Nightbird, on 13 April 2022 - 11:56 AM, said:
ECM mechs sure, but other mechs? I don't really plan to, today or with the new tree. Firepower, survival, operations, and coolshots/strikes.
So, I've actually sat down and used the Kitlaan website to crunch out some potential skill tree setups as though the new system was already out. Gotta say, at least 3/5 Radar Dep nodes (If not four or all five) will be stapled to each of my mechs, and those with ECM will absolutely be taking the ECM nodes going forward.
Here's a breakdown of what all you can get with the new system.
SURVIVAL: 8x Reinforced Casing, 10x Skeletal Density, 10x Armor Hardening
AGILITY: As needed (Speed Tweak, etc)
MECH OPERATIONS: As needed (Cool Run, Heat Containment, etc)
SENSOR SYSTEMS: 5x Sensor Range, 5x Rader Deprivation
MISC: 3x Consumbales, 2x Advanced Salvos, 1x Expanded Reserves, 1x Enhanced Spotting
TOTAL: 45 nodes used, 46 nodes remain. Assuming I'm using a laser boat such as my Banshee I'd pick up another 10 nodes for Cool Run and Heat Containment, so 36 remaining. Then another 14 for Heat Generation, 22 remain. 4x for Laser Duration nodes, 18 remain. 2x Enhanced Coolshot, 1x Coolshot Reserves, and 1x Coolshot Cooldown, 14 remain.
Those 14 nodes can be used for anything else I choose such as Cooldown, Range, Speed Tweak, etc. If I'm using a ballistics boat I can skimp on the Cool Run/Heat Containment nodes, probably cut down by 50% on the Heat Generation nodes. If I'm running Gauss I can cut out anything heat-related.
I don't see why you
wouldn't spring to staple Radar Dep onto any mech with this new system. It's a 100% gain over what you would have had before. I can safely say all my heavy/assault mechs got 13/15 Armor Hardening nodes before and, if they were lucky, 2-3 Skeletal Density and 1-2 Reinforced Casings. With this update? They're getting all of that, plus Radar Dep. Sure, I'll be giving up some range and cooldown nodes in the process, but those aren't going to break the build by any means.