Daeron Katz, on 09 June 2023 - 03:58 PM, said:
TercieI, on 12 June 2023 - 08:04 AM, said:

This sounds like a healthy start to something nice...

Any chance we could also have a Sale repeat from the "All-Out-War Faction Play Weekend" run with the Cicada added into that for a couple of weeks? Obviously, there is the fact that it would help drive some of those

As for this person...
Ignatius Audene, on 14 June 2023 - 03:06 AM, said:
Oh, you have no idea how long (talking a handful of years now) that whole thing with Match Score has made me cranky. Perhaps that unnecessary Match Score loss for every time someone's Mech is destroyed needs to be entirely removed? Or at least, it needs to be reduced & limited to only a maximum of five percent (5%) in Quick Play combat, while maybe ten percent (10%) lost at most when you're in the CW/FW/FP environment, but only happening once someone has been completely removed from combat? I think we can agree that taking away too much of a player's Match Score when they're losing huge chunks of time purely to play one single CW/FW/FP Match is rather overboard. After all, if someone is dealing with an Event that was designed to be heavily based on Match Score but then they lose most of it over even half of their Drop Deck being destroyed, the player will quickly decide CW/FW/FP Matches are not worth the investment due to being made unable to earn far too much in such a large time period. Pardon my sentences getting so long... This particular nasty Game Mechanics Issue really makes me cranky... I would not be at all surprised if the New Player Experience ends up being heavily biased in a negative manner due to this!

~D. V. "Sales, Match Score, and CW/FW/FP in June 2023... and me, possibly long-winded & dense" Devnull