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Wooo! Is Omnimechs Are Coming To Mwo! Thank You Everyone For Your Support!


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#1 Will9761


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Posted 23 June 2023 - 08:20 PM

IS Omnis are coming into MechWarrior Online! Thank you both to PGI and the people who have commented on and supported this thread.
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The Black Hawk KU mechpack coming soon:
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Video Form

The IS Omnimech Awareness Thread
This thread's goal is to get the IS Omnis in MWO, much like the Hatamoto and Charger. If each one of them gets in the game, then they will have their name removed from the thread. But if all mechs make it in, it will be closed since it has served its purpose. Before, I wasn’t really hopeful about new mechs given the slow pace, but after seeing the Hatchetman, Crusader and Stone Rhino, it refilled some bit of faith. I’ll be updating this thread as time goes by.

History of IS OmniMechs in the Mechwarrior Games
In 1996, players were introduced to OmniMechs during in Mechwarrior 2, but only for the Clan OmniMechs with the IIC mechs. But 3 years later in 1999, IS OmniMechs would make their full debut in Mechwarrior 3 and its expansion pack, Pirate's Moon. These mech included the: Owens, Strider, Avatar and Sunder. In 2000, Mechwarrior 4's expansion pack, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight would revive the Sunder as the sole IS OmniMech in the game. But in 2002, its sequel, Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries would bring in a handful of IS OmniMechs including the: Templar and Hauptmann. The MekTek version of the game would even bring more IS Omnis to the table after that.

History of MWO Mechs
Inner Sphere BattleMechs and tech existed in 2012 (11 years ago).
Clan OmniMechs and technology came out in 2014 with the Clan Wave 1 Pack (9 years ago).
Clan BattleMechs came out in 2015 with the Origins Pack (8 years ago).

It could be understood that since most Civil War Era Tech didn't come out until 2017, they would get a pass since most IS OmniMech had Civil War Era Tech on them.

We are now going to separate further into Primary Mechs and Reinforcement mechs. The primary mechs focus on the good IS OmniMechs that should make it as a group mech pack or as separate mechs. The Reinforcement IS OmniMechs focus on mechs that are decent, but not as good as the primary group of IS Omnis, due to the XL Engine.

The Primary Mechs:
Light: Raptor - Despite having an XL Engine, it can go to 118 kph. With Speed Tweak, it could reach up to 120+ kph at best.
Medium: Men Shen - Despite its XL Engine, it could go at 129 with MASC (135+kph with Speed Tweak at best). Its C configuration also has an ECM hardpoint, turning this mech into the Inner Sphere’s answer to the Black Lanner.
Heavy: Avatar - It is the IS equivalent to the Mad Dog, but with the E configuration having an ECM hardpoint, and the A configuration having Jump Jets.
Assault: Hauptmann - It is the only Assault Omni that has a Standard Engine.

Names for an IS OmniMech Pack:
Dogs of War

Reinforcement Mechs:
Assault: Templar - Davion based OmniMech has an XL Engine. Equivalent to the BattleMaster.
Assault: Sunder - Kurita based OmniMech that has an XL Engine. Based on the Hellbringer and Summoner OmniMechs.

Primary Mechs:
Where they used to be:
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Where they stand right now:
Raptor (247 votes)
Men Shen (417 votes)
Avatar (436 votes)
Hauptmann (398 votes)

Reinforcement Mechs:
Where they used to be:
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Where they stand right now:
Sunder (412 votes)
Templar (373 votes)

So if you want to boost those numbers up, vote on Gas Guzzler's Mechpack poll.

As the Inner Sphere was combating the Clans during the Clan Invasion, various pieces of clan-technology were trickling into the armies of the Successors States and Mercenary Units. Every piece of salvaged clan-tech from weapons, to Battle Armor to mechs would help the Inner Sphere reverse-engineer that tech for their own purposes. OmniMechs were no exception and after the Battle of Tukayyid concluded, the Draconis Combine would create the first IS OmniMech known as the Raptor in 3052. The other Successor States would follow suit.

Q: Only the Clans are entitled to have OmniMechs, why are you pushing for IS OmniMechs?
A: Although the Clan created OmniMechs (thanks to the IS Mercury btw), that is a foolish though to have. Despite their flaws, IS Omnimechs are a part of BattleTech's and Mechwarrior's history just like the Unseen mechs and deserve to be shown.

Q: Why would you want IS OmniMechs now when they are gonna be DOA?
A: Because it’s about time that MWO has some new life breathed into it. Now I will always welcome new mechs, tech and maps, so it's time for the IS Omnis to shine. And I’m all for any changes and content that adds new life to this game. I wasn’t going to say anything about the Arctic Wolf having OmniMech and BattleMech variants due to lore reasons (and me being a BT lore junkyPosted Image), but after they converted the Timber Wolf "Howl" into a Clan BattleMech, as well as removing the Adder's fixed flamer, it showed how willing PGI was to alter the status-quo further to show their flexibility, so I wanted to take that chance. So it's time for IS OmniMechs to come out after 11 years of waiting. I don’t want or need to see IS variants or Clan BattleMechs (Legendary or Hero) that undercut their appearances like the Crusader-6T did to the Black Hawk KU. Also anything that brings a "WOW!" factor to this game is worth mention. I also want to see IS OmniMechs in MW5: The Clans, so if this also gets them into that game as well, then I'm glad for it.

Q: I want IS Omnis in MWO, how can I help?
A: Vote on Gas Guzzler’s Mechpack poll, push this thread with conversation and spread the word. Also vote in this thread to show that you want IS Omnis to be in this game. Every bit helps.

Q: Most IS Omnis are a walking death sentence because of their XL Engines. How will you combat this?
A:I agree 100%, so to combat this problem this thread will only focus on the good IS Omnis that make up for their flaws as shown above. Also, PGI could do these:
  • PGI could give armor and structure quirks to these mech’s side torsos to help.
  • As stated by Gas Guzzler, make a new engine type: The Omni Extra Light Engine (or OXL for short). It is the same as the Clan's XL Engine, but for the IS. All PGI would have to do is copy/paste the Clan XL Engine and name the OXL for the IS Omnimechs.
  • Make variants that carry a Light Fusion Engine for Early Adopters and Add-Ons instead.
Example 1:

Strengthened Side Torsos and Survivability Quirks:
IS Heavy Omnis: 140
IS Assault Omnis:180
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Example 2:
IS Omni XL based on the Clan XL Engine
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Example 3:
In case if PGI doesn't want to go the IS Omni XL way, they can make LFE Variants
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Raptor Variants
Raptor RTX1-O: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Raptor RTX1-OA: Pure Energy
Raptor RTX1-OB: Energy/Missile
Raptor RTX1-OC: Pure Energy
Raptor RTX1-OD: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Raptor RTX1-OE: Energy/Missile
Raptor RTX1-OF: Energy/Missile

Men Shen Variants
Men Shen MS1-O: Energy/Missile/MASC
Men Shen MS1-OA: Energy/Ballistic/MASC
Men Shen MS1-OB: Energy/Ballistic/MASC
Men Shen MS1-OC: Pure Energy/ECM/MASC
Men Shen MS1-OD: Energy/Missile/MASC

Avatar Variants
Avatar AV1-O: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Avatar AV1-OA: Energy/Missile/Ballistic/Jumper
Avatar AV1-OB: Energy/Missile
Avatar AV1-OC: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Avatar AV1-OD: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Avatar AV1-OE: Energy/Missile/Ballistic/ECM
Avatar AV1-OG: Ballistic/Energy

Hauptmann Variants
Hauptmann HA1-O: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Hauptmann HA1-OA: Energy/Missile/Ballistic/Jumper
Hauptmann HA1-OD: Energy/Missile/Ballistic

Raptor - 25 tons
The Raptor was the first Inner Sphere OmniMech. Luthien Armor Works designed the Raptor as a proof of concept after months of studying OmniMech salvage recovered from the Battle of Luthien. The inherent ease of repair and ability to reconfigure loadout made the resulting OmniMech a premier recon and fast strike unit.

While the Raptor debuted in MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf in 2004, it wasn't "the" Raptor. Instead it was a new mech that was later canonized as the "Raptor II", unrelated to the original design.
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Notable Pilots:
Jaqueline Tokawa - A MechWarrior in service with the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, Jaqueline Tokawa was the Chu-sa in command of Third Battalion of the elite First Genyosha in 3059, a position she retained through at least 3070.Jaqueline was a member of the First Genyosha from at least the early 3050s, and was one of the first DCMS MechWarriors to be issued with a RTX-10 Raptor OmniMech after Luthien Armor Works developed the design. Initially skeptical of the novel design, Jaqueline quickly became a fan of the 'mech.

Raptor Variants
Raptor RTX1-O
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - Small Laser
Center Torso - LRM 5
Right Torso - Machine Gun, LRM 5
Left Torso - Machine Gun, LRM 5
Right Arm - Medium Laser, Small Laser
Left Arm - Medium Laser, Small Laser

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3052
Estimated Hardpoints

Raptor RTX1-OA
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - 1x Small Laser, 1xLarge Laser
Left Torso - 1x Large Laser
Right Arm - 1x Small Laser
Left Arm - 1x Small Laser
Left Leg - 2x Jump Jets
Right Leg - 2x Jump Jets

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3052
Estimated Hardpoints

Raptor RTX1-OB
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - Small Laser, Large Laser
Left Torso - SRM 6
Right Arm - Small Laser
Left Arm - Small Laser

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3052
Estimated Hardpoints


Raptor RTX1-OC
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Left Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Arm - Small Pulse Laser
Left Arm - Small Pulse Laser

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3052
Estimated Hardpoints


Raptor RTX1-OD
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - Streak SRM 2
Right Torso - 2x Machine Guns, Streak SRM 2, TAG
Left Torso - Streak SRM 2
Right Arm - Small Laser
Left Arm - Small Laser

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3052
Estimated Hardpoints

Raptor RTX1-OE
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - MRM 10
Right Torso - MRM 10, Small Laser
Left Torso - MRM 10
Right Arm - N/A
Left Arm - N/A

Engine: 175 XL = 118 KPH
Debuted: 3058
Estimated Hardpoints

Men Shen - 55 tons
Named for the door guards who serve to ward off evil spirits from a home, the Men Shen is the first OmniMech to come from the Capellan Confederation, it borrows heavily from the Raven BattleMech for its basic design concept. The 'Mech is built on a lightweight Endo Steel chassis and is powered by a vulnerable but light VOX 330 XL engine that gives it a top speed of 97.2 km/h that is augmented by MASC system allowing the 'Mech to be pushed up to 129.6 km/h in short bursts. The Men Shen comes with eleven tons of armor, giving it a respectable amount of protection. The Men Shen carries on its base chassis a Beagle Active Probe allowing it to serve in a recon role regardless of its configuration. For weapons and equipment the Men Shen has seventeen tons of free pod space.

This Mech only made an appearance in Mechcommander 2 back in 2001 as a sequel to Mechcommander Gold. It is one of the only mechs of the Civil War Era that has been created by another faction that didn't come from either Steiner nor Davion, but House Liao given the Steiner/Davion focus of the game.
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Notable Pilots:
Samuel Peterson - A lieutenant in a lance of pro-Davion defenders on New Syrtis, Peterson piloted a Men Shen captured from Capellan troops. He was killed at the controls of this 'Mech in the initial stages of a Loyalist assault on New Syrtis during the FedCom Civil War.

Men Shen Variants
Men Shen MS1-O
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - Small Laser
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - LRM 15
Left Torso - MASC
Right Arm - 2x Medium Pulse Laser
Left Arm - 2x Medium Pulse Laser

Engine: 330 XL = 97 KPH (129 w/MASC)
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Men Shen MS1-OA
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - Small Laser
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - LB-10X AC
Left Torso - MASC
Right Arm - N/A
Left Arm - 3x ER Medium Laser

Engine: 330 XL = 97 KPH (129 w/MASC)
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Men Shen MS1-OB
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - 2x ER Medium Lasers
Left Torso - 2x ER Medium Lasers, MASC
Right Arm - 1x LB-2X AC
Left Arm - 1x LB-2X AC

Engine: 330 XL = 97 KPH (129 w/MASC)
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Men Shen MS1-OC
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - ER Small Laser
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - ECM
Left Torso - MASC
Right Arm - 1x Large Pulse Laser
Left Arm - 1x Large Pulse Laser

Engine: 330 XL = 97 KPH (129 w/MASC)
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Men Shen MS1-OD
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - ER Small Laser
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - ER PPC, ECM
Left Torso - 2x Medium Pulse Lasers, MASC
Right Arm - 1x SRM 4
Left Arm - 1x SRM 4

Engine: 330 XL = 97 KPH (129 w/MASC)
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar - 70 tons
The first of the Inner Sphere OmniMechs to be conceptualized and one of the last to reach production by the Draconis Combine as part of its "first generation", the Avatar's design is based on captured Vulture OmniMechs. The Avatar is used primarily by the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, but has also been sold to the Lyran Alliance and ComStar. The Avatar weighs in at seventy tons and is powered by a Hermes 280 XL engine that gives it a top speed of 64.8 km/h. It is protected by twelve tons of StarSlab/4 armor that comes with CASE to protect the 'Mech against complete destruction from an internal ammunition explosion. The Avatar is a powerful OmniMech in its various configurations, with an impressive thirty-four tons of pod space allowing it to carry a wide range of weapons.

The Kuritan Avatar would make its debut in Mechwarrior 3 back in 1999 and it's expansion pack, Pirate's Moon. Years later it would appear once again in MekTek's version of Mechwarrior 4:Mercenaries.
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Avatar Variants
Avatar AV1-O
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 1x LRM 10, 1x Machine Gun
Left Torso - 1x LRM 10, 1x Machine Gun
Right Arm - 1x LB-10X AC
Left Arm - 2x Medium Pulse Lasers

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OA
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 1x SRM 6
Left Torso - 1x SRM 6
Right Arm - 1x AC/20
Left Arm - 1x ER Large Laser
Left Leg - 1x Jump Jet
Right Leg - 1x Jump Jet

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OB
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 1x LRM 10
Left Torso - 1x LRM 10
Right Arm - 1x LRM 15
Left Arm - 1x LRM 15

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OC
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 1x LRM 10
Left Torso - 1x LRM 10
Right Arm - 1x Ultra AC/5
Left Arm - 1x PPC

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OD
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - 1x MRM 20
Left Torso - 1x MRM 20
Right Arm - 1x Light Gauss Rifle
Left Arm - 2x ER Medium Lasers

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OE
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - N/A
Left Torso - 1x ECM
Right Arm - 1x Ultra AC/10
Left Arm - 1x ER Medium Laser, 1x ER PPC

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3062
Estimated Hardpoints

Avatar AV1-OG
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x Medium Lasers
Right Torso - N/A
Left Torso - 1x ECM
Right Arm - 1x Gauss Rifle
Left Arm - 1x Gauss Rifle

Engine: 280 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3062
Estimated Hardpoints

Hauptmann - 100 tons
The first OmniMech both designed and built by the Lyran Alliance. The OmniMech is named after the rank held by officers in the LAAF. The inspiration for the Hauptmann is drawn from the Daishi OmniMech used by the Clans. Using information from captured Daishis and data gleaned from the construction of the Firestarter OmniMech, which was shared by the Draconis Combine, the end result is a powerful OmniMech capable of defending itself in most combat situations. The Hauptmann is built on a standard chassis and powered by a 285 fusion engine, adding to the 'Mech's durability as it cannot be killed by a side torso loss. The Hauptmann has eleven double heat sinks fixed on the chassis and can add more if needed in its various configurations. For protection, the Hauptmann carries eighteen and a half tons of armor and has CASE fixed in the right torso to protect against an ammunition explosion.

The Hauptmann was in Mechwarrior 4:Mercenaries in 2002 as a popular design next to its Steiner partner, the Fafnir. It would be a commonplace mech you would fight against if you sided with House Davion.
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Notable Pilots:
Nondi Steiner - The Pro-Steiner Loyalist and aunt to Archon, Katherine Steiner-Davion, would pilot a Hauptmann throughout the FedCom Civil War and died at the controls of her mech following her duel with her nephew, Peter Steiner-Davion, ending the FedCom Civil War.

Hauptmann Variants
Hauptmann HA1-O
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - ER Small Laser
Center Torso - ECM
Right Torso - Streak SRM 2
Left Torso - Stream SRM 2, LB-20X AC
Right Arm - 1x ER Large Laser, 1x Medium Pulse Laser
Left Arm - 1x ER Large Laser, 1x Medium Pulse Laser

Engine: 285 Standard = 54 KPH
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Hauptmann HA1-OA
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - ER Small Laser
Center Torso - Jump Jet
Right Torso - 1x Gauss Rifle
Left Torso - N/A
Right Arm - 2x ER Medium Laser, SRM 6
Left Arm - 2x ER Medium Laser, SRM 6
Left Leg - Jump Jet
Right Leg - Jump Jet

Engine: 285 Standard = 54 KPH
Debuted: 3060
Estimated Hardpoints

Hauptmann HA1-OD
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - ER Medium Laser
Right Torso - 1x Gauss Rifle
Left Torso - N/A
Right Arm - 1x ER Medium Laser, Rocket Launcher 10
Left Arm - 1x Heavy PPC, Rocket Launcher 10
Left Leg - N/A
Right Leg - N/A

Engine: 285 Standard = 54 KPH
Debuted: 3070
Estimated Hardpoints

Reinforcement OmniMechs
Sunder Variants
Sunder SD1-O: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Sunder SD1-OB: Energy/Missile
Sunder SD1-OC: Energy/Missile

Templar Variants
Templar TLR1-O: Energy/Missile/Ballistic
Templar TLR1-OA: Energy/Missile/Ballistic/ECM/Jumper
Templar TLR1-OB: Energy/Ballistic
Templar TLR1-OE: Energy/Missile/ECM
Templar TLR1-OG: Energy/Ballistic
Templar TLR1-O Tancred: Energy/Ballistic

Sunder - 90 tons
The Sunder is the product of what was learned from captured Loki and Thor OmniMechs. The Sunder weighs ninety tons and uses a Hermes 360 XL engine to save weight while giving the 'Mech a top speed of 65 km/h, a respectable speed for a ninety ton 'Mech. The Sunder carries sixteen and a half tons of armor protection and has fifteen double heat sinks to handle the assault 'Mech's heavy heat load. The Sunder carries a chaotic and powerful mix of weapons and equipment in all of its configurations. It has proven itself time and again against both Clan and Inner Sphere adversaries.

This is the second Kurita OmniMech and first mech that would make two appearances in the Mechwarrior games. It would first debut in 1999 with both Mechwarrior 3 and it's expansion, Pirate's Moon. A year later it would be revived again in the expansion pack, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight and its standalone sequel Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries.

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Sunder Variants
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - 1x SRM 4
Center Torso - 2x SRM 4s
Right Torso - 1x Medium Laser
Left Torso - 1x Medium Laser
Right Arm - 2x Large Lasers
Left Arm - 1x AC/20

Engine: 360 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 1x LRM 10
Right Torso - 1x Medium Laser
Left Torso - 1x Medium Laser
Right Arm - 2x Medium Pulse Lasers
Left Arm - 1x LRM 20

Engine: 360 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3056
Estimated Hardpoints

Weapons and Equipment:
Head - 1x Streak SRM 4
Center Torso - 1x Streak SRM 4
Right Torso - N/A
Left Torso - 1x Medium Laser
Right Arm - 1x MRM 30
Left Arm - 1x MRM 40

Engine: 360 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3058
Estimated Hardpoints

Templar - 85 tons
With a noticeable lack of OmniMechs designed in the Federated Suns, Field Marshal Duke George Hasek went over the heads of the Department of the Quartermaster and commissioned Kallon Industries to design an assault OmniMech and backed the project with his own considerable financial resources. The resulting 'Mech is a force to be reckoned with on the modern battlefield. The Templar is built on a lightweight Kallon Type XIX Endo Steel chassis and is powered by a KalTek 340 XL engine that gives the 'Mech a top speed of 64.8 km/h without sacrificing durability. The Templar has thirteen fixed double heat sinks and is armored with sixteen and a half tons of Starshield A armor with CASE fixed in the right torso. Overall, this allows the Templar to have forty tons of free OmniPod space for weapons and equipment which the 'Mech uses effectively in its various configurations.

This famous Davion design would make it's debut in Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries from 2002.
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Templar Variants
Templar TLR1-O
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x ER Medium Lasers
Right Torso - Streak SRM 2
Left Torso - N/A
Right Arm - 1x Gauss Rifle
Left Arm - 1x Large Pulse Laser, 1x Medium Pulse Laser

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3062
Estimated Hardpoints

Templar TLR1-OA
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 1x ECM
Right Torso - 2x Jump Jets
Left Torso - 2x Jump Jets
Right Arm - 1x Ultra AC/10, 1x Streak SRM 6
Left Arm - 1x ER PPC

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3062
Estimated Hardpoints

Templar TLR1-OB
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 2x ER Medium Lasers
Right Torso - N/A
Left Torso - N/A
Right Arm - 3x Rotary AC/2's
Left Arm - 1x ER PPC

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3062
Estimated Hardpoints

Templar TLR1-OE
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - 1x ECM
Right Torso - 1x Medium Pulse Laser
Left Torso - 1x Small Laser, 1x Medium Pulse Laser
Right Arm - 2x LRM 15
Left Arm - 1x ER PPC

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3064
Estimated Hardpoints

Templar TLR1-OG
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - N/A
Center Torso - N/A
Right Torso - 1x LB 2-X AC
Left Torso - 1x LB 2-X AC
Right Arm - 1x Light Gauss Rifle,1x LB 2-X AC
Left Arm - 1x ER PPC

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3069
Estimated Hardpoints

*Templar TLR1-O Tancred
Weapons and Equipment:
Head - 1x ER Medium Laser
Center Torso - 1x ER Medium Laser
Right Torso - 1x LB 2-X AC
Left Torso - 1x LB 2-X AC
Right Arm - 1x Rotary AC/5, 1x ER Medium Laser, 1x ER Large Laser
Left Arm - 1x Rotary AC/5

Engine: 340 XL = 64 KPH
Debuted: 3069
Estimated Hardpoints

*Denotes a Potential Hero Mech Variant



Men Shen
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Edited by Will9761, 13 April 2024 - 03:19 PM.

#2 Marcel Leander


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Posted 23 June 2023 - 10:29 PM

View PostWill9761, on 23 June 2023 - 08:20 PM, said:

but after they converted the Timber Wolf into a Clan BattleMech

Can you explain what you mean? The Timber Wolf is a Clan Omnimech in MWO and has always been so in all of BT.

#3 Meep Meep


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Posted 23 June 2023 - 10:34 PM

The new timby legendary mech is a battlemech.

#4 Marcel Leander


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Posted 23 June 2023 - 10:43 PM

View PostMeep Meep, on 23 June 2023 - 10:34 PM, said:

The new timby legendary mech is a battlemech.

Oh, wow. I had no idea. I don't look at the Legendaries very much because they don't show up in the in-game store. Doing that to such an iconic mech is... sacrilege.

Posted Image

#5 Meep Meep


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Posted 23 June 2023 - 10:53 PM

View PostMarcel Leander, on 23 June 2023 - 10:43 PM, said:

Oh, wow. I had no idea. I don't look at the Legendaries very much because they don't show up in the in-game store. Doing that to such an iconic mech is... sacrilege.

Ignore the quirks and use the ballistics. Thats the meta build so far as I see it in game and the decent players are racking up mega damage with it. I mean it has masc and jj with the tonnage to use them. Not op but definitely a very strong mech. The rainbow legendary is meh and not seeing it much.

#6 PocketYoda


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 05:25 AM

Urbanmech IIC is more important.

#7 Battlemaster56


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 06:03 AM

I'll gladly have some IS Omni's it be a fun change for a while.

#8 Will9761


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 07:17 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 23 June 2023 - 10:36 PM, said:

Of all the things to complain about.

Matchmaker is a shambles. The core game loop is insanely repetitive. The skill tree is a serious power differential problem. The maps and modes make a lot of chassis significantly less enjoyable.

But we're going to harp about a one-off Battlemech version of a Timberwolf. That's the line you drew? Really?

Not really, if you read my other reasons, I actually want to see new life brought into MWO, whether its new maps, mechs or tech. And that is where IS Omnis fall in for both new tech and mechs. Seeing the new mechs like the Crusader, Hatchetman and upcoming Stone Rhino instilled some hope. Also PGI will throw lore out the window to make what they want to make. Look at the Fafnir 6U, it was a Dark Age Era mech in 3081, but PGI added that to appease people. So if PGI can add their own mechs and defy the source material by making a Timber Wolf Battlemech to make what they want to make, then I say it's fair to ask for IS Omnis now. And at this point, it's inexcusable for a game to be stagnant like this for so long.

Edited by Will9761, 24 June 2023 - 08:42 AM.

#9 Will9761


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 07:25 AM

View PostMarcel Leander, on 23 June 2023 - 10:29 PM, said:

Can you explain what you mean? The Timber Wolf is a Clan Omnimech in MWO and has always been so in all of BT.

In BattleTech, the Timber Wolf is a Clan OmniMech, but in MWO as a part of the "Legendary" Mechs, PGI decided to make a Timber Wolf BattleMech variant called the "Howl". This showcases that PGI is willing to alter the source material to make whatever suits them.

Edited by Will9761, 08 August 2023 - 05:05 PM.

#10 Will9761


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 08:04 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 24 June 2023 - 07:36 AM, said:

The Roughneck and Sun Spider, as well as variants like ENF-5P and similar already crossed that bridge anyway.

Don't forget the early adopter variants.

#11 LordNothing


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 08:28 AM

people have been asking for is omnis since clan omnis became a thing.

#12 Will9761


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 08:59 AM

For IS Omnis, I can imagine PGI making Early Adopter variants with Light Fusion Engines. That would be a good sell for packs like those. Especially for Assault Omnis like the Templar and Sunder.

#13 Will9761


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Posted 24 June 2023 - 10:38 AM

Raptor has 243 votes
Men Shen has 410 votes
Avatar has 425 votes

#14 Marcel Leander


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Posted 25 June 2023 - 05:37 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 24 June 2023 - 08:11 AM, said:

Most of the heroes are noncanonical. Butterbee, Grinner and Tempest are the only ones I can think of with deeper canonical roots. Pride, Purifier and Cinder all loosely connect to canonical pilots but aren't considered reflective of what they actually piloted.

Except all MWO Hero mech history for mechs not created solely for MWO has been declared canonical by CGL.

Copying from Sarna


Randall Bills ruling

On 13 February, 2016 Randall N. Bills (as "Precentor Martial"), who had since replaced Herb Beas as Line Developer, gave this reply to an inquiry about the upcoming game's canonicity on the "ComStar: The Global BattleTech Community" forum for the BattleTech game by Harebrained Schemes, who were working on their BattleTech in cooperation with the CGL and Piranha Games staff:

<Frabby>: Since you happen to wear the BattleTech Line Developer hat now and thus have the power to decide over BattleTech Canon (on the CGL side of things), does your work on MWO and HBS-BT mean the Hero 'Mech fluff in the former and the campaign storyline in the latter are canonical for the core (CGL) BatteTech lore?

<Precentor Martial>: For the Hero 'Mechs, absolutely. And that is the intention with the HBS campaign storyline as well. -Randall

From community.battletech.com


As I mentioned in the other thread, the fiction relating to the MWO Hero BattleMechs are canon. I was making no reference to MWO as a whole.



From Adrian Gideon at bg.battletech.com in regards to people bringing Corsair/Roughneck/Sunspider record sheets to MechCon 2018


Those sheets are not official and those designs are not canon for the tabletop. CGL cannot use the PGI-created designs, no matter what “part” CGL or its employees play in the creation of the designs. When asked for confirmation, Randall and Brent stated that those were provided by a demo agent and they allowed it *this time only* as part of the hype at MechCon.

Edited by Marcel Leander, 25 June 2023 - 05:37 AM.

#15 Will9761


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Posted 26 June 2023 - 01:20 PM

Raptor has 244 votes
Men Shen has 411 votes
Avatar has 426 votes

I will add a "Reinforcement Add-On" for the Templar and Sunder later on.

#16 Chloe Cole Kerensky


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Posted 26 June 2023 - 05:54 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 24 June 2023 - 08:28 AM, said:

people have been asking for is omnis since clan omnis became a thing.

IS Omni would be easy considered the clan framework is already programed into the game.

XL is a major issue though with anything over medium weight class. Very few heavies are viable with an XL. Assault XLs get laughed at in QP.

Rifleman is the most infamous XL friendly mech I know of. A few of those mechs you posted would be ok with XL, a prominent CT helps.

#17 Will9761


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Posted 26 June 2023 - 07:41 PM

View PostChloe Cole Kerensky, on 26 June 2023 - 05:54 PM, said:

IS Omni would be easy considered the clan framework is already programed into the game.

XL is a major issue though with anything over medium weight class. Very few heavies are viable with an XL. Assault XLs get laughed at in QP.

Rifleman is the most infamous XL friendly mech I know of. A few of those mechs you posted would be ok with XL, a prominent CT helps.

I agree with the XL Engines being an issue. I'd basically say that in order to make them viable, the side torso armor should be strengthened to maybe at least 120 or 155 at best.

#18 LordNothing


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 06:39 AM

View PostChloe Cole Kerensky, on 26 June 2023 - 05:54 PM, said:

IS Omni would be easy considered the clan framework is already programed into the game.

XL is a major issue though with anything over medium weight class. Very few heavies are viable with an XL. Assault XLs get laughed at in QP.

Rifleman is the most infamous XL friendly mech I know of. A few of those mechs you posted would be ok with XL, a prominent CT helps.

also talked to death previously. there are ways to make it work though. extra st armor, mobility quirks/base stats, etc. postulated an xl survivability quirk that makes isxl behave like clanxl. you could even do an is omni xl since it would be non-purchasable fixed equipment. similar to the urbie's std60.

#19 Will9761


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 05:37 PM

Added the Sunder and Templar as a part of the Primary Mechs and Reinforcements groups since I know that people like them and would vote for them.
Also, Vote Updated:
Raptor (245 votes)
Men Shen has (412 votes)
Avatar has (427 votes)
Hauptmann (390 votes)

#20 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 06:30 PM

One possible solution for XL locked IS omni mechs is to use a new-to-MWO engine: OmniXL Engine. Essentially, since the engine is locked, you can basically allow it to perform like a Clan XL (two torsos to kill) without turning the entire balance of the game upside down. Because the locked engine is a fixed point, you simply balance around those mechs having that engine.

I know this has been a huge concern surrounding IS omni mechs (especially heavies and assaults), so I feel like this alleviates that and makes them simpler to balance (no MASSIVE side torso durability quirks required out the gate).

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