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My Little Eyot

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#21 Duke Falcon


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Posted 28 June 2023 - 11:02 AM

I know this little eyot of mine seems to be only mine place to mediate about the "stuffz 'o' Life".
No prob, no cons, no troubles, no dragonz...
But let us stir the water abit, so to sayeth!
I made this small dumb-dump for almost a week for a friend of mine. Not sure why I did it at the first place, not remember the reason really. It were a hell of thing for me. All shall I say "a challenge"? WTF?! Challenge?!?
Mmmmm... It tells everything I know. Waste almost a week for this is dumb consider that used to be it took way less time. Albeit used to I were different in many ways. Things are changing and so does people one may say, I know.
Anyway I think remove my original signo and applied my digital-signo on it helped quite a lot. I think. Hard to tell. To many things are unsure but hey! This IZ da Life, ja?
Mayhaps needless to note that the friend who got this were delighted. A piece of "art" (I hereby apology for use this word because I offended lots of real artists with it I know) what caused joy and happyness for someone. It should be feel good, right? Kinda?
Still... I cannot even know. But perhaps I may not should to know... I am not god to decide, not have the right to question or doubt? What and where I missed the point?
Because whenever I look at this thing I feel deep inside I missed the point, I missed something. Where should be content feeling about made someone happy there is but void. I knot know how to feel about someone else's happyness. But I know that it is bad...
I know the picture is also bad, maybe that is the reason of the "void". Not know. And it would not be me who would decide this...
Ah, my folly! Just enjoy your stay in my eyot and ignore the "old grumpy"... I am more or less harmless (unlike my mechs :) )...
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Posted 28 June 2023 - 01:26 PM

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Have you ever watched the Hannibal series? He reminded me of that, harmless man. Posted Image


Edited by AyKu, 28 June 2023 - 01:28 PM.

#23 Duke Falcon


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Posted 30 June 2023 - 11:32 AM

I started a Sorceress yesterday in Diablo 2... Now she is level 25 :)
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Time to meditate? A little monster-massacre is almost equal with it :)

#24 Duke Falcon


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Posted 29 July 2023 - 07:41 AM

I managed again to finally finish some old but not (quite) forgotten stuffs. And it is fits so much for this topic!
A nice autumn forest, very calming and tranquil. Just would be easier to accomplish! It were sometimes a b*tthurt, really...
DA link: https://www.devianta...ories-974375598
And the picture:
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That "reduce noise" filter gave it a nice oldschool PC pixel-esque touch.

And as always, if you are here, take your time to meditate and calm or ease your mind in my little eyot! Everyone is welcomed, as always!

#25 Duke Falcon


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Posted 15 September 2023 - 09:19 AM

Today were goulash-day. Goulash is a nice soup. I like it and can cook very good goulash myself.
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Maybe the eyot is large enough for a goulash-festival..?

#26 Duke Falcon


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Posted 20 September 2023 - 07:54 AM

Hmmm... Times makes one busy or time itself busy?
I managed to buy a custom platinum collection and support the brave compers a bit via the support pack. Not much but that were all I could do...
I felt myself like a walking sh!tdump since last friday. I had a test on Monday, with a result at Tuesday: CoVid positive!
Today I told that to my oncologist, who were far from happy. Nor were I happy, sure... Now things a bit "funny" because thanks to the fine chemo-cocktails I consumed my body has negligible (sh!tbad) resistance. Oooo-yeah, baby! Partytime!
Luckily I managed to finish two commissions what were enough for the Urbie-bundle two-two-C pack. That's at least positive, not regret that. Now wait and see and try feel less sh!tty but so far it not works...
Well, at least this is not (intented to be) a farewell...

#27 Duke Falcon


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Posted 26 October 2023 - 12:15 AM

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... I do make consumable coffee, thank you very much...

#28 Duke Falcon


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Posted 02 January 2024 - 11:53 AM

Oh, holysh!t what a damn'd two months were nov&dec...
But I more or less return'd - I hope at least - not to mention I essentially locked at home for few more months...
Damn, I hope I could play FP soon again! But good to be here again...

Heh, the eyot is open to loss some expendable weigh post-Xmas, dudes! Good thing I not need such things...
I need to growth my mass what is just as hard as decrease it, believe me!

#29 Duke Falcon


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Posted 05 January 2024 - 07:56 AM

Once may were a kite, silently soared upon the blue sky. The kite sit on an old porch all day long sunbath and enjoy the calm surrounding. But the porch became grey stone, time triumphed over it, destiny prevailed until little remained. The kite, became very old, far older than any other kites, once again opened it's tattered pinions. The sky called it, promises lingered within it's wild and free soul. Oh, what a flight! A very last ride upon the ageless sky...

Over the majestic hights a river were seen. Old, proud, silvery streams flown cross the lewd meadows. The kite followed the currents, proud, old kite upon the silent sky. The river finally reached a small lake, much more a pound. The banks overgrown by reeds hidden an old ruin where the kite softly landed. It were the old porch, it were always at the end of the river. And the last sunbeams down the porch and the kite made the preybird realise. It sit upon a relic of a life long and well lived. It were the relic of it's own life, last witness of the kite and the passing daylight. Not the porch nor the kite had seen the next sunrise...

#30 Duke Falcon


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Posted 24 January 2024 - 12:10 PM

Today I got the movie Imaginaerum from a friend...

It were the german-speaking version... Yet I understood strangely to much from that. It seems I still have better german as I hoped\wished and not forgot that much... Schade aber das ist nur meine Probleme, ja? Was solle ich sage..?

The movie were incredible! I not remember what were the last movie what could charm me so much and keep my attention from the beginning to the end! Excellent work and excellent music it's features from simply the most excellent band!
I were warned I may not understand it at first... Hah, well, I understood it deeply and vastly. It were like a synergy, all the little pieces, all the seemingly meaningless features in a scenery, all had it's well defined meaning. A masterpiece I sure would watch a few times again in the future!

I think I need to acquire a DVD-version of it... Just <3...

#31 Duke Falcon


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Posted 07 February 2024 - 12:00 PM

I made yesterday some mind-calming dessert.
Helped a lot to recover a bit my otherwise rather fragmented mind...
+ today it tasted just f**kin' cool! Ex-cell-ent stuff! < insert slaaneshi horny-moans here >

Try this multi-layered sweet doom of magnificiency!

#32 Duke Falcon


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Posted 21 March 2024 - 10:10 PM

I decided to update my eyot a bit with some achievements in MWO...
Mostly, because trolling could occur...
So, I set up some nice signs bought for cheap!
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Also desiganted a place for bonfire behind the Infinitree to cook goulash and other stuffs time-to-time!

Edited by Duke Falcon, 05 June 2024 - 08:39 AM.

#33 Duke Falcon


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Posted 27 June 2024 - 10:57 PM

Life is Life.
Hard to contradict that I guess. Sometimes it's good and well while sometimes it just <khmm>, "work with mouth upon certain parts of the body"...
BUT! I am not here for philosophic whatevers... Not yet. Not quite nor fully.
Optionally banana but that is a derail toward a dark place where monster would be... Or just bananas, who knows?

Anyway, let us start with some mini-topic!
Not size-wise (not quite) but by the mean of miniatures. More precisely kit-bashed and transformed minis I did... Well, for whatever reason. Hard to explain. Sort of...
So, here's some fancy YT links! First three for my kit-bashed driders (if you have arachnofobia, leave now!) while the last is a naga. The videos on YT has proper description if anyone may want such stuffs. You can check it there (not much but something what is more than nothing but less than worthy philosophically...)...




Now that you got hate YouTube forever thanks for me (no need to admire me because of my charity, really!)...
Ruin the well-being of the world any further? I mean, hey! It's me! You know I never ever did anything worthy just pure trolling and vile taints to bring sanity down (All hail the Chaos!)...
Games Workshop - the i-di-ots whom fostered Warhammer but now that it reached maturity try to taint and r@p3 it - decided to sh!t right in the middle of their own decades-long, solid work. Why?
'Cause they are GW and love the way it hurts...
Or their brain rotten away fully, dunno, ask them!
So, they decided to let girls with d!cks. Literally! Or men with b00bs but a more feminine way? G4y is g4y, no problem with that, everyone has the right to choose their sexual prefs. Just look at Slaanesh and his\her daemons. LGBTQ+ in it's finest and wildest and lore-accurate.
But female Custodii and Spess-mehrenz? Male-exclusive stuffs now have females? Why if there were there the Adepta Sororitas? The Sisters are cool and had their nice flavour being female-exclusive counterparts of the marines... Now they would be either degraded or dumped as GW done with the Squats...
I understand that GW want to be go down. Noone likes their idea. If noone would buy their products because noone likes them... Not sure... They are GW, they always loved to hit their balls with a hammer...
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Sarcastic? That is the new GW-WH40k lore baby! Deal with it and stare (or not) b3wbs noone wanted at the first place!

Let's sail to wee-bit more peacefull waters...
Anyone heard about HeroForge? Nice online stuff! I ported Gogo to HF and while HF clearly has obvious limitations... I had some interesting ideas how to use it in the future:
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I still regret Didi cannot has proper poofy hair but meh!
HeroForge is just has so many new possibilities!

And I think it's time for the last quest of Diablo 2: End of Terror!
I mean, good bye! I not ruin your mind any further!
Live long and prosper!

#34 Duke Falcon


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Posted 25 August 2024 - 11:04 PM

I wanted to be constructive... Really... I just not that kind of person it seems...
I also not have bananas for everyone... So, those whom got potato instead, don't be surprised!
Okay, since there is no World without Sacrifice...

Shipwrecked of Time

Seconds rushing, minutes pass,
Hours are gently walks...
But days still seems just lost,
Vanish swiftly, fast!

But sometimes on the other hand,
Events crawl, still stand?
May I wonder, why, oh why?
Felt being a shipwrecked of Time...

#35 Duke Falcon


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Posted 16 January 2025 - 07:46 AM

No comment. No whatever...
No reason...
No sanity?
...Oh, wait, the last one sounds reasonable...

Life could glittering, gold sunshine
Random encounters could end nice,
You eagerly displayed glorious angelwings
But hardly could hide a daemon's face...

I can tell you have never been true to me,
I heared what you hoped I want to hear,
You spread wide your false angelwings
But now it is all became clear to see...

I tried to touch but you not feel a thing
I neglected all the signs so hopefully,
May I pray but I know you commit a sin,
Your mask torn, revealed your daemonface...

There is no more hide, I now clearly see
Every move you make rotten deeply, awfully,
No light, no gloria nor angelwings remained,
Your feelings, looks and words full of treachery!

Life may not glittering, gold sunshine
As now it is just so clear to see,
No prays help, none, as you commit a sin,
Still I mourn why you have never been true to me...

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