How quickly we forget.
The Group Queue killed itself. There were 4 to 6, eight to twelve man pre-mades dominating it in prime time, coming up against two to four man pre-mades lumped together not much better than PUGs. I advocated for years for some way to let smaller groups play without nearly constantly playing against large premades with nearly constant 12 to 0-2 outcomes. Nothing was ever done. Then group queue wait times climbed into the 30 min mark for a match as people dropped out and then, it... died. Just as predicted. MWO player numbers plummeted to a ridiculously low number. It was only then that PGI felt the need to do something to stop the slide in player numbers and only months after Group queue died, they made the soup queue.
You haven't seen seal clubbing until you try to run PUGs against practiced 12 mans with complimentary builds.
The issue is not with small groups. The issue is with match-maker. It has always been with match-maker and the low population playing. It doesn't have enough players to build tiered levels before the safeties let go and it lumps tiers together so people are not waiting forever. It does not consider builds. It does not consider tonnage. That makes for some colossally lopsided matches from random chance.
Shot callers do more to help wins than anything else in this game. If you don't want to be a shot caller, don't whine in the match.
evil kerensky, on 22 September 2022 - 08:30 PM, said:
what if groups could only drop in fw. that IS supposed to be the group centric, tryhard mode after all.....
Except, FW was a complete dud. No one cares to play it.
Edited by Haipyng, 23 September 2022 - 09:33 AM.