I understand Its a work in progress, but so far I'm not liking it.
The map is very dark, thermals won't show terrain very well, nv won't show distant targets very well and normal vision is very limited too. One is forced to juggle visions and none really seems adequate at any one point. Of course you could just adjust the gamma out of game, but this should not be a requirement. Visually the darker tone is atmospheric and interesting, but it is so unfortunately at the expense of gameplay.
The lanes and routes are very tight with limited space for maneuvering which leads to static uninteresting combat and non JJ mechs being funneled and bottlenecked into kill zones.
The scrap cover sticking out of the terrain is inconsistent. Some objects you can shoot through while other scrap with apparently bigger holes in them you can't, making it hard to tell which pieces provide cover and which don't. Some objects you can straight up walk through completely, this is not bad in itself, but there's no consistency between which cover is real and which just visual.
The map seems to be fairly unimaginative, featureless and flat dynamics wise. The atmosphere and theme is great.
Suggestions for improvement. The lighting needs to be optimized somehow to create more contrast between mechs and the environment or at least improved to work with thermals better. The lanes need to be widened and bottlenecks fewer. Consistency in scrap cover needs to be fixed and preferably more routes and options for non JJ mechs to get to higher ground and out of the funnels.Some sort of prominent feature or highlight needs to be added to the map.
Edited by RockmachinE, 25 July 2023 - 02:24 PM.