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Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Dlc 3 Details!

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#41 w0qj


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Posted 16 April 2022 - 04:15 AM

Check out the Arctic Wolf bolt-on already available:
~Royal Sword (Left+Right hand options)
~Saw Axe (L+R hand)
~Tree Club (L+R hand)
~Tree Hammer (L+R hand)
~Tree Pike (L+R hand)
~Royal Sword (Back)
~Royal Shield #1 (Back)
~Royal Shield #2 (Sword+Shield, Back)

However, a number of other mechs only have the Royal Sword/Shield option the back of the mech only.

Dire Wolf also has Chain Saw forearm (L+R).

I for one also would love to have more Sword + Axe options in the Left + Right arms !

View PostCranky Puppy, on 15 April 2022 - 08:34 PM, said:

If PGI wants to make more Money... the best way to do it is Enable BOLT ON Swords, Ax, Shields, etc... be viable Melee weapons in MWO. I can Imagine a 100 Ton Atlas carrying a Shield and slapping a 100 ton Direwolf with a Shield Attack. Or even a Battlemaster impaling a sword into into a Kitfox. It will bring alot of players back who left.

Always wondered... why not have leg mounted weapons. Having a Mech kick another mech with a blade... or just having a kicking feature...so when you have no more weapons... you can at least be useful to kick another mech and do damage.

#42 Sereglach


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Posted 16 April 2022 - 12:47 PM

View PostAndrewlik, on 15 April 2022 - 08:40 PM, said:

Dude I legit don't get this criticism - they added content that clearly SOMEBODY wanted, because if not the mods would not be so popular.
It ticks me off when people complain that PGI doesn’t put X Y and Z into the game, and then complain AGAIN when PGI decides to implement it officially, like they wanted, because modders did it. It’s like dang, do you expect them to delete all of their development progress halfway through because a mod or two ended up beating them to it more or less?

Also, console players do not have mods
There are legitimate concerns about MW5, legitimate considerations and discussions to be have, but this ain't it chief.

Maybe I can help explain this for you. This isn't to be derogatory, but just putting it in perspective for you.

Here's the simple gist of it. The mods already do it BETTER than PGI is putting forward as their plans to implement. If PGI is going to do it after a mod exists, then they need to AT LEAST do it as well as the mods do. That is the big issue that those of us who've mentioned the mods have. All in all, modders have shown what PGI COULD be implementing and yet we can see what PGI WILL be implementing. It makes it disappointing; but hopefully the cost of the DLC (better be pretty frigging cheap, like $10) is at least reflective of what PGI is putting into the game.

Now as for some more detailed breakdowns:

The little stuff (SMMO and Drop Fees) no one really cares if PGI is finally putting it into the game, because the reason the mods exist is due to the fact that those features should have been there in the first place. Even then . . . some of those mods offer more features and options than PGI is putting forward. Increased employment options and mission generation? Adjustable drop cost growth for a harder/easier financial gameplay experience and control of drop flexibility? More meaningful and impactful negotiations with the ability to even "flex" your points and pay for a little salvage overage with adjustable penalties for easier or harder experiences? That's all in mods already, but not really what we're hearing from PGI. PGI's versions appear to be skeletal implementations of existing mods. It's a step in the right direction, and good for console players to get, but PGI could have done better, even if they just abused their TOS to rip off some mods and paste them into the base game.

Their melee weapons are half-assed . . . just compare them to several mods out there that actually have them and follow TT rules (MercTech is the biggy here). PGI's variants are looking to be melee hardpoint specific instead of making them work with any hand actuators (otherwise they could just retcon/patch mechs like Yen-Lo-Wang, for example, to have it's hatchet). They are weight class locked . . . and apparently variant locked. The damage and weight is generic to the specific weapons they created, which is why they're having to create apocryphal variants instead of adapting proper variants. The problems go on, especially when we can see that the game has the logic capacity to do them properly, and yet we're not getting that. The fact that this is what PGI has put forward when modders have done better is just pathetic and disappointing. The only boon here is that PGI is giving modders more assets to work with for better modded versions later.

The Hatchetman that PGI has put forward is a quick ripoff of the HBS model. The hatchet clamp that is the "right hand", instead of an actual hand actuator . . . which is from HBS retractable hatchet, is the dead giveaway here. Despite this, they're using their in-house hatchet model that needs to be "held". If PGI was just going to reuse the HBS model asset, then they should have either stuck with the hardwired hatchet OR put in the effort to mirror the actual hand from the left arm. Meanwhile the mod maker already made a version with a well modeled mech, properly held hatchet, and quite likely a wider selection of variants, with a wider assortment of hardpoint options, than PGI is going to put into the game.

The complaints about the biomes are the fact that a mod maker has essentially already made the biomes that PGI is putting forward. That in itself isn't that bad, but if PGI saw the mods and saw the development, then they could have made more unique biomes instead of making what are essentially duplicates. Regardless, this is the least of any of the complaints put forward. More biomes are good, and modders will just be able to take these assets to do more with them.

Edited by Sereglach, 16 April 2022 - 12:51 PM.

#43 Andrewlik


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Posted 16 April 2022 - 04:48 PM

View PostSereglach, on 16 April 2022 - 12:47 PM, said:

Maybe I can help explain this for you. This isn't to be derogatory, but just putting it in perspective for you.

Here's the simple gist of it. The mods already do it BETTER than PGI is putting forward as their plans to implement. If PGI is going to do it after a mod exists, then they need to AT LEAST do it as well as the mods do....

Okay, that's a fair point.
"Mods have already done this" is not a valid complaint. "Mods that have already done this better" is something I'm willing to have a constructive conversation about.

I do definately Mechwarrior 5 is pretty shallow in terms of the whole merc-buisness. I always said that if MW5 was 1:1 with HBS's Argomanagement layer, except with on-the-grounds stompy combat, it would be a much better game, and I do wish there was a bit more to the game outside of "proc gen mission for money, use money for mech, get bigger mech, use it to do harder procgen missions for more money." HBS's Salvage system was better, and while MW5 has more high reward quests than HBS has flashpoints, Flashpoints were on average far more memorable than MW5's HRQs.
It does lack significant depth.

I don't mind their interpretation of the Hatchetman model. I prefer HBS's, especially because in the process of making a video I found that the hatcherman has quite a few elaborate melee animations which give it alot more life, but PGI's is solid.

I do think the melee implementation, though fun, and the melee does have a satisfying amount of weight behind each punch, they could have been alot better.
Their Biomes have been unamazing, but not bad as well - uninspired, but functional and consistent (whenever the proc-gen doesn't break that is). VonBiomes has some amazing biomes, but some stinker's as well

I think their melee interpretation (in addition to equipment like ECM, BAP, MASC / SUPER CHARGER) would have been better if they weren't hardpoint locked. PGI variants with these equipments would still exist, its just the player would be able to put them in anything, such that weapons are the only thing with hardpoints.
For like Melee, I wish it was an option to replace any "hand" actuator with a melee weapon, at the cost of weight and space.

Edited by Andrewlik, 16 April 2022 - 05:01 PM.

#44 Sereglach


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Posted 16 April 2022 - 06:12 PM

View PostAndrewlik, on 16 April 2022 - 04:48 PM, said:

Okay, that's a fair point.
"Mods have already done this" is not a valid complaint. "Mods that have already done this better" is something I'm willing to have a constructive conversation about.

Okay, I'm certainly willing to have a conversation about it. However, also realize that the whole reason people have been bringing up the mods isn't because of your first statement above, but because of the second. Mods have done everything PGI is doing in this update/dlc, but they've done them better than PGI is advertising and/or shown. That is the core point across the board.


I do definately Mechwarrior 5 is pretty shallow in terms of the whole merc-buisness. I always said that if MW5 was 1:1 with HBS's Argomanagement layer, except with on-the-grounds stompy combat, it would be a much better game, and I do wish there was a bit more to the game outside of "proc gen mission for money, use money for mech, get bigger mech, use it to do harder procgen missions for more money." HBS's Salvage system was better, and while MW5 has more high reward quests than HBS has flashpoints, Flashpoints were on average far more memorable than MW5's HRQs.
It does lack significant depth.

HBS Battletech Flashpoints were more memorable because Mitch and Jordan threw in nostalgia easter eggs constantly. That's the only thing making them "memorable" overall, in my opinion. Really, and lets be honest here, the majority of gameplay content in both games (especially in each game's respective career modes) is exactly the loop you describe above. It's just are you doing it in a strategy or sim setting. Personally, I'm fine with that, but there's a lot that can still be done to improve the gameplay in both games. Otherwise stuff like YAML, Merctech, BTAdvanced 3062, and BTRevised wouldn't exist to improve both games.


I don't mind their interpretation of the Hatchetman model. I prefer HBS's, especially because in the process of making a video I found that the hatcherman has quite a few elaborate melee animations which give it alot more life, but PGI's is solid.

Visually, PGI's Hatchetman is the HBS version with a few visual tweaks and without the retracting hatchet, because they can't do that. Give them both a close look and point out the number of differences. You'll see they're very tiny tweaks. I'd call bullocks on anyone who says PGI made their Hatchetman from scratch, without any true evidence; and concept art isn't evidence. After all, HBS made concept art for their game, with PGI mechs, that had visual tweaks to the mechs as well (the HUGE mg's on the Locust, for example). Meanwhile the mod version of the Hatchetman is based on CGL's artwork, which is much more notably different.

As for animations, you can do a lot more with them when you don't care about clipping/collision and you don't have to worry about anything else moving at the same time. Strategy games and Sim games are vastly different critters in that department.


I do think the melee implementation, though fun, and the melee does have a satisfying amount of weight behind each punch, they could have been alot better.

This is a tricky one, and I'd like to hear how you think they could do better. I'd say the melee is adequate and satisfying to use. As long as PGI is at least competent enough to have different animations for a weapon vs. a fist (something already done by modders, as well), then it'll remain adequate and satisfying to use. Given the clips we've seen, that much at least seems to be the case. Credit where credit is due, PGI's mech melee in MW5 is fairly solid.


Their Biomes have been unamazing, but not bad as well - uninspired, but functional and consistent (whenever the proc-gen doesn't break that is). VonBiomes has some amazing biomes, but some stinker's as well

The biggest issue here is the lack of "tiles" for the procedural tilesets. However, the fact that ONE PERSON has done more biomes with more diversity and functionality than PGI has across the base game and all DLC's, with at least as many tiles per set, AND done the same way PGI has made theirs (by reusing MWO assets and adding new decorations/destroyables), is far more impressive than PGI's DLC offerings done by an entire development studio's art department . . . who are paid.


I think their melee interpretation (in addition to equipment like ECM, BAP, MASC / SUPER CHARGER) would have been better if they weren't hardpoint locked. PGI variants with these equipments would still exist, its just the player would be able to put them in anything, such that weapons are the only thing with hardpoints.
For like Melee, I wish it was an option to replace any "hand" actuator with a melee weapon, at the cost of weight and space.

Exactly how it's handled by mods; and exactly how PGI should have done it. However mods have gone the extra mile to actually make all the proper melee weapons and then make them behave as they do according to TT rules. PGI also should have even gone as far as to retcon variants already established (like the YLW) to add in the proper melee weaponry. The fact that they're adding whole new variants adds credence to the belief that there's going to be melee hardpoints, and not just actuator replacement/dependency. That fact alone is a terrible disappointment.

#45 Steel Shanks


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 05:22 AM

PGI, I love You guys 70% of the time... With that said... MAN You guys dropped a wrecking ball here...

A Clan DLC would have sold more than ANY other DLC ever... A Clan Campaign would have opened EVERYONE'S wallets, including My own...

An animated skin? Who the hell cares? LOL! Not Me... Judging by Posts, no-one actually lol...
Melee is just ok, so woulda skipped the weapons etc. Biomes, ok, I get that... No Crusader in the DLC? Wtf guys...

Fighting against or as the Clans is yer money maker guys... as much as I love the Succession Wars, people want to kill, or help, Clanner Scum. You wants Money right? That's yer money maker. Mods already give people what yer new DLC gives... Killing or Being Clanners... That's what ye need...

#46 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 07:58 AM

Melee seemed kind of meh to me all though a Highlander with a Claymore will certainly be “cool”.

More interested in clan invasion with parallel IS merc career (essentially adding Clan invasion to current map with Commander Mason). There are plenty of quest line opportunities there, both Clan vs IS and Clan vs Clan.

#47 Clay Endfield


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 05:14 PM

I will be perfectly frank, after having given it some thought: this DLC is a big no for me. The melee weapons being limited to a handful of new variants is the nail in the coffin. If it was applicable to all mechs with hand actuators, I would definitely pick it up. A new 45 ton mech is a worthless when the game is designed to push you into the biggest baddest mechs. 3 new biomes isn't worth paying for, nor is a 5 mission mini campaign whose reward is going to be rendered obsolete by rate of progression (the mini-campaign is presumably accessible around 3022-3023, contemporary with the early production years of the Hatchetman; a time where I typically already possess multiple lances of Assaults, and have no reason to downgrade into smaller mechs).

If melee weapons are your selling point, Merctech does it so much better. If the biomes are supposed to be eye candy, Vonbiomes puts them to shame. If free is better, why would anyone bother paying for less?

The skin is... honestly, for members of the Battletech community; who gravitate towards Battletech for its realism, bad taste. You really read the room wrong on that one.

The best features are the free QoL update package; and even that's already been done by modders.

You guys have limited resources, I get that... but instead of using them to do something innovative or unique, you squandered them on making a worse version of what modders have already provided.

So, no. Even for 10 bucks, this is a laughable no.

REALLY makes me wish PGI would communicate their creative direction with the Battletech community BEFORE committing to development. If MWO is anything to go by, community involvement in direction has been a boon for the game. I know that due to resource allocation, Clan Invasion is pretty much off the table; that's not to say there aren't some good ideas among the community that could salvage MWM5. Hell, if nothing else, working with modding community to deliver the Clan invasion might've actually been a viable goal. Give the modders the support they need to polish and finish their passion project, and MWM5's swan song would have probably pulled in more money than the Epic Exclusive deal.

Edited by Clay Endfield, 17 April 2022 - 05:51 PM.

#48 C E Dwyer


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Posted 17 April 2022 - 06:25 PM

View PostAndrewlik, on 15 April 2022 - 08:26 AM, said:

Have you checked the community HOTAS document? Or asked the subreddit? I can't help you specifically, but I'm pretty sure its possible to fix your situation

Yes I looked up all that was available at the time, the issue I have, is one that is documented in the work arounds

#49 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 18 April 2022 - 05:56 AM

View Postw0qj, on 16 April 2022 - 04:15 AM, said:

Check out the Arctic Wolf bolt-on already available:
~Royal Sword (Left+Right hand options)
~Saw Axe (L+R hand)
~Tree Club (L+R hand)
~Tree Hammer (L+R hand)
~Tree Pike (L+R hand)
~Royal Sword (Back)
~Royal Shield #1 (Back)
~Royal Shield #2 (Sword+Shield, Back)

However, a number of other mechs only have the Royal Sword/Shield option the back of the mech only.

Dire Wolf also has Chain Saw forearm (L+R).

I for one also would love to have more Sword + Axe options in the Left + Right arms !

and what make a Melee Mech without a Circus Arena with Melee weapons against Long Tom, Aerospacefighters and bombers????
In the case of the tomahawk, the tomahawk is actually only the housing of the heavy laser that has been converted into a melee weapon, because in the beginning melee combat was always more of an "emergency solution" in BT when weapons were defective and ammunition was empty.
If the laser is defective, it can still be used efficiently as a melee weapon, but what happens to the laser and its complex lens system if it is used as a melee weapon right from the start I don't want to imagine.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 18 April 2022 - 06:11 AM.

#50 Lepestok


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Posted 18 April 2022 - 06:16 AM

New maps will perfectly complement those in mods

#51 TK Romero


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Posted 18 April 2022 - 03:55 PM

Bought MW5 Mercs when it went on sale on Steam and it fulfilled the desire to stomp around in big mechs and blow stuff up. I got my money's worth in that sense.

What has disappointed me has been when new DLC has released it caused mods to no longer work. Makes sense given that changes in code means things created from previous code may no longer work. I remember when PGI announced mod support it was the biggest selling point for me. I really wanted to see and play what other people thought would be cool and constantly provide content to a game from a different perspective. When a mod breaks, I could see why someone may not want to update it, the game itself could no longer be of interest to them or the investment wouldn't be worth it. Really hoping the new DLC doesn't cause existing mods to no longer function properly. It's a treat to experience a game or gameplay mechanic from how someone else may interpret the game and its mechanics.

I feel the same as other people in this forum that more player base collaboration would be great! Even if the wished content is out of scope, drive what the community wants to see. There's nothing wrong with creating new content that helps an idea flourish or help an existing mod further by laying a stable foundation for it.

View PostClay Endfield, on 17 April 2022 - 05:14 PM, said:

Give the modders the support they need to polish and finish their passion project, and MWM5's swan song would have probably pulled in more money than the Epic Exclusive deal.

Also agree that this will be a great mod for the console community, they deserve the best possible big stompy robot experience possible, it was nice to see that the DLC update will include some QoL improvements for free.

If it turns out to be $20USD, that seems much for an add on that already exists for free, regardless of mod quality. I'll wait to buy the DLC when it goes on sale or is less than $10 USD. I get it PGI needs money to do stuff and return of interest is important to continue development of future content. I think this update is tuned well for console but not so much for PC.

Whichever way this goes, hoping the new DLC picks up more eyes to keep the MechWarrior community thriving positively.

#52 Mighty Spike


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Posted 24 April 2022 - 11:56 AM

opefully they made in DLC3 the Enemy arty batterys asignable as targets for my Lancemates. I dont get it, if they really play their own game´s how can they be satiesfied with the way they impemented Enemy artys attacks?. In the beachhead misssions the enemy arty batterys are targetable for my lancemates sometimes. But where it would be more important,ln the garnisons duty missions or even in the others, you cant assign the enemy Arty batterys to your lancemates. Just stupid&poor implentetation. Change that pgi. So my Lancemates can be usefull and going to attack the Enemy arty batterys while i defend the garnison or City.If i go and leave my Lancemates to defend the object to protect will be stomped in the ground....and btw PLAY YOUR OWN GAMES more often BOTH !!!

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