TheCaptainJZ, on 13 January 2023 - 08:04 PM, said:
I'd love to see a simplification of the xp system. We have Mech XP, and General XP and you can convert from MXP to GXP but I've never seen a reason to. Then you have to have cbills and mech xp to buy GSP. Can we cut to the chase and either reward matches with GSP instead of XP in matches or drop GSP and only use XP as currency for skills? Think of it as improving the new player experience.
I second this. I've been around long enough to remember when all the different currencies made sense. Leveling a 'mech used to be XP only, with all skill trees identical. GXP was for unlocking and upgrading "Modules" which were purchased for CB, and were your special abilities: Advanced Zoom, Seismic Sensor, Target Decay, Radar Deprivation, plus a few nobody used, as well as upgrades to weapon range/cooldown. Back then, there was a purpose to converting XP to GXP, which was lost when they changed the skill tree. Now, it's significantly more cost effective to buy a 200 GSP pack on the web store than it is to waste money making that conversion, meaning the ability to convert (and use) GXP is vestigial at this point.
The whole reason there are MC consumables is because upgrading your consumables was part of the GXP universal upgrades, or you could buy an already-fully-upgraded consumable for MC, instead. Now that they're identical, the MC consumables have zero point or purpose, and I'd be interested in hearing from PGI when's the last time anyone bought one (I'd be willing to bet the last one bought was an "auto refill" off a Loot-bag awarded MC consumable, before they changed those to CB).
The durability skill tree section (and the jump jet section, I believe) are all new to the revised skill tree, and furthered the gap between skilled and unskilled when they were added. About the only really good thing the new skill tree did was universalize some of the skills to not promote boating so hard (range/cooldown now applies to everything, not
just LRM15's, for example).
Rhaelcan, on 13 January 2023 - 10:12 PM, said:
Lmao, the forward thrust could be funny on like, say a champion. Thing looks like a get, so make it a jet.
Sadly never gonna get a firemoth since PGI said so
So there was some discussion about Fire Moths with Daeron in one of these videos a year or two ago. A unit-mate was recently talking about taking a MASC Flea into one of the weekend event-queue matches and getting it just over 200 kph with no apparent issues (no complaints from him or anyone else on either side). Several 'mechs already don't MASC to their correct speed (SHC goes to 122 kph instead of 129, without speed tweak, and used to only go to 108 kph. EXE goes to 84.6 instead of 85.6 kph, etc). Fire Moth top speed without tweak is 162 kph. Top speed with Tweak is 174.2 kph. Untweaked MASC is supposed to be 216, but can realistically be tuned down to 190 without too much complaining. Tweaked MASC should be 232, but can probably be capped at 200 without anyone complaining too much. It's still faster than a Flea, and it's still a boost to speed and maneuverability, just not as much as it would have gotten.
A bigger concern is that weapons fire too fast, overall. So where you should have gotten one opportunity to shoot at a 'mech crossing an opening, you get three or four.
I agree that any aerodynamically shaped 'mechs zooming around the map like aircraft would be really funny. Especially on an unlimited Jump Jet Event Queue.

Being able to turn in midair, without having to land on the ground, first, would have a major impact on those games, which are already hilarious to be in.
MechB Kotare, on 14 January 2023 - 12:09 AM, said:
Honestly i dont care about Faction play. Reason why i never really played it was the siege mode. Whoever designed that clearly didnt play it at all. If you removed it, and exchanged it with something else, then i'd probably give it a try. Until siege mode is completely removed though, i dont intent to play it.
Personally i think game has enough weapons. Now i dont mind havng new ones, just pls no long toms. That would break the game for me. Im ok with x-pulses, arrrows, thunderbolts, cstreak lrms, mortars, cHAGs, cRACs etcs... just not the long tom pls...
Also having chem lasers could be cool.
Q: If you advance time line beyond y 3060, will you remove CSJ from the game? And if yes, will you also remove all csj decals badges and camos?
Firstly, "Siege" was originally just "Faction Play". That was THE game mode, all its maps were unique to it, and you played Faction to play that mode on those maps. Yes, it got stale, that's why the QP maps and modes were added as random alternatives, but Siege is still the "core" game mode that makes FP what it is, and removing that will pretty much kill what's left of FP.
That said, I was talking about this with other folks the other night, and while the Siege idea is a good start, it REALLY needs to be expanded on. There needs to be more dynamics to this game, more persistence between matches to make in-game events and decisions feel meaningful beyond simply trying to flip a planet on a map. Things like attacking an ammo manufacturer decreasing the amount of ammo available for a faction, or attacking an LRM manufacturer, or attacking an Autocannon manufacturer, or a 'mech manufacturer, etc. Attack the factory, decrease the supply for a time. This would be made more meaningful and impactful if destroyed components were really destroyed and had to be repurchased, but any thought of such a thing would immediately require the removal of CB as a skill point cost, and make that XP only.
And from personal experience: the siege maps need to be completely reworked. In most cases, (especially Grim Portico), there are clear alternative paths that an attacking unit would take to approach their objective with minimal risk to themselves, and the map-boundary lines are the only things forcing players into what is objectively the most terrible path to take, with the worst cover and most obstacles. BUT, please have the person who reworks them have the same mindset of the person who designed the original QP maps, and don't let Francois or anyone who thinks like him anywhere near them. PLEASE. That guy's maps are terrible.
Grim Plexus/Grim Portico is the correct way to "reuse assets for a new map". HPG needs to be reverted (it's currently trash), and while the recent Francois FP Map remakes add new options, they fall way short compared to Grim Plexus.
EDIT: Forgot to address weapons: you call out the Long Tom, but accept the idea of Arrow IV. You know those are also Artillery, right?

Arrow IV in MW2: Mercs had a range of 3km (so you can shoot clear across the entire width of Polar Highlands, drop zone to drop zone). Their proper range is more like 9km. The main issue with a big artillery piece like that is that PGI never figured out how to do crit-splitting, and those weapons require it. IS Arrow IV is 15 tons, 15 crits. Clan version is 12 tons, 12 crits, but these were still generally arm-mounted weapons. Long Tom was something like 20 crits, I think? I know Sniper Artillery is 20 crits, and that's supposed to be smaller than the Long Tom... (I'm not actually sure you could 'mech-mount a Long Tom, outside of MW4).
Horseman, on 14 January 2023 - 02:54 AM, said:
Happy to hear that, but I hope it will follow the division rules with each event taking a different division and rolling with it. The "Heavy Mech Solaris" was less than satisfying because certain variants dominated the field above all others and you didn't mirror the Solaris flamer changes which made them somewhat OP in a 1v1 scenario.
Are the special (I) variants going to be still available as the Specials for the repacked Clan mechs? What will replace the (P) variants for the Phoenix packs since you have previously stated they will never be purchaseable again (I'm still hoping you'll change your stance on that BTW)?
The queue times are murder. FP needs incentivization via events, possibly better use of the Scouting mode as a filler mode the matchmaker can launch if it doesn't get enough players for a full 12v12 match.
So I thought the Solaris mode did okay as a weight-class event, and I saw a lot of different variants get tried, and a lot of different variants do well which were generally considered terrible under the old "divisions" setup. I've long been agitating for weightclass rules only, and not splitting 'mechs up based on their QP performance. A Piranha fighting Annihilators and Corsairs is a very different fight than a Piranha fighting Adders and Jenners: 'mechs that can generally keep up with it, and will be mounting weapons more appropriate to its weight and speed.
I definitely agree about the flamers, though. I'm not entirely sure what they deal for heat in MWO, but their TT stat is 0.3 HPS dealt to an enemy, with 0.2 HPS dealt to themselves, also doing 0.3 DPS. In a 1v1 event, I surmise those values are sufficient, if potentially still oppressive and OP.
I miss scouting, and I definitely think the MatchMaker should be made dynamic such that it can launch different sized matches based on the current queue and a countdown timer. I've personally felt the entire game should be reworked to be Clan vs IS, even in QP, and the MatchMaker launches games of Clan vs Clan, IS vs IS, or Clan vs IS, depending on how many players of which type are ready to go.
Edited by C337Skymaster, 14 January 2023 - 06:07 AM.