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Mwo 2023 Plans Devlog

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#21 sycocys


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Posted 13 January 2023 - 10:08 PM

View PostRaptorPhoenix, on 13 January 2023 - 09:57 PM, said:

I would love for us to be able to pick to be able to buy a "Hero" upgrade for any of our mechs that would give that mech the Hero C-Bill bonus and let us customize the quirks on the mech (obviously there would have to be limits on the quirks). Also give us the ability to give that mech a name that is displayed in-game.

Personally don't even care about the quirks or additional (shiny pattern or anything) - we've been asking for this since they announced Yen-Lo Wang.

Put a -H at the end if you want so other people know you really enjoy playing that mech, but let the players choose the mechs they want to play with the bonuses. Could do the same exact thing with -C and -L, and start working in legendary patterns for each chassis since that's what they plan do do anyhow.

You'll sell a heck of a lot more packs to people if they can choose the mechs they want boosted or with special patterns than if you pigeonhole it into another layer of hero mechs. AND it would open your "battlepass" mech xp bonus reward system up to anyone that wants to buy it for the mechs they actually want to play as without forcing certain mechs into the MM.

Edited by sycocys, 13 January 2023 - 10:11 PM.

#22 Rhaelcan


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Posted 13 January 2023 - 10:12 PM

View PostWraith 1, on 13 January 2023 - 07:52 PM, said:

I've never liked the battle pass model, but it kinda seems like that's what F2P games have to do nowadays. It if keeps the game alive longer, do it. The legends concept at least looks fun to play, and there are absolutely still quirks that could be added which would be unique and game-changing, but still impractical/not overpowered.

Raven with +200% AC/20 range, Highlander with +1000% forward JJ thrust, Annihilator with -100% MG spread, etc. I'd pay for a silly mech like that, but it (probably?) wouldn't be the best option for trying to win.


The possibility of another PvP Mechwarrior is VERY exciting to hear, but I do worry that a potential "MWO2" would fall into the same problems MWO has for its entire lifespan. I would argue that MWO is the best Mechwarrior game as far as the core mech combat gameplay is concerned: the smoothest controls, the biggest weapon/mech variety, and the best PvP balance.

However, the grand strategy and resource management that the series is renouned for are almost entirely absent, and the gamemodes are inconsequential to the gameplay of most matches. PGI has put a lot of effort into experimenting with this over the years, probably more than any other developer I've ever seen—but with only one life per match, you can't really incentivize players to do anything but try to not die before all of the opponents.

I'm not sure it's even possible to fix this issue without adding unlimited respawns and allowing players to join/leave in the middle of matches. I know many of the current playerbase hate this idea, but Hawken (rip) had a gamemode that was nearly identical to Conquest, but the unlimited respawns resulted in much more dynamic movement around the map and more intense fights over the capture points.

Without unlimited respawns, I imagine a way to make gamemodes more strategic and impactful would either look like some sort of "round" system, vaguely like TF2's Terriorial Control gamemode, or something like MWLL's ticket buy system for limited respawns.

In short, MWO has fantastic core gameplay; a potential sequel would need to focus on gameplay/game formats in order to be more than a reskin of MWO.


As always, thanks for keeping my favorite game supported and updated for all these years.

Lmao, the forward thrust could be funny on like, say a champion. Thing looks like a get, so make it a jet.

View PostRaptorPhoenix, on 13 January 2023 - 09:40 PM, said:

All good stuff. Hope the next mech is a Clan Mech, maybe the Firemoth (yes another annoying light mech, but we can recreate the MWII training missions). I think "Mechwarrior Online Legends" is good, I would like something closer to the original "Mechwarrior Online A Game Based On BATTLETECH". Some people will be upset about the Legendary mechs, calling them "pay to win", but you don't have to buy them and plenty of players do well with mechs they never paid any real money for and the income will help MWO stay alive. If you want to see a Modern Mech game monetization system, look at the Mech Arena mobile game (although if you go with that system no one would ever say that the existing MWO model is P2W). Hope the new MW PVE game is MW5 Clans, similar to MW2 and Ghost Bear's Legacy, maybe a game about the "War of Reaving" I want to kick some Clan Wolf butt, I am always excited for new maps, but maybe give some bonus rewards for playing on hot maps, since no one votes for them.

A new MW PVP game would be cool as long as it is just MWO in the Unreal engine, just use the existing assests. Don't tell me you can't do a PVP shooter in Unreal, I played a lot of Unreal Tournament decades ago on a PC that was many generations behind the PC I have now.

Overall, looks promising, I guess Russ's comment about MWO being so "Nice" that Microsoft would not bother with trying to get a bigger developer to make a new MW game, is a good thing for PGI.

Axeman would be cool, or the Berzerker.

Note: I have loved Clan Jade Falcon since it came out and since the cartoon. When the Clans came out for the miniature game, I traded a Revised "Black Lotus" (Magic The Gathering Card) to a local game shop and bought the Jade Falcon Technical Readout and a star of mechs and paints and other things (I love those things, but kind of regret getting rid of the Black Lotus, since they sell for 10s of thousands of dollars today. Oh well, "hindsight is 20/20").

Sadly never gonna get a firemoth since PGI said so

#23 Crashburn


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Posted 13 January 2023 - 11:10 PM

MM - I think group queue sadly skews the drops too much. Only because MM, in no way balances teams when groups are involved. I've seen way too many games in a row put 6 or 7 high tier players on 1 side and the other side may contain a few tier 1 players, but nowhere near the same amount of top echelon players. I think it's fixable though. I don't know if it's feasible to code it this way, but if I were going to go about this, I'd have the matchmaker run it's solution and then check these groups against the amount of top heavy players on both teams and even them out. Take the player rankings from mwo that Jarl's list uses...I'm assuming mwo assigns each player a rank number. Compare the top tier (top 1000/2000?) and then make sure that the amount of top tier players on each team has the same number on each side. So if a 4 man on 1 team has 4 top echelon players, the matchmaker sees that and tries to even out the other team with 4 top echelon players.

I just gather from how the MM currently acts that a 4 man of top echelon tier 1 players is counted as an averaged solution of 1, instead of each individual that comprises the group. By that I mean team A has a 4 man consisting of Top tier 1 players and then another solo Top Tier 1. Team B has a 2 solo Top Tier 1 and a 4 man group of Tier 2. Currently I get the impression MM sees that Team A group of 4 as 1. So when the matchmaker sees both teams it sees 2 Top Tier 1's on each team when in actuality Team A has 5 vs Team B's 2 Top Tier 1 players. That subsequently gives us these lopsided drops. Maybe I'm wrong but it sure seems to act that way when I'm dropping with grouped players. Also, I get that this doesn't take into account tonnage differentials, etc.

Maps - I'd really like to see a new QP map based on the Solaris 7 - Ichiyama caves map. It doesn't have to be based on the layout of the old one. I just really liked the terrain elements from that map and would like to see a bigger map based on it. It could have a cave like system in certain portions of the map that open up to the outside environment. Since I think it might be hard to have a QP map (due to the size needed for such maps) completely contained inside a cave...but that would be cool as well.

FP - I used to like FP, what killed it for me personally was just the propensity to get the same maps over & over. There are way too many times where I will get out of one FP drop and the next time the queue fills up, I'm dropping again on the same map I just played. I don't know about everyone else but I really get tired of playing the same map over and over again, usually against the same team. I know back in the day when it was Siege maps it was based on the zones on the little Pie shaped circle. It seems it still kind of operates that way, we just don't see that Zone circle anymore. Just talking about the siege maps, I tend to almost always get Boreal Vault, or Helebore Springs the vast majority of times. I think Boreal used to be zone 1 in the zone cirlce and each time the Faction time window opened that would be the first faction drop you would get. The last few times I've played FP for a couple drops in a row, I've gotten the same map 3 times in a row. The faction maps should be randomized each drop. Currently it seems it's not, if it is, then that code to randomize the maps is beyond broken!

Edited by Crashburn, 13 January 2023 - 11:30 PM.

#24 MechB Kotare


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 12:09 AM

Appreciation to mr. Newman and mr. Bombadil for doing this.

Now i am a bit skeptical if everything of this will make it in 2023, but i guess anything will be good enough.

Personally i am excited about map fixes and new maps. I just hope Solaris city gets fixed as soon as possible. The changes to canyon and forest col. look good so far.

I also look forward to Legendary variants (would love to have ecm EBJ, or TBR with high mounted side torso ballistic hardpoint, or SCR with JJets/ecm).

Honestly i dont care about Faction play. Reason why i never really played it was the siege mode. Whoever designed that clearly didnt play it at all. If you removed it, and exchanged it with something else, then i'd probably give it a try. Until siege mode is completely removed though, i dont intent to play it.

I don't really care about new chassis, unless its a clan or SLDF mech.

I'd also like to express my appreciation to cauldron, i also feel like the game's overall balance is the best mwo had in history of forever.

Personally i think game has enough weapons. Now i dont mind havng new ones, just pls no long toms. That would break the game for me. Im ok with x-pulses, arrrows, thunderbolts, cstreak lrms, mortars, cHAGs, cRACs etcs... just not the long tom pls...
Also having chem lasers could be cool.

Q: If you advance time line beyond y 3060, will you remove CSJ from the game? And if yes, will you also remove all csj decals badges and camos?

Edited by MechB Kotare, 14 January 2023 - 12:11 AM.

#25 JC Daxion


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 12:20 AM

I like the idea of legendary mechs, but to keep away from the whole P2W thing, I'd suggest you release a C-bill version of that mech if your going with new variants.

I like the idea of a store update as it's long over due.

New maps is always great and fixing old maps a must. I really hope he gets to those invisible walls on tourmaline.

#26 Lucky Noob


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 02:32 AM

New Maps, fixed maps, a new Mech, Legends, Hell thats alot of stuff.

For me the most exiting thing is the Battlepass, having something to do is great and keep me playing.
Just dont screw it.
Btw i am fine with an Pay Option to reduce the Grind, as long as its not too much money.

Edited by Lucky Noob, 14 January 2023 - 02:32 AM.

#27 Horseman


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 02:54 AM


Legendary mechs
Outlier quirks are fun. Just make sure those variants don't go into P2W territory.

Something to toss out here... if you don't intend to have Standard variants of Legendaries available (this hasn't been clarified yet), what about making the Legendaries purchaseable with MC same as Heroes? I think no variant should be permanently paywalled away from F2P players.


monthly Solaris
Happy to hear that, but I hope it will follow the division rules with each event taking a different division and rolling with it. The "Heavy Mech Solaris" was less than satisfying because certain variants dominated the field above all others and you didn't mirror the Solaris flamer changes which made them somewhat OP in a 1v1 scenario.


repackaging mechs
Are the special (I) variants going to be still available as the Specials for the repacked Clan mechs? What will replace the (P) variants for the Phoenix packs since you have previously stated they will never be purchaseable again (I'm still hoping you'll change your stance on that BTW)?


Faction Play
The queue times are murder. FP needs incentivization via events, possibly better use of the Scouting mode as a filler mode the matchmaker can launch if it doesn't get enough players for a full 12v12 match.

View PostIlostmycactus, on 13 January 2023 - 07:25 PM, said:

If the battlepass runs off of fomo then I'm not interested.
The battlepasses are going to be tied to the mech's XP and have no time limit. Buy whenever you like, enjoy whenever you want at your pace.

Edited by Horseman, 14 January 2023 - 03:14 AM.

#28 The Chancelor


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 03:01 AM

Legendary Mechs sound like hero mechs with a few extra steps...

But as long as you don't switch MWO to pay2win I am okay with this.

Thanks for the effort! Looking forward for 2023...

And PVD? Love it! Please enlist Mangeras for your German Players!

Edited by The Chancelor, 14 January 2023 - 03:13 AM.

#29 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 03:16 AM

I still hold out some hope for another unseen IIC mech. Phoenix Hawk or Shadow Hawk or even, heaven forbid, the Urbanmech (it's not unseen, I know)

Also, new weapons? Chemical lasers and Hyper Assault Gauss? Posted Image

Edited by Audacious Aubergine, 14 January 2023 - 03:30 AM.

#30 Curccu


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 03:26 AM

View Postsycocys, on 13 January 2023 - 09:53 PM, said:

MM - reduce the drop count, it's basically your only option at this point and current size of the population.

MM isn't just working well right now for example Yesterday dropped with two friends of mine, we are all high T1 players and MM added other group of two with high T1 players to our side, I recognized zero formidable players in opposing side....from seeing that screen I already knew ot was going to be bad stomp and it was 12-0. Moving those two really good players to other side there might have been a battle instead of slaughter.

Edited by Curccu, 14 January 2023 - 03:27 AM.

#31 Muz0079


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 04:08 AM

New mech - could it be the grand crusader (star crusader)? (seems to fit the silhouette)

#32 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 05:31 AM

View PostTheCaptainJZ, on 13 January 2023 - 08:04 PM, said:

I'd love to see a simplification of the xp system. We have Mech XP, and General XP and you can convert from MXP to GXP but I've never seen a reason to. Then you have to have cbills and mech xp to buy GSP. Can we cut to the chase and either reward matches with GSP instead of XP in matches or drop GSP and only use XP as currency for skills? Think of it as improving the new player experience.

I second this. I've been around long enough to remember when all the different currencies made sense. Leveling a 'mech used to be XP only, with all skill trees identical. GXP was for unlocking and upgrading "Modules" which were purchased for CB, and were your special abilities: Advanced Zoom, Seismic Sensor, Target Decay, Radar Deprivation, plus a few nobody used, as well as upgrades to weapon range/cooldown. Back then, there was a purpose to converting XP to GXP, which was lost when they changed the skill tree. Now, it's significantly more cost effective to buy a 200 GSP pack on the web store than it is to waste money making that conversion, meaning the ability to convert (and use) GXP is vestigial at this point.

The whole reason there are MC consumables is because upgrading your consumables was part of the GXP universal upgrades, or you could buy an already-fully-upgraded consumable for MC, instead. Now that they're identical, the MC consumables have zero point or purpose, and I'd be interested in hearing from PGI when's the last time anyone bought one (I'd be willing to bet the last one bought was an "auto refill" off a Loot-bag awarded MC consumable, before they changed those to CB).

The durability skill tree section (and the jump jet section, I believe) are all new to the revised skill tree, and furthered the gap between skilled and unskilled when they were added. About the only really good thing the new skill tree did was universalize some of the skills to not promote boating so hard (range/cooldown now applies to everything, not just LRM15's, for example).

View PostRhaelcan, on 13 January 2023 - 10:12 PM, said:

Lmao, the forward thrust could be funny on like, say a champion. Thing looks like a get, so make it a jet.

Sadly never gonna get a firemoth since PGI said so

So there was some discussion about Fire Moths with Daeron in one of these videos a year or two ago. A unit-mate was recently talking about taking a MASC Flea into one of the weekend event-queue matches and getting it just over 200 kph with no apparent issues (no complaints from him or anyone else on either side). Several 'mechs already don't MASC to their correct speed (SHC goes to 122 kph instead of 129, without speed tweak, and used to only go to 108 kph. EXE goes to 84.6 instead of 85.6 kph, etc). Fire Moth top speed without tweak is 162 kph. Top speed with Tweak is 174.2 kph. Untweaked MASC is supposed to be 216, but can realistically be tuned down to 190 without too much complaining. Tweaked MASC should be 232, but can probably be capped at 200 without anyone complaining too much. It's still faster than a Flea, and it's still a boost to speed and maneuverability, just not as much as it would have gotten.

A bigger concern is that weapons fire too fast, overall. So where you should have gotten one opportunity to shoot at a 'mech crossing an opening, you get three or four.

I agree that any aerodynamically shaped 'mechs zooming around the map like aircraft would be really funny. Especially on an unlimited Jump Jet Event Queue. Posted Image Being able to turn in midair, without having to land on the ground, first, would have a major impact on those games, which are already hilarious to be in. Posted Image

View PostMechB Kotare, on 14 January 2023 - 12:09 AM, said:

Honestly i dont care about Faction play. Reason why i never really played it was the siege mode. Whoever designed that clearly didnt play it at all. If you removed it, and exchanged it with something else, then i'd probably give it a try. Until siege mode is completely removed though, i dont intent to play it.

Personally i think game has enough weapons. Now i dont mind havng new ones, just pls no long toms. That would break the game for me. Im ok with x-pulses, arrrows, thunderbolts, cstreak lrms, mortars, cHAGs, cRACs etcs... just not the long tom pls...
Also having chem lasers could be cool.

Q: If you advance time line beyond y 3060, will you remove CSJ from the game? And if yes, will you also remove all csj decals badges and camos?

Firstly, "Siege" was originally just "Faction Play". That was THE game mode, all its maps were unique to it, and you played Faction to play that mode on those maps. Yes, it got stale, that's why the QP maps and modes were added as random alternatives, but Siege is still the "core" game mode that makes FP what it is, and removing that will pretty much kill what's left of FP.

That said, I was talking about this with other folks the other night, and while the Siege idea is a good start, it REALLY needs to be expanded on. There needs to be more dynamics to this game, more persistence between matches to make in-game events and decisions feel meaningful beyond simply trying to flip a planet on a map. Things like attacking an ammo manufacturer decreasing the amount of ammo available for a faction, or attacking an LRM manufacturer, or attacking an Autocannon manufacturer, or a 'mech manufacturer, etc. Attack the factory, decrease the supply for a time. This would be made more meaningful and impactful if destroyed components were really destroyed and had to be repurchased, but any thought of such a thing would immediately require the removal of CB as a skill point cost, and make that XP only.

And from personal experience: the siege maps need to be completely reworked. In most cases, (especially Grim Portico), there are clear alternative paths that an attacking unit would take to approach their objective with minimal risk to themselves, and the map-boundary lines are the only things forcing players into what is objectively the most terrible path to take, with the worst cover and most obstacles. BUT, please have the person who reworks them have the same mindset of the person who designed the original QP maps, and don't let Francois or anyone who thinks like him anywhere near them. PLEASE. That guy's maps are terrible.

Grim Plexus/Grim Portico is the correct way to "reuse assets for a new map". HPG needs to be reverted (it's currently trash), and while the recent Francois FP Map remakes add new options, they fall way short compared to Grim Plexus.

EDIT: Forgot to address weapons: you call out the Long Tom, but accept the idea of Arrow IV. You know those are also Artillery, right? :) Arrow IV in MW2: Mercs had a range of 3km (so you can shoot clear across the entire width of Polar Highlands, drop zone to drop zone). Their proper range is more like 9km. The main issue with a big artillery piece like that is that PGI never figured out how to do crit-splitting, and those weapons require it. IS Arrow IV is 15 tons, 15 crits. Clan version is 12 tons, 12 crits, but these were still generally arm-mounted weapons. Long Tom was something like 20 crits, I think? I know Sniper Artillery is 20 crits, and that's supposed to be smaller than the Long Tom... (I'm not actually sure you could 'mech-mount a Long Tom, outside of MW4).

View PostHorseman, on 14 January 2023 - 02:54 AM, said:

Happy to hear that, but I hope it will follow the division rules with each event taking a different division and rolling with it. The "Heavy Mech Solaris" was less than satisfying because certain variants dominated the field above all others and you didn't mirror the Solaris flamer changes which made them somewhat OP in a 1v1 scenario.

Are the special (I) variants going to be still available as the Specials for the repacked Clan mechs? What will replace the (P) variants for the Phoenix packs since you have previously stated they will never be purchaseable again (I'm still hoping you'll change your stance on that BTW)?

The queue times are murder. FP needs incentivization via events, possibly better use of the Scouting mode as a filler mode the matchmaker can launch if it doesn't get enough players for a full 12v12 match.

So I thought the Solaris mode did okay as a weight-class event, and I saw a lot of different variants get tried, and a lot of different variants do well which were generally considered terrible under the old "divisions" setup. I've long been agitating for weightclass rules only, and not splitting 'mechs up based on their QP performance. A Piranha fighting Annihilators and Corsairs is a very different fight than a Piranha fighting Adders and Jenners: 'mechs that can generally keep up with it, and will be mounting weapons more appropriate to its weight and speed.

I definitely agree about the flamers, though. I'm not entirely sure what they deal for heat in MWO, but their TT stat is 0.3 HPS dealt to an enemy, with 0.2 HPS dealt to themselves, also doing 0.3 DPS. In a 1v1 event, I surmise those values are sufficient, if potentially still oppressive and OP.

I miss scouting, and I definitely think the MatchMaker should be made dynamic such that it can launch different sized matches based on the current queue and a countdown timer. I've personally felt the entire game should be reworked to be Clan vs IS, even in QP, and the MatchMaker launches games of Clan vs Clan, IS vs IS, or Clan vs IS, depending on how many players of which type are ready to go.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 14 January 2023 - 06:07 AM.

#33 sycocys


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 05:32 AM

View PostCurccu, on 14 January 2023 - 03:26 AM, said:

MM isn't just working well right now for example Yesterday dropped with two friends of mine, we are all high T1 players and MM added other group of two with high T1 players to our side, I recognized zero formidable players in opposing side....from seeing that screen I already knew ot was going to be bad stomp and it was 12-0. Moving those two really good players to other side there might have been a battle instead of slaughter.

As far as I can tell there is zero difference between high/low any tier. I'm most of the way back through tier 4 and regularly pull matches full of t5 skill level players. Those matches just aren't fun for me, or I'm sure for them when I put up 1k+ damage and pull 4 solo kills in a brawling medium mech.

Event queue has proven quite well that the game matches faster and plays better with reduced player count in the drops. The population average has simply dropped to low to justify 12v12 and long wait times. Chop out a third of the drop and less gate need to open which means there's a far better chance of matching in your own tier.

#34 KursedVixen


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 05:43 AM

Well, at this point I'm just glad your still working on stuff for MWO and not totally neglecting it with MW5....

so new mechs? Conjurer/Hellhound?

new weapons? Clan Hyper assault guass? Er Pulse? X-Pulse? Clan Rotary autocannons(which take up more slots than their IS counterparts while being lighter)

Now if we ge the Hyper assault guass I've already come up with a possible way for them to work in MWo

Hyper assault guass fire similar to Rotary Auto cannons they have a spin up bar, when the fire button is pressed it takes a moment for the HAG to charge up to fire similar to the spin up of a RAC while firing the bar fills the larger the HAG the slower the bar fills once the bar fills completely the HAG is on cooldown, unlike RACs the HAg does not jam and the fill bar does not go down if you stop firing....

HAg 20 Does 20 damage over time
Hag 30 does 30 and 40 so on further details can be worked out by the team

Edited by KursedVixen, 14 January 2023 - 05:58 AM.



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Posted 14 January 2023 - 05:59 AM

The possibility of being a new game is the only thing that interests me.

I wish it was open world :)
we wouldn't have to wait

#36 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 06:10 AM

Watched the episode to verify claims of "MechWarrior Online Legends". First, second, and third reactions are: it's too close to MechWarrior Living Legends.

Wait, these "legend" 'mechs are built by the Cauldron?! Hell no!!! Firstly, you've seen how the Champion mechs that were built around the meta of the time have aged over the years. Secondly, this game has been faithful to the record sheets and the lore over the years, and this is no time to break with that tradition. I have very little faith or trust in this "Cauldron" to be true to the spirit of MechWarrior, as they have demonstrated repeatedly since they took control.

#37 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 06:18 AM

View PostMuz0079, on 14 January 2023 - 04:08 AM, said:

New mech - could it be the grand crusader (star crusader)? (seems to fit the silhouette)

Pretty sure that silhouette is just the Crusader. I strongly suspect they're going to do another "one-piece-a-week" puzzle like they did for the Crusader to tease it, a month or two before the pre-order window opens.

#38 Mighty Spike


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 06:37 AM

One important thing no one talks bout.The whole News are worth ## if they dont manage to bring fresh blood to MWO aka new Players.
Who ever made the Academy.: Sit in a Mech of your choice go in the Academy,then head after to the Active Combat Zone and tell us that you wouldnt be annoyed as hell, after you died in a Lurm spam with hearing the 10th incomming missile warning in 5seconds.
Dont forget you are a brand new Player.You have no Idea bout the Weapon systems/equipment and what exactly it does. no one tells you that you have to shoot down the UAV to avoid LRM´s
.To expect that every in MWO interested new Person has to watch hours of YT Vids before coming here is just #####

Whatever announcments you make they are worth nothing wothout bringing MORE NEW PLAYERS to MWO if you want to have a better mm or making money

Edited by Mighty Spike, 14 January 2023 - 06:39 AM.

#39 MechB Kotare


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 06:41 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 14 January 2023 - 05:31 AM, said:

Firstly, "Siege" was originally just "Faction Play". That was THE game mode, all its maps were unique to it, and you played Faction to play that mode on those maps. Yes, it got stale, that's why the QP maps and modes were added as random alternatives, but Siege is still the "core" game mode that makes FP what it is, and removing that will pretty much kill what's left of FP.

That said, I was talking about this with other folks the other night, and while the Siege idea is a good start, it REALLY needs to be expanded on. There needs to be more dynamics to this game, more persistence between matches to make in-game events and decisions feel meaningful beyond simply trying to flip a planet on a map. Things like attacking an ammo manufacturer decreasing the amount of ammo available for a faction, or attacking an LRM manufacturer, or attacking an Autocannon manufacturer, or a 'mech manufacturer, etc. Attack the factory, decrease the supply for a time. This would be made more meaningful and impactful if destroyed components were really destroyed and had to be repurchased, but any thought of such a thing would immediately require the removal of CB as a skill point cost, and make that XP only.

And from personal experience: the siege maps need to be completely reworked. In most cases, (especially Grim Portico), there are clear alternative paths that an attacking unit would take to approach their objective with minimal risk to themselves, and the map-boundary lines are the only things forcing players into what is objectively the most terrible path to take, with the worst cover and most obstacles. BUT, please have the person who reworks them have the same mindset of the person who designed the original QP maps, and don't let Francois or anyone who thinks like him anywhere near them. PLEASE. That guy's maps are terrible.

Yes i know. Been here from the start. Doesnt change the fact that its a bad design and needs to be redesigned, if not completely removed. Forcing 24 players to fight for a choke point is bad. Having a high wall, with only limited possibilities to fire above is bad, having only two accessible paths (without JJs) is bad. Theres absolutely no wonder why FP's lost interest, ''original'' design was flawed, and thats why they added quick play assets with respawns to it. It was just too late. Siege idea failed once, should not be expanded on.


EDIT: Forgot to address weapons: you call out the Long Tom, but accept the idea of Arrow IV. You know those are also Artillery, right? Posted Image Arrow IV in MW2: Mercs had a range of 3km (so you can shoot clear across the entire width of Polar Highlands, drop zone to drop zone). Their proper range is more like 9km. The main issue with a big artillery piece like that is that PGI never figured out how to do crit-splitting, and those weapons require it. IS Arrow IV is 15 tons, 15 crits. Clan version is 12 tons, 12 crits, but these were still generally arm-mounted weapons. Long Tom was something like 20 crits, I think? I know Sniper Artillery is 20 crits, and that's supposed to be smaller than the Long Tom... (I'm not actually sure you could 'mech-mount a Long Tom, outside of MW4).

If i had problems with arty weapon systems, i'd probably just say ''pls no arty weapons''. Im totally fine with arrows. Especially when you would most likely need a spotter with a tag to get you lock ons.

#40 KursedVixen


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Posted 14 January 2023 - 07:21 AM

View PostRaptorPhoenix, on 13 January 2023 - 09:40 PM, said:

All good stuff. Hope the next mech is a Clan Mech, maybe the Firemoth (yes another annoying light mech, but we can recreate the MWII training missions). I think "Mechwarrior Online Legends" is good, I would like something closer to the original "Mechwarrior Online A Game Based On BATTLETECH". Some people will be upset about the Legendary mechs, calling them "pay to win", but you don't have to buy them and plenty of players do well with mechs they never paid any real money for and the income will help MWO stay alive. If you want to see a Modern Mech game monetization system, look at the Mech Arena mobile game (although if you go with that system no one would ever say that the existing MWO model is P2W). Hope the new MW PVE game is MW5 Clans, similar to MW2 and Ghost Bear's Legacy, maybe a game about the "War of Reaving" I want to kick some Clan Wolf butt, I am always excited for new maps, but maybe give some bonus rewards for playing on hot maps, since no one votes for them. A new MW PVP game would be cool as long as it is just MWO in the Unreal engine, just use the existing assests. Don't tell me you can't do a PVP shooter in Unreal, I played a lot of Unreal Tournament decades ago on a PC that was many generations behind the PC I have now. Overall, looks promising, I guess Russ's comment about MWO being so "Nice" that Microsoft would not bother with trying to get a bigger developer to make a new MW game, is a good thing for PGI. Axeman would be cool, or the Berzerker. Note: I have loved Clan Jade Falcon since it came out and since the cartoon. When the Clans came out for the miniature game, I traded a Revised "Black Lotus" (Magic The Gathering Card) to a local game shop and bought the Jade Falcon Technical Readout and a star of mechs and paints and other things (I love those things, but kind of regret getting rid of the Black Lotus, since they sell for 10s of thousands of dollars today. Oh well, "hindsight is 20/20").
yes clan mech next and new clan weapons like i posted above...

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