This is my eyot. There are other eyots but this one is mine. It is special and without me it is but an eyot like all the others. Without it I am but a mere person just like the others. This is my eyot and this eyot is mine...
But you are welcomed here to enjoy the harmony and peace of this place! Follow the rules, chill, rest or meditate! Your enlightment would be at your yonder closing time after time.

This is my eyot! In the middle of this eyot growth the magnificient "infinitree". The tree of infinite thoughts, ideas and dreams grant meditative shadow for every bypassers whom rest on my eyot!
Well, like so many things, a shoot of the infinitree begins as a thought without shape; a miraculous growth substance and the immaterial that transcends space and time coaxed by dreamers to blossom forth across worlds, hearts and dimensions like a living conduit of solace and harmony. After thousands of accumulated hours of meditation phased between numerous occasions, you could have brought forth another of it's countless branches of light into your life!
And around the magnificent infinitree spread the carved menhirs called the Five Pillars. Pillar of Gold; Pillar of Steel; Pillar of Teak; Pillar of Ivory and Pillar of Jade. All representing an aspect of life, harmony and society, chores of pivotal aspects of one's life.
The rules:
1. This is my eyot! I may necro it whenever when I may wish even through the passed eons! Because this is my eyot!
2. Only those rest here whom grown up and not throw a flame war whatsoever not to mention rude, bad language and terms! Something better not kept inside! But remember, this is my eyot!
3. This eyot were, is and will ever be incompatible with any kind of bird peoples! Because this is my eyot! Here I am the "Moderator Tenebrosum", I have the final word and power to do and decide as I see fit!
4. No pets allowed unless they could swim! Do not feed the fishes around my eyot with drowned pets! Also, keep the eyot clear, no trash around!
5. This is my eyot! If the afformentioned rules were not clear, read them through once again! Because this is my eyot and not your holm!
6. If by any means or occasions such nearly impossible thing may ever happen: Do not feed the Gogo! She has her own topic in the "Fan art" section and she is well paid for her job there! Feeding her just make her more brazen!
7. This is my eyot but my eyot could provide you clearance of the mind aswell. Just keep in mind if it rains you would nowhere to hide! This is my eyot but I forgot to bring an umbrella here!
That's all folks! Be constructive like a MAZ-543 crane or such. Dunno, or just enjoy thy stay!
Edited by Duke Falcon, 05 June 2024 - 08:38 AM.