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Warhawk Prime

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#1 KursedVixen


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Posted 02 April 2023 - 12:38 PM

I think the warhawk prime needs some more fine tuning perhaps a +2/+1 CERPPC HSL or some other way to cool it down.... it's just too hot in its stock loadout.

Edited by KursedVixen, 02 April 2023 - 12:55 PM.

#2 Ekson Valdez

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Posted 03 April 2023 - 11:27 PM

This thread was moved to General Discussion

#3 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 03 April 2023 - 11:32 PM

I disagree. The WHK-Prime has been a superior performer since the cauldron re-balance. The stock loadout being subpar due to the defunct LRM10 does not justify any more PPC quirks than the chassis already has. It's S-Tier on Grimmechs for a good reason. Great mech.

#4 Curccu


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 12:34 AM

View PostKursedVixen, on 02 April 2023 - 12:38 PM, said:

I think the warhawk prime needs some more fine tuning perhaps a +2/+1 CERPPC HSL or some other way to cool it down.... it's just too hot in its stock loadout.

And if you super quirk it and people remove that silly pretty much useless TC and LRM and add DHS?

#5 sycocys


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 03:31 AM

Most mechs are useless in their stock loadout.

#6 pbiggz


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 04:45 AM

I would certainly love to see the summoner prime gigaquirked. Its hard to say 3 different hardpoints (two being on low arms) are anything close to a balance threat, so an 8/8 prime gigaquirk would be fun.

The WHK on the other hand is already frightening.

#7 Rosarius


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 04:36 PM

OP please take a step back and consider how you could go about buffing a warhawk prime, one of the strongest PPC mechs in the game, without breaking balance. I'm not going to shame you for running stock builds, that's your deal, but your proposal needs to buff the stock loadout without buffing the modified loadout. Giving the warhawk PPC HSL (which it absolutely DOES NOT NEED) will gigabuff an already strong mech. Giving the warhawk any additional heat gen or heat dissipation buff will gigabuff and already strong mech. Really the only thing you can buff are quirks relating to the LRMs, but this isn't going to change your opinion of how hot the PPCs are.

As has already been mentioned, I think to fix YOUR warhawk problem you really need to trade the LRMs, ammo, and/or targeting computer for more DHS OR trade the PPCs for large pulse lasers for better heat and more DPS

#8 w0qj


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 06:33 PM

Guys, I play Tier 4 and sometimes Tier 3, and I have not seen a single WHK-Prime or WHK-Prime(I) for months and months now. (I've seen a few WHK-B(P) Platinum mech being played, but also with no long term play on this).

I think one does not see WHK-Prime for a reason--it runs too hot for the damage it deals out.

Perhaps you folks in Tier 1/2 may see WHK-Prime or WHK-Prime(I) more?

IMHO (from Tier 4 perspective), it's worth working with WHK-Prime(I) if you hit your target 90%+ of the time, can ride your heat capacity well without shutdown, and know the protected sniper positions on each map and go there immediately. Even better, perhaps one or more of your team members would protect your back from the inevitable Light mechs Posted Image

Edited by w0qj, 04 April 2023 - 06:37 PM.

#9 sycocys


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 07:22 PM

Just taking a quick look at the stock loadout, 2 groups of er ppc should put you at 96% cap, and fully cool in about 11 seconds.

That's with no node buffs or swapping out the tc5. Just the PPCs is 60 points out to 810 meters optimal every 11 seconds without buffing. Quite a bit better with heat gen, cool run and cap increase alone. Swap out the tc for dhs and it goes from 4.4 to 5.28/second cooling just for 5 tons of swap. Down to 10 seconds to full cool without additional buffs - or fully once for a pair per cooldown cycle, 50%+ for the cooldown if you fire off both (and avoid ghost heat).

About 40%-ish without the tc swap. And that's with no additional buffs. Not really sure I understand why it's a problem, high alpha and it still has higher cooling than things like mrm60 builds that are much slower, sandpaper everywhere, with much less range and around the same cd - and also require ammo.

#10 Akamia Terizen


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 10:17 PM

T5 player here. I use a stock Warhawk Prime, myself. Not as often as some of my other stock ’Mechs – I'm particularly a fan of the Timber Wolf Prime and Bounty Hunter configurations – but often enough that I can say with certainty that it's one of my better performers even among the optimized ’Mechs I own.

Where I'm playing, the drawbacks of the Prime configuration aren't as significant as they probably would be in the upper echelons of QP. Heck, even when I'm doing drops with my higher-tier friends, I often play my Warhawk Prime. Even in the stock configuration, it's just that good.

And now you want to quirk it in such a way that the optimized version is even stronger? I'm not sure it is the best ’Mech in the game right now, but if I'm reading the room right, it is certainly a contender.

From one stock (or otherwise canon) player to another, I feel where you're coming from to some extent, but in a game where you can throw the canon out the window and optimize your arsenal, which can go to a certain logical extreme if you find yourself dealing with a chassis or variant that wasn't canon in the first place, you really have to think this through. Posted Image

Edited by Akamia Terizen, 04 April 2023 - 10:28 PM.

#11 chaosshade2638


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 11:21 PM

I hover between T4 and T5, though that's more a function of my wildly inconsistent piloting. Anyway, I run a four PPC Blood Asp-A will full omni, the three jump jets deny me six heatsinks plus the ECM denies me another. Even with max armor I can run the thing just fine. In terms of heat management the Warhawk is WAY superior.

BAS-A: -10% heat (all), +20% PPC velocity, +10% range, three jump jets, and ECM. Heat management stat is 1.35 (dropped large TC for heatsinks, swapped ER Large lasers for two PPCs)
WHK-Prime: -25% Missile cooldown, +20% Missile velocity, -5% Heat (all), -4% PPC Heat, +25% PPC Velocity Heat management is 1.62 (dropped LRMs and large TC for heatsinks)

The BONE STOCK loadout is bad, that holds true for a lot of mechs though. The tabletop designs don't work in MWO, simple as that. There's a few (like the WHK-Prime) that require minimal tweaking to make AMAZING though.

Bottomline, don't use the stock loadout.

Edited by chaosshade2638, 04 April 2023 - 11:21 PM.

#12 w0qj


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 11:28 PM

Err... are you folks saying that the WHK-Prime(I) is worth getting (in the Clan Wave 1 mech pack)? ;)

Heard that Clan Wave 1/2/3 may be phased out later this year...

and I still wants my DWF-Prime(I) & MDD-Prime(I) !!

#13 Akamia Terizen


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Posted 04 April 2023 - 11:43 PM

View Postw0qj, on 04 April 2023 - 11:28 PM, said:

Heard that Clan Wave 1/2/3 may be phased out later this year...

I'd like a source on this one. As someone who's been trying to build my Clan Invasion Prime(I) collection, this is concerning. I already have Wave 1, but I want the other two as well.

Anyway, yeah, the Prime(I) Warhawk is definitely worthwhile, at least if you don't mind spending money for the bling and the C-Bill boost innate to it. Posted Image I kept that one stock, and it's the only Warhawk I care to run on my own time. I do have an optimized Warhawk Prime, but it's the C-Bill version.

#14 w0qj


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Posted 05 April 2023 - 01:19 AM

Jan 14th 2023: MWO 2023 Plans DevLog
@17:25min, Daeron did say that there would be "sufficient time warning" to let players know that these would be retired.

~Good news: idea is for the individual chassis in the Clan Packs, to move these into individual mech packs.
~So it's not the case that "it's no longer available", but rather your favorite mech may be available in newly repackaged individual mech packs!

View PostAkamia Terizen, on 04 April 2023 - 11:43 PM, said:

I'd like a source on this one. As someone who's been trying to build my Clan Invasion Prime(I) collection, this is concerning. I already have Wave 1, but I want the other two as well.

Anyway, yeah, the Prime(I) Warhawk is definitely worthwhile, at least if you don't mind spending money for the bling and the C-Bill boost innate to it. Posted Image I kept that one stock, and it's the only Warhawk I care to run on my own time. I do have an optimized Warhawk Prime, but it's the C-Bill version.

Edited by w0qj, 05 April 2023 - 01:26 AM.

#15 Volume


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Posted 05 April 2023 - 03:17 AM

My Warhawk Prime has never had a build on it that wasn't just four C-ERPPC and a TC. Right now, it has a TC1 and the rest of the tonnage and crits are filled with DHS.
I ripped the LRM out right away...But otherwise made very little changes.

Personally, I still find it too slow for quickplay, especially on brawling / nascar maps...

#16 sycocys


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Posted 05 April 2023 - 03:31 AM

It makes sense to phase out the big packs, they've milked the whales that were willing to spend that kind of money while they were still proposing to develop the game.

If they announced MWO2, and some pre-order bundles that worked with this game to then be transferred over - they could sell a bunch of those big packs again, but they'd also have to commit to making the server code work with unreal 5.

#17 LordNothing


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Posted 06 April 2023 - 12:11 AM

you cant use four cerppcs and expect it to run cold.

#18 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 06 April 2023 - 09:32 AM

View Postw0qj, on 04 April 2023 - 06:33 PM, said:

I think one does not see WHK-Prime for a reason--it runs too hot for the damage it deals out.

I think the reason is more likely that there are other mechs that do the same thing with better mounts and hit boxes, and the quirks are not quite good enough to make it worth it, in average Quick Play situations. I don't really think it should get any help though. -9% heat and +25% velocity is pretty chill for a Clan Assault mech.

You know what is even worse?


-5% Clan PPC heat
+10% Velocity


Give that one HSL+1

Edited by Gas Guzzler, 06 April 2023 - 09:37 AM.

#19 Rosarius


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Posted 06 April 2023 - 02:31 PM

View Postw0qj, on 04 April 2023 - 06:33 PM, said:

Guys, I play Tier 4 and sometimes Tier 3, and I have not seen a single WHK-Prime or WHK-Prime(I) for months and months now. (I've seen a few WHK-B(P) Platinum mech being played, but also with no long term play on this).

I think one does not see WHK-Prime for a reason--it runs too hot for the damage it deals out.

Perhaps you folks in Tier 1/2 may see WHK-Prime or WHK-Prime(I) more?

IMHO (from Tier 4 perspective), it's worth working with WHK-Prime(I) if you hit your target 90%+ of the time, can ride your heat capacity well without shutdown, and know the protected sniper positions on each map and go there immediately. Even better, perhaps one or more of your team members would protect your back from the inevitable Light mechs Posted Image

WHK-PRIME is a strong mech with a reasonably high skill ceiling. Any player that is reasonable at heat management and positioning can make it work, but top players can use it to dominate.

GeeRam put out a video last month that showcases this. Things would have turned out differently if all the light mechs jumped GeeRam at the same time, but it still shows you how NOT WEAK the WHK-PRIME is https://youtu.be/NqlLeZbi_iE

Edited by Rosarius, 06 April 2023 - 02:32 PM.

#20 W4R GOD


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Posted 06 April 2023 - 02:52 PM

WHK is a strong ranged damage farmer. Doesn't need any love.

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