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Patch Notes - - 23-May-2023

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#161 hypographia


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:07 PM

View PostSteel Shanks, on 21 May 2023 - 08:08 PM, said:

Navid... Look Man, I know yer a super awesome Cauldron guy... And yer friends with Phil, I know, I know... But every post You've put here on this thread, makes You and the Cauldron look idiotic...

The WORST thing is You can't test a Mech before it's offered to the MWO Public... Like, the Cauldron can't? Or no one can? This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard... A Game Company, cannot test an asset, or let their "Pet" Cauldron players test it? Really? That's hilariously idiotic... 90% of the Complaints here would not have happened, if someone had tested these abominations before release... Wow... Super sad times for MechWarrior... Good luck selling future Legendary Mech's PGI lol...

I mean, in his defense Navid did say, essentially: "hey if you don't like it, don't buy it" so, there's always that option.

#162 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:10 PM

View Posthypographia, on 22 May 2023 - 12:07 PM, said:

I mean, in his defense Navid did say, essentially: "hey if you don't like it, don't buy it" so, there's always that option.

Yeah. If you are buying something because you want it to be overpowered, you are doing it wrong. There is an obligation to balance everything, so in the end you know the plan is always to have the mechs be balanced with the rest of the playing field.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:42 PM

Both of them are very hot mechs. I can describe them as ovens. Unless they make any special modifications, I can predict how it will turn out.

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 22 May 2023 - 12:43 PM.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:47 PM

Even when using LRMs on SuperNova, it overheats excessively. Cyclops is already a fully enclosed chassis. Only single-shot weapons that don't overheat too much work well. I'm amazed at how they introduced both of them to the market with lasers.

#165 PiVoR


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:49 PM

I dont get it how people can cry that something broken can be nerfed, you expect adventage cause you paid? Just looking at scattershot quirks, its was obvious it couldnt stay like this. You want Legendary Mechs to not heat or have 90% AC/20 cooldown? lol



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 12:55 PM

View PostPiVoR, on 22 May 2023 - 12:49 PM, said:

I dont get it how people can cry that something broken can be nerfed, you expect adventage cause you paid? Just looking at scattershot quirks, its was obvious it couldnt stay like this. You want Legendary Mechs to not heat or have 90% AC/20 cooldown? lol

I think instead of polishing and presenting old mechs, they could develop new and spacious mechs. And no one would object to that. No one would cry for it. Because the essence of a mech lies in its uniqueness. It should be designed and presented as a cold machine. For example, it wouldn't have ballistic capabilities. All mechs have their pros and cons. When you look at them, they are all equal.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 01:00 PM

Have you never heard the term 'the best of its kind' before? It's commonly used when marketing a product

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 22 May 2023 - 01:01 PM.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 01:08 PM

I don't think either of the machines would be better than the Blood ASP - PRİME

These machines, despite being inherently powerful, lose due to their geometries. they are weaker than many laser machines in terms of heat. I know that I can defeat both of these machines using the Blood ASP.

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 22 May 2023 - 02:19 PM.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 01:13 PM

They are diminishing the power of the old machines because they are not developing new ones.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 01:34 PM

View PostRoodkapje, on 22 May 2023 - 09:52 AM, said:

LOL! Posted Image

What would you like to see exactly ?!
What would that mech look like ??

I am really curious! Posted Image

In my opinion, the shape is already good enough; they just need to enlarge it and add slots.

#171 Ilostmycactus


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 02:18 PM

I don't like consumable slot quirks. Something that forces me to spend cbills to use it. They're also boring. Taking an extra coolshot is not what I have in mind when I think of unique quirks. Maybe the Scattershot is too good but I don't see all that many being played, and I've never been crushed by one.
At this point I think legend mechs either need to be released for cbills/mc after a time, or quirks need to be advertised in general terms.



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Posted 22 May 2023 - 02:23 PM

I don't enjoy playing with the same machines all the time. Even if I buy the best machine, winning with just one machine makes me feel weak.

I tell myself that I can use all machines.

Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 22 May 2023 - 02:26 PM.

#173 MechWarrior8922442


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 05:51 PM

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 22 May 2023 - 12:55 PM, said:

I think instead of polishing and presenting old mechs, they could develop new and spacious mechs. And no one would object to that. No one would cry for it. Because the essence of a mech lies in its uniqueness. It should be designed and presented as a cold machine. For example, it wouldn't have ballistic capabilities. All mechs have their pros and cons. When you look at them, they are all equal.

If they roll the time line forward a couple of years, they can do an entirely new faction in the Blakists that have hardly been explored in video games at all.

But that would be a lot more work than pay-to-win-for-exactly-1-month mechs. The community is cool, though... You could recruit volunteer labor and get those 3d models pretty fast.

#174 charbdys


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Posted 22 May 2023 - 10:27 PM

I hear what you're saying about balance issues and not being able to play with them prior to release but it's still extremely frustrating to spend a not insignificant amount of real money on a mech, kit it out to play the way I want it and then to come back and find that the loadout's invalid because someone forgot to put in a set of actuators (that several other mechs in the same family, the Deathstrike, the -1, and -2 variants, don't have) or that the loadout I liked and was comfortable playing a particular way had been deemed too powerful and had been nerfed. I have been playing this game for a very long time and have spent a lot of money on it, buying nearly every pack or mech that has been released, because I enjoy it and want to support it but with the QA issues and nerfs that have been hammering the better ones and the lackluster one not getting any changes to make it enough better that I don't feel like I completely wasted my money on it. I'm finding it very hard to be willing to put more real money into the game by buying new mechs when I've been burned by 75% of the most recent ones (MWK - Nerfed, J -extremely difficult to find a build that I find to be playable with the current high alpha state of meta, S - nerfed pretty significantly, DN - pretty good out of the box) within a month or so of purchasing them. I had actually been actively considering buying a second Scattershot so I could have one running each kind of weapon before these patch notes came out. Now? I probably won't buy another one, and this pattern of being jerked around immediately post purchase has me strongly considering just passing on the new ones all together.

I totally understand the need to address the balance issues around the quirks on these mechs but I feel like more gradual changes over the course of a few months might be a better way to address it rather than trying to do all of it at once. Say in the patch notes that the scattershot was performing too well and reduce the performance by a significantly smaller percentage and say that further tweaks may be needed down the line if it continues to overperform and then continue to tune its performance over say the next 3-6 months so that it's not slapping paying customers in the face with big changes to their new toy all at once. It's a bit like cooking a frog. If you toss it into boiling water it'll jump right out but if you put it in cool water and heat it up gradually it won't notice. Folks will continue to play the new mechs and will gradually adapt to your changes much easier than they will to the abrupt changes you are making with this patch and they're far more likely not to hold those changes against you and PGI and will continue to buy the new legendaries as they come out instead of just saying that you're messing up their experience of the game and they don't want to buy any more because of your repeated nerfs of new products and blatantly hostile and defensive attitude toward their very valid complaints. I want this game to be successful and last as long as possible and the only way to do that is to keep the players buying new mechs and other content. If you're driving players with money away from paying for the new shinies (and thereby keeping the lights on) you're actively depriving the game of the very thing that's keeping it afloat. What does it really hurt if your nerfs happen overnight or over the course of a few months. You still get to a point where the new toys are balanced, the buyers stay relatively happy, and PGI keeps getting people to pay for our game. Everybody wins that way.

#175 Bowelhacker


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Posted 23 May 2023 - 12:07 AM

Good to see Navid really earning his Cauldron money in this thread...

#176 KursedVixen


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Posted 23 May 2023 - 05:10 AM

I'm not a fan of removing the 0.5 damage from the clan medium laser..... why just whY was that whole .5 doing too much damage?? I remember when it did 7 like in Tabletop... ya know let's make the Inner sphere Ermedium do 4 damage I've never seen a reduction in damage on an inner sphere weapon, I wonder why...

View PostMechWarrior8922442, on 22 May 2023 - 05:51 PM, said:

If they roll the time line forward a couple of years, they can do an entirely new faction in the Blakists that have hardly been explored in video games at all.

But that would be a lot more work than pay-to-win-for-exactly-1-month mechs. The community is cool, though... You could recruit volunteer labor and get those 3d models pretty fast.
They'll just be Inner sphere.

Edited by KursedVixen, 23 May 2023 - 05:13 AM.



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Posted 23 May 2023 - 05:43 AM

How many hours are left until the update? I can't calculate it due to the time difference.

#178 epikt


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Posted 23 May 2023 - 06:23 AM

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 23 May 2023 - 05:43 AM, said:

How many hours are left until the update? I can't calculate it due to the time difference.

Maintenance begins at 10AM PDT.
See here what time it is in PDT zone: as I post this message it's 7:20 AM, so patch in 2 hours 40 min.



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Posted 23 May 2023 - 06:25 AM

View Postepikt, on 23 May 2023 - 06:23 AM, said:

Maintenance begins at 10AM PDT.
See here what time it is in PDT zone: as I post this message it's 7:20 AM, so patch in 2 hours 40 min.

thanks Posted Image

#180 Steve Pryde


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Posted 23 May 2023 - 06:26 AM

View PostTAMTAMBABY, on 23 May 2023 - 05:43 AM, said:

How many hours are left until the update? I can't calculate it due to the time difference.

Starting patch time for me in Germany is 7 pm so I guess for you living in Turkey it's 8 pm. Normally PGI needs like 1 hour for getting servers up again.

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