Patch Notes - - 21-March-2023
Posted 18 March 2023 - 05:44 PM
I like the gimmick, but would've been better if it had something that could actually work. Otherwise it's just 100-ton Viper. And Viper imo is better. Not really "Legendary".
Btw, what does "Outlier" mean? You keep saying this word in regards to Legendary Mechs, but what your idea behind it? Why not just call them "Unique" quirks? Imo it just confuses people more as if "Outlier" should mean something, but it actually doesn't.
Posted 18 March 2023 - 05:52 PM
Heavy Money, on 17 March 2023 - 10:12 PM, said:
Then there's also Energy+Missile variants most other medium chassis. There's a lot more mechs than loadouts. And many of those mechs are significantly larger than others. Kintaro and Griffin in particular have some of the worst size and hitboxes. So the project has been to quirk things so that each of these mechs is appreciably different. And you're just here ignoring how much thought has gone into this because your idea of just magically solving all the games problems by reverting to tabletop values has been rejected by everybody.
Also, NARC quirks are being removed because NARC is generally a bad mechanic that makes the game worse in low level play by encouraging LRM spam, and in high level play by granting mega scouting. There's been a move to reduce the effectiveness of NARC because the wider community has overwhelmingly requested it.
Compare to a couple years ago before the Cauldron began. Most mechs were not worth using. Now its only a few oddballs left that are really bad, and that's mostly because of mount and hitbox issues that they cannot change. Sure some are still better than others, but the margins have been closed a lot.
Your NARC argument is fair, and I've heard it, but if that were really the case, then they should be removing NARC duration quirks en-masse as a "NARC Pass", and not just piecemeal across one 'mech at a time as it gets pigeon holed into something somebody thought would be fun to run on it.
The plain fact of the matter is that 'mechs are a lot of the same weapons on different hitboxes. That's the nature of the game. The reason to have so many 'mechs is that you might not HAVE "the best one", you have a different one, and you do what you can with what you have. That's something that it sounds like PGI was trying to implement correctly, back in 2012, and they got shouted down by the people who didn't understand what was going on. MechWarrior has always been a Simulator, and "what's missing" that nobody can ever lay a finger on, which makes MWO so stale so quickly, is simulation.
The reason MWO has so many 'mechs is that they funded the game on nostalgia. Everyone wants to see and run their favorites.
And regardless of who discussed it, when, where, what their motives were, or their ideas, etc, the fact remains that somewhat generic "boosters" are being replaced with meta-giga-quirks intended to reward boating, and intended to encourage or reward one specific build, since, as you say, the 'mechs are very 'meh', otherwise.
Posted 18 March 2023 - 08:07 PM
Posted 18 March 2023 - 09:08 PM
Daeron Katz, on 18 March 2023 - 08:07 PM, said:
That mad cat MKII is going to be so strong. Also, I am excited to play on classic~. Though now I have to wait till patch day, ughhh
Posted 18 March 2023 - 10:28 PM
Posted 18 March 2023 - 11:29 PM
Posted 19 March 2023 - 01:31 AM
Posted 19 March 2023 - 02:26 AM
Posted 19 March 2023 - 08:02 AM
5 10
LEGENDS color packs..
Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 19 March 2023 - 08:10 AM.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 10:13 AM
I'll clarify on both issues. I don't like battlepasses. I have always felt like they're just there to force FoMo onto the player base. Having to play 100 matches/month minimum if you wanna keep up feels like a job, not a game. There's a lot of games, and if you can't keep your players on merit you don't deserve them, sorry. Myself as an example; if there's a battlepass I'll play a lot less, since as soon as I miss something I'll feel like any gameplay is a waste of time.
There's an exception if each battlepass is really short, like 1 week, since then you can pick and choose what you want to work towards. If they're gonna be 3-6 months long that's not something I want to participate in, especially if the game does the scummy thing most companies do and put the 5 cool things at the very end and require thousands of hours/month to get there. Charging people for potential advancement isn't cool, and I know very few people who actually enjoy that.
If the pass and everything in it is completely free it's allowable, but because of the same reasons above I still tend to play less since inevitably I will miss out on something and feel like all my hours are a waste now.
If the Legendary mechs can be obtained with MC on par with the heroes it's okay, as long as MC is still a free reward for player participation. However, if they're locked behind real world currency only that's awful for the health of this game.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 10:59 AM
Trepmal, on 19 March 2023 - 10:13 AM, said:
I'll clarify on both issues. I don't like battlepasses. I have always felt like they're just there to force FoMo onto the player base. Having to play 100 matches/month minimum if you wanna keep up feels like a job, not a game. There's a lot of games, and if you can't keep your players on merit you don't deserve them, sorry. Myself as an example; if there's a battlepass I'll play a lot less, since as soon as I miss something I'll feel like any gameplay is a waste of time.
There's an exception if each battlepass is really short, like 1 week, since then you can pick and choose what you want to work towards. If they're gonna be 3-6 months long that's not something I want to participate in, especially if the game does the scummy thing most companies do and put the 5 cool things at the very end and require thousands of hours/month to get there. Charging people for potential advancement isn't cool, and I know very few people who actually enjoy that.
If the pass and everything in it is completely free it's allowable, but because of the same reasons above I still tend to play less since inevitably I will miss out on something and feel like all my hours are a waste now.
If the Legendary mechs can be obtained with MC on par with the heroes it's okay, as long as MC is still a free reward for player participation. However, if they're locked behind real world currency only that's awful for the health of this game.
I think you're overreacting here. Legendary mechs have their own hardpoints and quirks? There are also a number of items that can be unlocked? Sounds like new hero mechs with a few extra steps to me. this will certainly not upend the structure of the battlefield.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:03 AM
Pz_DC, on 19 March 2023 - 02:26 AM, said:
Fafnir torso hitboxes are going to be terrible no matter what they do to them, with how huge they are and how slow it is. As it is now you can't shield the CT from any angle; you can run an XL Fafnir safely most games because 9 times out of 10 the CT will be catching every stray bullet and laser, and once the structure is exposed why would they bother XL checking the side torsos?
The problem is, I don't think there's a decent way to adjust Fafnir hitboxes without remodeling the whole mech.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:35 AM
Heavy Money, on 18 March 2023 - 01:39 PM, said:
If it has 8 or more ballistic hardpoints, I can pretty much guarantee 8x AC/2 within the first few minutes of its patch: IS version of the Dire Wolf.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:48 AM
Pz_DC, on 19 March 2023 - 02:26 AM, said:
Nah, now just farm those massive side torsos, instead. Less armor on each, and almost impossible to hide. What with the rampant power creep going on, it won't be long before most builds can one-shot each ST, anyway.
Edited by C337Skymaster, 19 March 2023 - 11:50 AM.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:54 AM
Trepmal, on 19 March 2023 - 10:13 AM, said:
I'll clarify on both issues. I don't like battlepasses. I have always felt like they're just there to force FoMo onto the player base. Having to play 100 matches/month minimum if you wanna keep up feels like a job, not a game. There's a lot of games, and if you can't keep your players on merit you don't deserve them, sorry. Myself as an example; if there's a battlepass I'll play a lot less, since as soon as I miss something I'll feel like any gameplay is a waste of time.
There's an exception if each battlepass is really short, like 1 week, since then you can pick and choose what you want to work towards. If they're gonna be 3-6 months long that's not something I want to participate in, especially if the game does the scummy thing most companies do and put the 5 cool things at the very end and require thousands of hours/month to get there. Charging people for potential advancement isn't cool, and I know very few people who actually enjoy that.
If the pass and everything in it is completely free it's allowable, but because of the same reasons above I still tend to play less since inevitably I will miss out on something and feel like all my hours are a waste now.
If the Legendary mechs can be obtained with MC on par with the heroes it's okay, as long as MC is still a free reward for player participation. However, if they're locked behind real world currency only that's awful for the health of this game.
Based on the comments from Matt and Daeron, the battle pass that PGI is providing with the legendary mechs is unlimited in time and has nothing to do with "advancement" but rather with getting the same kind of stuff we all get rewarded with when playing the numerous events. Things like (from the announcement): GSP, C-Bills, MC, Premium Time, and exclusive Cockpit Items, Decals, Colors, and Bolt-Ons.
During the last NGNG chat they stated that the battle pass will have 20 tiers, which a low to average skill player will be able to unlock each tier in 1-2 games, with rewards culminating with bolt-ons for unlocking the highest tires. There is no "advancement" here, potential or actual, with buying these mechs. Getting access to the battle pass is just an attempt to give extra inventive to buy these "new" variants. As long as you play the game occasionally during events, you'll miss out nothing relevant by skipping purchase of them.
I can't address if thery will eventually be available for MC purchase (I don't recall if Matt or Daeron addressed this) but I suspect that they will be some months down the road after their initial $ only release, as that is the model all new mechs in this game have always followed.
Edited by Bud Crue, 19 March 2023 - 11:58 AM.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:56 AM
I think a 'Spy vs Spy' motif would be cool and it would be like the white spy version of the ECM Raven variant.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 12:10 PM
Heavy Money, on 17 March 2023 - 07:26 PM, said:
Have you ever taken a look at the KTO variants ?!
It's totally NOT !!!
Especially the KTO-18 or Hero and the Scouting purposed 19 or 20 !!!
But that's not the situation right now!
C337Skymaster, on 17 March 2023 - 07:44 PM, said:
This is cherrypicking someone's pet build that they pulled out of their ***, and adding quirks to pigeon hole the 'mech into that pet build. As I said: quirks made sense when they were helping a stock build compete, in large part because they then fit into the "flavor" of that particular 'mech. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this, apart from "we felt like it" or "we think it'll perform well in our next Comp season, and we want these quirks so we can use it this way".
Heck, they're removing the NARC quirks from the -19, even though the writeup for that 'mech literally centers around that single function. The Kintaro was designed to be an SLDF NARC 'mech, with a mix of other weapons to help it fight while it was performing its primary job of spotting for its lancemates. Now it's a streak-boat and nothing else?
At least when they removed the NARC duration from the Raven (something else for whom NARCs are a major part of its identity), they doubled the NARC cooldown, so it still lives up to its reputation, and can perform the same role, it just requires more active input from the pilot, and is less of a passive activity. That seemed fair enough, given the combination of NARC duration and Stealth Armor. I don't see Kintaros abusing their NARC quirk (or running NARCs at all, for that matter).
100% AGREE!!!

Last week I have gotten NARC-ed a couple of times in maybe 2 or 3 games and before that basically NO ONE was using NARC as far as I am concerned!
Heavy Money, on 17 March 2023 - 10:12 PM, said:
I think you meant to say "A very small group of people discussed their own preferences and applied them to the game!"

That is not what quirks are supposed to do!
The Griffin is a lot worse than the Kintaro IMHO when it comes to "What size should a Medium Mech be ?" while the Kintaro barely has any issues because it doesn't have huge Missile Launchers like the Griffin and some other mechs!
Community that doesn't play the game ?!
LURM SPAM sucks and should not be encouraged but the chance of being NARC-ed is seriously LOW these days...
That's simply NOT TRUE!
Ch_R0me, on 18 March 2023 - 12:42 AM, said:
Congrats, your reputation just went up.
I will belieave it when I see it...
If that ever happens : UnReal Engine please!

Dyex, on 18 March 2023 - 01:39 AM, said:
But honestly, this feels like grooming mechs more then balance changes...
Cauldron seriously needs to disappear A.S.A.P. together with their weird changes!
Now I guess it just got even better - goodie...
Players using a 100 Ton Assault like that should be Votekicked out of the game!
When you use the DWF properly you will notice how annoying "Clan Paper Armor" can be and how fast you will go from useable mech to barely usefull mech!

Scout Derek, on 18 March 2023 - 01:58 AM, said:
I sure hope not!
18 will be alright, but now with better quirks so you might have a chance.
The KTO-18 was good and IMHO now the most OP of them all!
Being a Lights Hunter is OK, but not fulfilling it's Scout/Support role as it should is just sad...
Pretty easy to guess who did this patch the more you look at it.
More Armor to fight "Clan Paper Armor" is OK but I wish they would do something about it's speed or let us change the Engine on it : 48 km/h is a serious P.I.T.A.

evil kerensky, on 18 March 2023 - 02:21 AM, said:
Their so undergunned now, but they used to be so fun. Armour quirks on both, and arm quirks on the griffin would be nice. Maybe a general arm spread buff too next time? Plz and ty.
Don't know the Hunchie but I believe the 2N could use a quirk for it's 2 Energy Slots in it's Right Arm

Der Geisterbaer, on 18 March 2023 - 02:43 AM, said:
I am not sure if that would work these days when the PSR punishes you soo hard for a bad Team ?!
NARC is porely designed like AMS and most of the time not worth the weight and slots spent on it unless we are talking about a mech like a COR-7A for example!
However that's not a reason to do weird things like in this Patch

- Where exactly did that "wider community" voice that request in an "overwhelmingly" manner?
- How large is that "wider community" actually?
- Do you have verifiable numbers on how many times NARC is actually used "in low level play" as well as numbers on "in high level play"? My personal - and thus anecdotal - experience "low level play" tells me that I'm seeing NARC even fewer times than the alleged "OP" PIR-1 and when it shows up more than often there aren't any noteworthy LRM mechs around to benefit from the player that applied NARC to the enemy.

Divkrd, on 18 March 2023 - 03:21 AM, said:
That is not a reason to buff or nerf a mech IMHO

You know why?
Because they farm noobs with Dires, why would they nerf something they use all the time, right?
This is actually one of the few changes I agree with since Cauldron was introduced, but you are probably right!

Dyex, on 18 March 2023 - 09:39 AM, said:
Don't think you can convince me it was "balance" to take the DWF-W centre torso which has 2 energy hard points, needed more armor, whopping +10% projectile velocity (not a SO8 bonus) more and a heat bonus too.
The last two weren't needed but I seriously welcome the Armor quirks!

Never seen that on the DWF to be honest : It's either DAKKA or ER LARGE LASER SPAM ?!
As I said, this is not balance its GROOMING!
It's a Mech with a XL Engine so you can't "Zombie" around anyway, but you are probably right!
Steel Shanks, on 18 March 2023 - 12:02 PM, said:
Since the HSL+1 quirk on the KTO-18 you will see it plenty of times!

Those things are horrible in general so I just avoid them!

+1 but fixing "Clan Paper Armor" isn't that bad IMHO

I have the same issue but a different cause : Players who seriously have no idea what they are doing and have ZERO interest in improving themselves!

Kai Lui, on 18 March 2023 - 12:10 PM, said:
made the locast bigger then a jenner ect. a lot of other REALY BAD IDEAS implemented there i have been wishing to vanished.
Sometimes I daydream about it ever happening, but I don't think it ever will to be honest...

the check engine light, on 18 March 2023 - 12:37 PM, said:
I keep telling myself it's just an organic outgrowth of "poor hitboxes/mounts which can't be fixed" and then I see the Fafnir hitboxes getting tweaked. I'm having a harder and harder time believing this isn't "herd the stupids toward the right choices, which are our choices".
For some players that might not be that bad actually, but I agree that should not be the case, however when I see some Loadouts people are using... DAMN...

Mighty Spike, on 18 March 2023 - 01:33 PM, said:
Even a Quantum Computer cant make a proper MM with how many active? 200.300?
As long Newbys wil die in Lurmspam in 10 seconds in the active combat Zone with the 15th "incomming missile warning" in their ears will nothing change or help.
Game tab is outdated like the rest too.Newbys have to get important infos by their own together like shoot down the UAV for surviving a bit longer in the Combat Zone.
.The most Newbys even dont know that they can choose every Mech from store,change the Loadout without paying anything and visit Testing grounds directly from store mech lab. with the changed loadout.
That are infos wich are important for newbys and wich they should get right at start.Anything that helps to start easier and less annoyed is good.
Start to make it more newby friendly because we need nothing more then fresh Blood
How many Money you can make with a few hundred active Players? Seriously not enough. Wonder that this magic cauldron thingy says nothing to PGI regarding actions to bring more New Players here. There´s no future with just a few hundred left active Players.
100% AGREE!!!

Take notes @ P.G.I. !!!
Heavy Money, on 18 March 2023 - 01:39 PM, said:
It's still a huge SHOOT HERE building walking around basically so I am not so sure about that...
Heavy Money, on 18 March 2023 - 01:50 PM, said:
What's the point in Scouting when my "Target Spotted!" disappears almost immedaitely ?!
Do you realize what you are saying ??
You can go give them your opinion and ask them their reasoning. Its not a black box.
Its there for anyone who feels like participating.
Sounds very well organized... LOL!

the check engine light, on 18 March 2023 - 03:48 PM, said:
Good Cicada players can be a huge P.I.T.A. but the rest is just "Meh..." as far as I am concerned

Me neither...
I see Panthers every once in a while, usually the hero.
Panthers barely but Jenners are just one of the many Lights used plenty of times, maybe not each game, but they are well used!
A left behind DWF is a dead DWF and that's why I hope it will get some kind of small speed quirk/buff one day...
However a Gauss Loadout on a DWF is something I have almost never seen to be honest ?!
Wraith 1, on 18 March 2023 - 11:29 PM, said:
And probably use a XL Engine too which I simply refuse on IS mechs and keep them all Standard or LFE depending on the Loadout

Pz_DC, on 19 March 2023 - 02:26 AM, said:
It was changed for obvious reasons : $$ for the new Legendary variant!

Trepmal, on 19 March 2023 - 10:13 AM, said:
I don't like battlepasses. I have always felt like they're just there to force FoMo onto the player base.
Having to play 100 matches/month minimum if you wanna keep up feels like a job, not a game.
There's a lot of games, and if you can't keep your players on merit you don't deserve them, sorry.
100% AGREE!!!

Hauptmann Keg Steiner, on 19 March 2023 - 11:03 AM, said:
The problem is, I don't think there's a decent way to adjust Fafnir hitboxes without remodeling the whole mech.
IS Mech + XL Engine is just plain stupid!
Every time I kill one I just LMAO each time!

Posted 19 March 2023 - 12:58 PM
I'd certainly like to see the Hyper Assault Gauss as the clan analogue to inner sphere MRMs. Clan Rotary 2 and Rotary 5 autocannons (take more slots, same tonnage, but have more range and velocity) for clans to have the same weapons on their side of the isle. Multi Missile Launchers for inner sphere to have their ATM analogue. AP Gauss and Magshot for light and medium mechs to have an easier to equip autocannon. And possibly the Binary Laser (also known as the Blazer) as the inner sphere analogue to the heavy large laser.
Simple stuff to add since the weapon code is already there and could use the existing weapon hardpoints for them. Even if the number of missile tubes or the autocannon barrel don't match, they would at least be easy to add.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 01:01 PM
1. Good riddance to "MWO Solaris 7". It was a good concept on paper, but butchered horribly in game. I won't miss it.
2. For "MWO Legends", I get if it's a commemoration of MWO's past for 11 years now, but Legends is still an oversaturated word for games. Anything would have been better than Legends: "Legacy", "Operation Phoenix", "Project Phoenix", "Destiny", "Heroes", etc. With this name, you've decided to anger the Mechwarrior Living Legends crowd and confusing potential customers whom might mistake this game as an inferior sequel to Mechwarrior Living Legends now. On top of that we have the Battletech Legends book as well as the upcoming Living Legends 2. So I'm not a fan of the name.
3. What is the difference between Hero Mechs and Legendary Mechs? With Hero Mechs they at least have a backstory behind the pilot and why their mechs and configurations work the way they do. I don't see anything appealing for Legendary Mechs or what made them have those names. But we shall see if PGI makes the lore for these mechs.
4. I'm not a fan of Battlepasses. What the game needed was some reinvigoration of FP, weapons and other content to breathe some life into this game, unfortunately we aren't getting that. Though at least we're getting a new map.
All-in-all, I'm not trying to be negative, but MWO Legends sounds like it is edging further from life-support and more into the dark abyss. It doesn't paint a good picture for this game.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 01:08 PM
Definitely a much better investment than a Crael...
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