Heavy Money, on 30 June 2022 - 11:42 AM, said:
These are the first Platinum packs I'm not going to grab because the mech selection in them is just unimpressive, especially the Clan side. The ANH is okay, but its not enough for me to get the whole IS pack.
The main point of these Platinum mechs is to be able to get a c-bill bonus on variants you normally cannot. This makes omnimechs a poor choice because you can already get a cbill bonus (and unique pods) from the hero variant. This is not always the case, as there are some unique So8 that won't work on the hero, and some omnimechs have unique CTs that this could matter for. But it
is the case for all those chosen here. None of these offer enough over just running the hero.
In the future when choosing what omnimech variants to do, please consider ones with more unique CT quirks or hardpoints, or with So8's that are actually worthwhile. Sell us platinum variants of good mechs that people want to play. There's nothing wrong with doing that! The point of these is for us to give you more money in order for some shiny things that let us make bonus c-bills on a wider variety of mechs. You can just go down the list of top played mechs, find ones that don't already have a c-bill bonus option, and put 2 of those in each pack, and then 2 others for flavor (and control for mechs that are common but are omnimechs that aren't using a loadout connected to the actual variant.) Its fine if part of the point is to get people playing less used mechs. Just don't make it the whole point, because those mechs are probably less used for a reason!
Some Omnimechs that would be a good choice in the future because they have a unique CT or good So8:
- BAS-A or BAS-B (currently no way to get either ECM CT and a c-bill bonus. These would sell like hot cakes!)
- TBR-S (this would be huge! Most used CT!), TBR-D, TBR-A
- SHC-B (also huge!), SHC-P
On the IS side, here are some popular variants that I (and I think many others) would immediately buy the pack for, regardless of what else is in it:
- STK-5S
- MAD-4L or 6S
- NSR-10P
- MAD-5M
- WHM-6D or 7S
- SHD-2K
- CN9-D
As much as we'd all like to think that all mech variants have a use or will have one at some point, it just isn't true. These Platinum packs are about increasing revenue now. So let's not beat around the bush! Just give us the mechs we like

The mechs in the packs are picked based on performance, providing a special version for a variant that does not have it, and build variety.
most of the mechs picked in this are among the better performing variants. Whether they were used before or not, based on past balance state is a smaller factor. It's about you getting a mech that performs well.
PNT-9R is an excellent variant boosted and focused on PPC family. Try the new boosted SNPPCs on it. Try LPPCs on it. Dual ERPPCs.
BSW-X2 is a powerful alternative to the X1 (which is used as a 3xRAC platform commonly and has a (S) variant too), that allows builds around dual big ballistics with a center energy like a LPPC or SNPPC
GHR-5P is an excellent long range focused mech, as well as LPL+ERML combos... The best GHR variant when it comes to weapon convergence. 8 energy hardpoints around the cockpit... the only mech that has more is the god-level STK-7D.
ANH-1X is a traditional high dps brawl ANH variant.
MLX-G needs no explanation. top of the line mech in terms of performance.
SCR-B, Good SO8 setup, boosted with extra ammo on the pods, either with UAC20+6xSPL combo or Gauss + 6xERML. And if you want to go beyon SO8, Excellent SPL+Micro laser mech, SRM, Streaks, LPL+ERML, on a medium mech that can go 100+kph
HBR-B was picked due to a unique SO8 setup with recent boosts to ammo and cooldown and survival for ballistic builds. And the fact that most popular variants of the chassis already have special variants. Beyond SO8, you can make any other build you want on the special (P) variant
GAR-E with the high mounted quad energy hardpoint setup with the most CT survival boost among the chassis variants on a mech with a huge CT hitbox. Try 3xERPPC, 3xLPL+3xERML, 3xERLL, 2xHLL+4xERML+2xSRM6.... And with a SO8 quirk pass happening to it soon.
Also note that the Platinum packs are an ongoing thing. Next one might be exciting.
Edited by Navid A1, 01 July 2022 - 10:01 AM.