spirited participation all. And look, I'm going to be real here. I am not steady enough on my mouse to play a Sniper. Never have been. My family is cursed with "Essential Tremors", so pinpoint builds, especially laser boat versions, are just never going to be something I excel at. I have always leaned into various missile and medium to short range ballistic builds to offset this, and found success in doing so.
I am, traditionally, an excellent LRM boater, who very much prefers LRM-ishing over potato lobbing from the back, so trust me, all you moderately offended snipers out there, I get it. You're feeling hated on, and perhaps unjustifiable backlash from the community over your preferred role and playstyle. I don't fault you on this.
My intention here is simply to wrap my head around the way the game changed while I was gone dealing with some real life junk. I had several very good T1 players I've known for years warn me about the Sniper Meta. I don't know how that fits with actual player stats, and I get that it's anecdotal, but it's still a bummer. And my own experiences with this meta have been frustrating, sure, but I've never given up on trying to adapt, nor will I ever. I adjusted to Pop-Tarts, and so on, and so on, and I'll figure this out, but there are growing pains, is what I was trying to express here.
And yes, my own experiences, especially on the newer maps, reflect more often than not those that others have related here.
Drop into a match in a mid-range or brawler build (my preferred style, see above) and notice that 6 or 8 of the team is heading to the outskirts of the engagement area and posting up to snipe, and that all of a sudden, myself and a few stragglers are the "The Front Line" on our own. It is frustrating. Plain and simple. Especially when you die and end up observing all the pristine Assaults firing ERLL builds from 1200 meters out. Like, where's the armor sharing here, homies?
But I'm not here to bag on snipers. If that's the meta, that's the meta, and here we are (though I do wonder what the Venn Diagram of people who play Assault Snipers and People who bag on Assault LRM boats looks like.
I'm just saying that it's an adjustment, but as always, I'll figure it out. And I was wondering if people are finding it as fun as all that, because engaging enemies I can't see isn't enjoyable to me, personally, but maybe it's what the community actually wants, I don't know?
Either way, thanks all for the spirited discussion, and various perspectives. I do like the idea of the AW SRM Sniper chaser build. I may have to try that out. It's akin to the LCT-PB Assault LRM hunting gig, which is fun sometimes too, you just don't seem to see that scenario as often anymore maybe.
Anyhow, either way, love this game. Gonna keep loving it. Salty Sniper Nights or no.