No prob, no cons, no troubles, no dragonz...
But let us stir the water abit, so to sayeth!
I made this small dumb-dump for almost a week for a friend of mine. Not sure why I did it at the first place, not remember the reason really. It were a hell of thing for me. All shall I say "a challenge"? WTF?! Challenge?!?
Mmmmm... It tells everything I know. Waste almost a week for this is dumb consider that used to be it took way less time. Albeit used to I were different in many ways. Things are changing and so does people one may say, I know.
Anyway I think remove my original signo and applied my digital-signo on it helped quite a lot. I think. Hard to tell. To many things are unsure but hey! This IZ da Life, ja?
Mayhaps needless to note that the friend who got this were delighted. A piece of "art" (I hereby apology for use this word because I offended lots of real artists with it I know) what caused joy and happyness for someone. It should be feel good, right? Kinda?
Still... I cannot even know. But perhaps I may not should to know... I am not god to decide, not have the right to question or doubt? What and where I missed the point?
Because whenever I look at this thing I feel deep inside I missed the point, I missed something. Where should be content feeling about made someone happy there is but void. I knot know how to feel about someone else's happyness. But I know that it is bad...
I know the picture is also bad, maybe that is the reason of the "void". Not know. And it would not be me who would decide this...
Ah, my folly! Just enjoy your stay in my eyot and ignore the "old grumpy"... I am more or less harmless (unlike my mechs