Voice of Kerensky, on 09 May 2022 - 06:26 AM, said:
And now let me ask a question: why does the MWO not celebrate the victory over Nazism?
I playing MWO for 7 years, now ask you a question: why have you never opposed Nazism?
Because it never disappeared sadly...
Mark Yore, on 07 May 2022 - 09:44 AM, said:
BAS-E with 2 LBX-20 and 4 SRM4s.
If you can't get 600 on that you're not even trying... :-)
Similar to a Marauder IIC Scorch build : Dual UAC/20 and 4x SRM6
I can't believe that there were soo many people concerned about hitting 500 Match Score because there were Events in the past where we had to do it 3 to 5 times AND STILL DID IT ANYWAY back then!

500 Match Score is EASY if you combine :
- Any good DAKKA mech.
- Have a decent team.
- Do your damn best to pump damage while taking as little damage as possible!
Good DAKKA mechs :
- KGC-000 with 6 x AC/2

- MCII-B with 2 x UAC5 and 2 x UAC10
- DWF-B or DWF-UV with a shitload of the above or the LB-X as an alternative

- MAL-MX90 with 6 x AC/5

- MAD-3R with 3 Rotaries ofcourse!
So 3 x RAC/2 and 4 x ML

- Less good Clan alternative : Marauder IIC with 3 x UAC/2 and 4 x ER ML
The armor is horrible however so watch out!
Some alternative options :
- ARC-2R or Tempest with 2 x MRM 20/30 and 6 x ML/MPL
- Any other mech you can build the same way!
- Orion IIC A variant with 4 x SRM6 and 1 x UAC/20
- KTO-18 with 6 x SRM6
- Shadow Hawk with 3 x AC/2 or RAC/2
Or the one we had for Free some time ago with 3 x MRM10 and 3 x Light PPC
That's what I can think of right now, but I think there are more options like for example some of the good Gauss builds like the Sleipnir and some others!
Really... it's not that hard!
Being in a good team is the hardest part these days...
Edited by Roodkapje, 10 May 2022 - 07:12 AM.