You the artist? Really nice looking drawings.
I would shrink the value of my art, job and even myself, but meh!
As for Gogo...
Not entirely. The original character is of VanHeist's creation whom I got permission about 5-6 years ago (around 2016's march, and I doubt he remember the whole thing because my silence after that) to use it for a then "short-and-sarcastic" project. No major, vast modifications from original what may make it vastly different (kind of CCC or whatever you may call it) but I could fix minor errors, create and add new expressions or combine existing parts, you know, remain recognizable and share alike...
And I made lots of minor features to have a base for the project (mean new postures, gestures and facial impression 'till the point that I could even made my own OC with such lots of work and hours spent on it) finally got paused because of cancer + post treatment untill now.
So, you may consider it as an artist collaboration even if it not quite covers the situation (nor does "fanart"). It is complex and got even more so because the delay of all (but I could revised and re-assembled some stripes).
As for BT stuffs...
Some are plain TRO artworks. Some are slightly modified by me. Some are extensively modified (Hellfire what I also added a background). And some are made by me (the racing Urbie sketched during travel on train and were lazy to improve it further, e.g.). Same goes for non-mech stuffs, everyone may choose a'la carte! Apart from blatant jokes I use free source if I could because modify or recreate is time consuming (but have a buttload of modified TRO graphics created for commissioned fan-fictions and other stuffs).
As for overall...
Pretty mixed with way to much work on my side for such a silly fan-project. But would do the same again if I could go back to time. Not because I love BattleTech but because Gogo represent something very special. I just crazy love big, beefy women, you know, those clan elemental style ones. And she pretty well fit for that not to mention her other specialities (not meant her bewbs but her true nature).
If yer con-fuzion is 'bout the different styles... The stripes are entirely PC\PS made and digitally it is easier to create\modify\fix stuffz (if ye got the skillz betta than mahselfz). The lineart iz hand drawed and scanned. I have some hand-spasm issues since chemo and it iz really vizible on mah traditional pieces (no eazy fixies fer U good sir! No-no!).
If yer confuzed 'cause whatever... It's 'cause whatever I can not non-con-fuze ye. I not yer man 'o' yonder fer that...
why is she a vampire though?
She is not vampire. Kaiju. Big kaiju-girl with anger issues... Still lovely!
Here's the coloured (sorry, bad joke) version of her:
I hope I answered all questions. Hope you would not throw mud upon me. This is my first and so far only spin-off project what I late about 5 years... So not sure the rules about that and if missed something just let me know! Even PM me!
+ if may meet in-game: Please, accept my batchall! (You have your free kill

Not at now but may later it would be good... Or not. <= Iz dat consider'd az trollin'?
Edited by Duke Falcon, 27 April 2024 - 10:44 PM.