Lord Gunga Din, on 08 April 2023 - 02:10 AM, said:
The mech is great though and am enjoying it quite well like this.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I have no idea what to do with this mech other than keep it stock, but that wouldn't work for sure!
sycocys, on 08 April 2023 - 05:09 AM, said:
possibly a few new maps with rehashed assets - though this is debatable given how much whining people did instead of learning how to play the new map they just released.
The map is simply horrible because of the color scheme and many small obstacles that can block you while moving and particular while reversing or moving around in a smaller mech, although even Assault mechs can get blocked sometimes!
I have made a thread about cleaning up all maps, but no one seems to care or see the same issue as I do :
Lockheed_, on 10 April 2023 - 12:22 AM, said:
Average player here.
- I don't want to have "more impact". I don't want to "hard carry".
- I want to have a fun match with lots of battlemechs on the field, not only 16 like in a comp match.
- I also don't want to have some potatoes dragging the team down so much that it's an auto loss, because it's impossible compensate for them.
- Nor do I want to watch a 99% player solo carry the match.
- The more players the less good or bad players have an impact and the more even the matches.
- As an average player I rather want 16v16 than 8v8.
Those things conflict with each other sadly :
- Most people playing for FUN have POTATO LOADOUTS.
- Currently it's pretty much impossible to have a good competitive game where the final score is 12-9 or 9-12 or even around 12-8 or 8-12 or better!
It's all stomp or get stomped because of players only camping and LURMing all the time or even worse : Running off on their own and getting killed within the first 60 seconds of the match!
- Without those good players doing their best for the team you would have A LOT LESS FUN!
The Chancelor, on 10 April 2023 - 02:24 AM, said:
On most maps i would disagree. But on certain maps like Terra Crucible or polish highland you can make it 22 vs. 22 for more fun ^^
Lockheed_, on 10 April 2023 - 03:50 AM, said:
yes the smaller maps are an issue. I agree, but I am an advocate for large maps anyway. You could totally do at least 16v16 or maybe even 22v22 on Polar, Forest Colony, Frozen City, Alpine, Terra Therma, etc
I have played other games where you simply could choose the map size and the amount of players :
- Map X has room for 16 players.
- Map Y has room for 32 players.
- Map Z has room for 64 players.
So it should be doable!
Duke Falcon, on 10 April 2023 - 07:20 AM, said:
This is the very first event-prize mech I won within a single day...
I wonder if this would be the normal or just had some fAtlas-sized luck?!
Sometimes you have good days and sometimes you have horrible stomp after stomp in a n00b Team days...
RogoRogo Wolf, on 10 April 2023 - 08:26 AM, said:
there is also an issue with the mech redemption.
I got the April event mech (redeemed via Website), yet never an ingame-redeem message (blue box) for either the mech or the mechbay.
When looking at the store page (ingame), it even says "owned 1" for the WHM-BW (if that is the correct acronym, I am typing from memory) - but in my "heavies" tab there is no WARHAMMER-chassis collapsible and no WHM Black Widow.
The Stormcrow Laceratus event mech did show up without fanfare.
The (seemingly) "usual" steps of logging out of the website, logging back in, restarting game aso have not resolved the issue.
Not a problem per se but for a product this old something like this should not be happening (altough tbf the codebase is what it is, and nothing can be done about that).
Only redeem Lootbags or similar items via the website!
Everything else like Mechs/Colors/etc. should be redeemed via the ingame Event browser/viewer thingy!
Edited by Roodkapje, 10 April 2023 - 08:37 AM.