RoyKilroy, on 30 May 2023 - 11:52 AM, said:
So I find it very discouraging and frankly quite rude for some players to say "this is only for teams or players who know what they're doing", because the way I, and many of my teammates or friends learned how to play the mode, was by playing the mode, and being taught along the way. Looking at the builds I was getting farmed by, and seeing how best to counteract that style of play, only for a different style to present itself on the next map, and learning, again, what works best against it.
There's no training grounds for Faction, and nowhere to look at the different objects and objectives in the mode and learn how they work and how to interact with them, and you typically won't see FP specific builds outside of FP, so the only way to learn anything about the mode is to just jump in and play it. That's also where I met the teams that I play with, now: I played several games, saw who seemed to be doing well, or just who seemed to be having fun, and started talking to them in VOIP. Very soon, I was invited to their TeamSpeak channels and drop groups to play with them and listen to their coms, and learn what they were doing. My current unit is mostly old guys who either have day-jobs or are 100% disabled, so none of us are good (not like JGx or EMP, anyway), but we have fun, anyway.