Patch Notes - - 24-January-2023
Posted 24 January 2023 - 12:06 PM
I just realised this is restricted to Inner Sphere vs Clan. Unfortunately for those who have quite a few hero mechs etc this still leaves unwanted combinations.
This is an improvement from random packs, but not quite the level of freedom to be worth a purchase.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 12:53 PM
Voice of Kerensky, on 22 January 2023 - 07:40 PM, said:
Then we play anyway because we need our Mech fix every X or XX number of days!

Tomc300, on 22 January 2023 - 11:12 PM, said:
I would love to see Omnipods mixing based on stuff they simply have :
- Omnipod #1 has + 5% SRM Heat buff.
- Omnipod #2 has + 5% Laser Heat buff.
- Omnipod #3 has - 5% Energy Delay buff.
- Omnipod #4 has - 5% Missile Delay buff.
- Omnipod #5 has + 5% Energy Weapons Range buff.
- Omnipod #6 has + 1 Ton Missile Ammo buff.
- Omnipod #7 has - 5% Laser Heat buff.
- Omnipod #8 has - 5% Overall Heat buff.
So you just add all of those together and that's the Quirks you get as bonus!
Another option would be to have Omnipods that have stuff in common with other ones but not all 3 things which they have in the current Stock Omnipods Loadouts.
So you get something like this :
- All Omnipods have Laser+Missile+Heat buff.
- You switch just 1 Omnipod for another one and still keep the Laser buff but lose Missile and Heat or just the Missile one.
- But then you change another one which just has Laser buff and only keep Laser buff

Currently this is not possible in anyway : Switch 1 Omnipod and lose EVERYTHING

KursedVixen, on 23 January 2023 - 06:46 AM, said:
I think we wish for the same thing ? Or not ?

2 x UAC/5
2 x UAC/10
MadCat B or Kodiak 3 anyone ?!

Sometimes I have the impression that Clan Armor is made out of this stuff : https://en.wikipedia...m%C3%A2ch%C3%A9

Sometimes it's hard to kill and sometimes it just falls apart somehow...
I would rather be in the Hunchie IIC at all times!

And wait for the 50% discounts!

Clay Endfield, on 23 January 2023 - 11:05 AM, said:
Which is 100% a P.G.I. mech which has a horrible FOV from it's cockpit!

It's why the IS ECM variants are typically undergunned for their tonnage.
Archer Tempest disagrees!

But is that a good mech with good DPS in the end ?!?!
I am guessing that it totally is NOT!
KursedVixen, on 23 January 2023 - 11:08 AM, said:
Sorry, but Fafnir sucks already with LFE and regular Gauss if your team is crap (As usually is the case in QP sadly...) so I would totally not recommend going that way!

According to some here Clan ER PPC is the best there is ?!
I wish more people were "tryhards" instead of "YAY! I play for fun! PEW PEW with my useless build!"

sycocys, on 23 January 2023 - 07:44 PM, said:
IMHO the IS regular AC models sound the best of them all, but indeed : Wreck your ears a bit if you don't play around with the sound levels!

KursedVixen, on 23 January 2023 - 09:25 PM, said:
How is the armor/survivability ??
I am still not sure if I should get myself the Alpha 5

Duke Falcon, on 24 January 2023 - 08:52 AM, said:
Nerfing stuffs is not a solution for balance or anything because the bad habits and strange play-styles... Deal with those first! Sure there are way prevent idiot NASCAR (who invented that at the first place? Leeroy Jenkins?)...
As for the invisible walls and spots exploited by certain builds and players... UNLOCK YOUR ARMS! Sometimes you would wonder how high places you could aim and hit if you unlock your darned, bloody arms! Try it OhForFSake!
A good hint or advice, consider it as a freebie:
Make patches at every three months instead of monthly to have yourself time to CAREFULLY THINK THROUGH what you would done with it! Less failure mays happen...
Ja. Have a nice day, dudes!
I like this guy!

Clay Endfield, on 24 January 2023 - 11:36 AM, said:
As long as the PSR system is as it is the Tier rating doesn't mean a damn thing!
I and many others can show you many screenshots where the PSR stuff at the end of an round be like : F U !!! Your Team lost and your "much better than the rest score" doesn´t mean a damn thing!

I would love to but the game doesn't let me! LOL!

I see Timberwolves in QP all the time so T1/T2/T3 has nothing to do with it

Edited by Roodkapje, 24 January 2023 - 12:58 PM.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 01:33 PM
TheCaptainJZ, on 24 January 2023 - 09:39 AM, said:
2. "Maps were fine! Why are you adding invisible walls?" First of all, we have virtually NO details on WHERE or WHAT was specifically changed! "A wall was added to prevent falling in a crevice" or "cap points have been moved" gives us no real information to even discuss. Was it completely changed? Was it moved just 1 foot? We have no idea so there's nothing to complain about yet.
I never said "Maps were fine!", in fact I pointed out that the maps were plagued by buggy invisible walls and environ snags that players have been sending in bug reports and posting about for years. And not only did these map fixes not address those invisible walls they in fact choose to waste finite resources that should have been spent on fixing them instead putting in more UNASKED FOR walls that make it worse, and continue to force pilots to repeat the same patterns of battles as they cut back the dwindling playspace.
I agree they should have told us why, and most importantly who decided to do it, because I have been peppered with messages from other pilots in game and on discourse that the new map guy was taken along for a tour of maps and got all the bias from a group of pilots that... shall we say like to have all their potato victims in the same place every match? These types don't like it when people find new positions to fight with that don't benefit their meta loadouts, I don't know the validity of these rumors but I do know the absence of info and the arbitrary implementation of these unasked for changes has created a vacuum in which they spread.
I've now toured all the maps post patch, and it is some of the most sloppy, lazy, and poorly thought out invisible wall implementations I have ever had to deal with in this game, its actually worse than I feared it would be. Whoever the guy who put these in is he needs to explain the reasons and who drove him to them because he has made over a half a dozen maps worse and made 3 in particular hot-garbage forced nascar and WITH mid-air snag spots.
All with invisible walls nobody asked for.
Edited by Gilgamesh Hoi, 24 January 2023 - 01:35 PM.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 01:57 PM

Please fix this ASAP Matt...
Posted 24 January 2023 - 03:39 PM
Big-G, on 24 January 2023 - 01:57 PM, said:

Please fix this ASAP Matt...
Anything that sorts under the category "Special" has never been sellable (all the CB boosted 'mechs that aren't heroes). All your Founders, Phoenix, Invasion, Resistance, Collectors, Holiday, Platinum, 'mechs, etc.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 03:56 PM
C337Skymaster, on 24 January 2023 - 03:39 PM, said:
Urg... great... o well... Meme builds it will be then...
Posted 24 January 2023 - 04:49 PM
SO my KNIGHT mech with ac10 and 5 and 3 med lazers may work -- test time
Posted 24 January 2023 - 09:29 PM
-what's "SO8"?
Posted 24 January 2023 - 09:45 PM
simon1812, on 24 January 2023 - 09:29 PM, said:
-what's "SO8"?
C337Skymaster, on 24 January 2023 - 03:39 PM, said:
Edited by KursedVixen, 24 January 2023 - 10:39 PM.
Posted 25 January 2023 - 11:23 AM
Roodkapje, on 25 January 2023 - 08:17 AM, said:

notice how the last two are listed on the page as Apocryphal
Posted 25 January 2023 - 12:13 PM
Duke Falcon, on 24 January 2023 - 08:52 AM, said:
True that clan mechs are NO clan mech anyhow...
Just mechs looks like clan mechs...
Because IF clan mechs would be clan mechs all the IS mechwarriors would cry whole rivers 'till the bitter end on the Fields of Armageddon...
Clans were designed to be equal 1:3 clan:IS ratio. In a multiplayer game that may not work because the latter party would always cry 'cause they lost...
You know, USSR cried so hard in 1941 because german military were just so much better. But then they realised that numbers do count...
I would glad if omnis would perform as they should be! Would be IMBA OP sure. In FP it could be evened by let clanners bring only a binary into combat (10 vs 12 +1-3 mech if we consider the commanding mechs of a company). That would be good.
In QP? Pfff, impossible. But it not mean that clan-tech must be nerfed, nerfed and nerfed. Clan tech could be countered by tactic, coordinated team-play and such. Maybe learn that first instead of NASCAR?
Nerfing stuffs is not a solution for balance or anything because the bad habits and strange play-styles... Deal with those first! Sure there are way prevent idiot NASCAR (who invented that at the first place? Leeroy Jenkins?)...
As for the invisible walls and spots exploited by certain builds and players... UNLOCK YOUR ARMS! Sometimes you would wonder how high places you could aim and hit if you unlock your darned, bloody arms! Try it OhForFSake!
Overall we once again forced to apply a patch what ruin things further. A shame. Patches meant to fix and develop things not the contrary...
A good hint or advice, consider it as a freebie:
Make patches at every three months instead of monthly to have yourself time to CAREFULLY THINK THROUGH what you would done with it! Less failure mays happen...
Oh, unholy dark gods! Better stop it now because set things aflame and watch everything charred... Even if that would be better...
Ja. Have a nice day, dudes!
I dont think there is any balancing needed for QP - there should be Clan and IS mechs on both sides - not Clan vs IS but Team vs Team - and better Teamplay wins!
The only thing to balance is MatchMaker so you get about same tonnage/ % of Clan/IS mechs on both sides...
Posted 25 January 2023 - 01:53 PM
Clay Endfield, on 24 January 2023 - 11:36 AM, said:
So your myopic perspective doesn't quite cover the entirety of the dilemma, bucko. It's top-down balancing: They balance based off what a mech can do in the hands of a skilled player, and establish a performance benchmark from the collective average. Mechs that exceed the performance average by a wide margin get hit with the nerfs; mechs that fall short of that average get buffed.
So back to the Timby: a consensus of skilled players determined that it was overperforming, it was analyzed why, Lasvom syncing extremely well with the chassis was the reason, the option then was to either a.) Nerf Clan Laser, or b.) Nerf the Timby.
Option a.) blanket nerfs a bunch of Clan mechs that are okay, or underperforming. Option b.) corrects the problem without creating more.
Apply the dilemma to series of other mechs that were overperforming fir similiar reasons. Option b.) is obviously the best approach.
Stats? WHERE are the Stats? It's funny... No one seems to be able to provide Stats. Phil of No Guts No Galaxy hasn't seen Stats... The Cauldron hasn't seen Stats... Where are the Stats for anything in MWO? [redacted]
Edited by Ekson Valdez, 25 January 2023 - 10:07 PM.
Posted 25 January 2023 - 08:12 PM
Duke Falcon, on 24 January 2023 - 08:52 AM, said:
True that clan mechs are NO clan mech anyhow...
Just mechs looks like clan mechs...
Because IF clan mechs would be clan mechs all the IS mechwarriors would cry whole rivers 'till the bitter end on the Fields of Armageddon...
Clans were designed to be equal 1:3 clan:IS ratio. In a multiplayer game that may not work because the latter party would always cry 'cause they lost...
You know, USSR cried so hard in 1941 because german military were just so much better. But then they realised that numbers do count...
I would glad if omnis would perform as they should be! Would be IMBA OP sure. In FP it could be evened by let clanners bring only a binary into combat (10 vs 12 +1-3 mech if we consider the commanding mechs of a company). That would be good.
In QP? Pfff, impossible. But it not mean that clan-tech must be nerfed, nerfed and nerfed. Clan tech could be countered by tactic, coordinated team-play and such. Maybe learn that first instead of NASCAR?
Nerfing stuffs is not a solution for balance or anything because the bad habits and strange play-styles... Deal with those first! Sure there are way prevent idiot NASCAR (who invented that at the first place? Leeroy Jenkins?)...
As for the invisible walls and spots exploited by certain builds and players... UNLOCK YOUR ARMS! Sometimes you would wonder how high places you could aim and hit if you unlock your darned, bloody arms! Try it OhForFSake!
Overall we once again forced to apply a patch what ruin things further. A shame. Patches meant to fix and develop things not the contrary...
A good hint or advice, consider it as a freebie:
Make patches at every three months instead of monthly to have yourself time to CAREFULLY THINK THROUGH what you would done with it! Less failure mays happen...
Oh, unholy dark gods! Better stop it now because set things aflame and watch everything charred... Even if that would be better...
Ja. Have a nice day, dudes!
Algerian Bear, on 25 January 2023 - 04:52 PM, said:
Posted 25 January 2023 - 10:46 PM
Still makes fun.
Hands down!
Posted 26 January 2023 - 01:49 PM
Krasnopesky, on 21 January 2023 - 09:50 AM, said:
Despite everything, the patch is an impertinence for FP
the 265 tons are long overdue
this was an issue a year and a half ago
Posted 26 January 2023 - 08:34 PM
Posted 27 January 2023 - 12:02 AM
Staude, on 26 January 2023 - 01:49 PM, said:
the 265 tons are long overdue
this was an issue a year and a half ago
The clans must suffer for thier crimes against the inner sphere!!~PGi probably.
Edited by KursedVixen, 27 January 2023 - 12:03 AM.
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