Recently in Terra Therma map, in my COR-6R sporting LBX autocannons + *cough* Snub Nose PPC's...
We are doomed... T3 QP, with 2x kill deficit...
Did a late charge defensive killing spree, killed total 5 foes, enough to turn game around in our favor...
Then I did something stupid, long range trading with Blood Asp gauss @800m (what was I thinking??)
...of course I died...but not before spotting the Locust Pirates' Bane CT was orange...
Remaining team members repositioned, baited out the Blood Asp, and our NCT-B did LRM, whose LRM splash damage stripped out the armor from both orange legs of Blood Asp... (foe build shaved off too much leg armor...)
Team waited it out, and sure enough both remaining enemies charged...
Crusader Crael with 10xMG + 2xMRM but with open yellow CT charged, knocked out Locust pirates bane open orange CT the moment it charged up above the ridge... instant death...
Enemy Blood Asp was closely following behind, also charged at the group... and with Crusader Crael in the lead took the brunt of the gauss+laser alpha Blood Asp... on its side torso, knocking out 1 of Crael's 2 MRM weapons... but crucially (barely) survived...
Crusader Crael CT was one-touch blood red at that point, and Crusader Crael opened up its 10xMG at... Blood Asp's unprotected orange legs with no armor...
...and POP, Blood Asp died just like that!

(Sure wish I did screenshots of this game and its results...)
Edited by w0qj, 21 August 2022 - 09:19 AM.