Folks, the fact that you're here making all these new criticisms of the rework tells you all you need to know. Take it from someone who put in significant effort on this forum to point out issues with the game that needed improvement and suffered the slings and arrows of the usual forum dreck in the process, you're wasting your time here. Just accept the game as is and enjoy it as best you can.
P.S. - NoGutsNoGalaxy did a dev interview on YouTube back in August where this was said:
36.02 "One thing, speaking of Caustic, is that a lot of people
for a long time have been complaining that on domination on Caustic you can't see the yellow circle, um...
TOTALLY AWARE OF THAT and as soon as we can do something about that, if we can, then we will."
3 months and 3 patches have gone by since then and that simple issue still hasn't been fixed.
There comes a time when you need to realize and accept what you're dealing with and move on.