Map And Mode Feedback!
Posted 02 August 2023 - 08:53 AM
To me Incursion only suffers from the fact that tank barriers are placed on gates that are too small.
But well, the main thing is that everyone always presses "R".
Posted 02 August 2023 - 09:19 AM
Alpine Peaks has a route on the low ground to avoid getting sniped to death. It actually has counters to the sniping. But I will get teams where everyone thinks the best idea is to keep peeking the bottleneck at the base of the mountain and slowly get whittled away rather than flank wide.
Every time I get a win on that map it's from a successful protection of brawlers from the snipers, either because the enemy team didn't know how to snipe or because my team broke wide and avoided the sniping.
So I don't hate Alpine Peaks as much now that I know the map a bit better. I think its insanely high placement in the poll as "least favorite large map" is a testament to how annoying snipers are and how difficult people find it to properly counter them. It takes good positioning. And as powerful as the new Legendary 'mechs or the Stone Rhino may be, good positioning remains the meta.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 09:27 AM
-would love more 3D maps...mining collective sort of, but more ramps more levels, more balcony. Solaris City but that has too narrow corridors, and all platforms are too high. More tunnels like Crimson..
-random on maps items. For example resource points are always same location. Make them randomly pop up around so scouting has reason. Some random ramps or blockades or stones so not every time it is the same. Imagine domination radar at random place of Alpine for example.
-Bigger influence or temperature? Improve night vision...so there is any reason to use it.
-Solaris arena was dead end, what about possibility to have battler royal like 8-last-man-standing, 12, 16 heck even 24 at max? Would it be possible? Think even 8 people on Rubelitte/Tourmaline would be enough,completely new experience...
Edited by Daruwind, 02 August 2023 - 09:28 AM.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 09:28 AM
Biene Maja, on 02 August 2023 - 12:58 AM, said:
Anti-lurm umbrellas are the stupidiest addition ever in a map like this, more especially in such number.
On the other hand, why bother in sort the maps as large, medium or small, if most of the action take place in the same and relatively small zones over and over? Which is caused by: too much cover for the tactical use of sniping and missiles; continuous suppression of long range missile systems use; mostly no tactical alternatives beyond the "coordinate group" thing, which ends usually as a troglodyte-short-range mass stomp anyway
Posted 02 August 2023 - 09:46 AM
Posted 02 August 2023 - 10:08 AM
Best maps for me are River city being my favorite as all game styles can be played there and there are not many maps you can brawl and snipe on, heavies can plod and lights can run without being sniped/lrm'd to bits (with a bit of thought ! ) Emerald vale great too for similar reasons.
I dislike Hellbore and Solaris for excluding mid and long range weapons, LRMs useless on both and rad dep makes it worse. Hellbore is set up for lights with jjs and Sol for brawling only.
My votes where based on me playing almost always assaults, and playing a 100T lrm boat about One in Ten games (for a change).
The new Ceres map is good but could use being a bit brighter and some scattered buildings/cover from lrm's would be good as I can lerm a mech to bits with a lock and he can't hide....
All game modes fine except incursion, a lot of programming time must have gone into this but it really is a pain in the *** to play !
Anything that stops Mechs fighting/manuvering is bad , like incursion where you spend time getting out of the base then re forming to fight, then having to tramp over and do 1 dam to the other base...Maps that make weapon types or mech types difficult or useless to use like Hellbore/Solaris very bad as players quit. Game resolution is fine, we can see well enough to fight and any upgrade to Unreal 5 (!) would exclude a bunch of players for no real return.
See you in the field....
Posted 02 August 2023 - 10:14 AM
Posted 02 August 2023 - 10:23 AM
Posted 02 August 2023 - 10:45 AM
Baucke, on 02 August 2023 - 08:53 AM, said:
To me Incursion only suffers from the fact that tank barriers are placed on gates that are too small.
But well, the main thing is that everyone always presses "R".
Posted 02 August 2023 - 11:09 AM
Frozen City I agree, add buildings or something in the valley of death, otherwise dom is a fish in a barrel. Or move the dom circle.
Polar Highlands could be a little smaller, and more buildings on top. The center city is where the fighting happens anyway, maybe move the dom circle somewhere else for variety?
Caustic Valley problem is the out of bounds need to be more defined and not have it on the hillside where we are trying to go up and over, I forget the grid location. Maybe put rock formations with the outofbounds on them to be more defined. The Dom circle is sooo hard to see on map.
Solaris, while a least fav generally, does have the city CQB style. Maybe if every engagement didn’t revolve around the center, maybe break it up to different parts of map?
“Incursion game mode would be improved if the power cells were replaced with Conquest-style capture nodes, with each corresponding to a different perk. With this change, Light and Medium mechs would need to fight for control of a perk, rather than grabbing power and then running AWAY from the fight to "power up" a perk. I think it should be easier to swap control of a node than in conquest.”
I agree with mortilus on this one. Or, just take the nodes away, make it a true base assault with more turrets or something. Most of us don’t know how to play, Ive always bypassed the nodes and either went for mechs or the base. YOLOing on incursion is fun when the team does it. Or attack/defend mode.
Domination, maybe move the circle somewhere on certain maps like Alpine, solaris, polar, etc.
Conquest I only like when in light or medium mechs, but even then there isn’t a huge bonus for those doing the objective in this game. Hence, why its usually just skirmish unless enough decide to change up and do the objective to win. Which has been fun, but would be better to get lights and mediums to do the objective when cant do massive damage, thus score goes down.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 11:10 AM
-Solaris City i would like more if the fps where higher... or remove the center city part and place it into the middle of frozen city
-Crimson Strait needs different spawns or another tunnel idk
-the old shader on Forest Colony Classic did a better job hiding the outdated graphics now it has this aquarium to it similar to river city
-in the end i had great rounds on every map and i love them all
* put the bases in incursion closer together so attacks and defences can actually happen with enemys around
Edited by TubbyToast, 02 August 2023 - 11:21 AM.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 11:28 AM
I want Escort back...
Posted 02 August 2023 - 12:07 PM
The problem with Incursion is that it is assault with more steps. Most modes end when all enemy mechs are destroyed, but in incursion players still have to lumber over to the enemy base and shoot something.
Perhaps incursion can be saved by making it a variation of domination. Place a single base in the center of the map that both sides are trying to destroy. The base can be a third faction with walls, and turrets, and will even call in air strikes to kill both player sides. If you want to add new features to the game, the base can be surrounded by mines that detonate and damage mech legs. Like the turrets, the players can shoot the mines to destroy them (but they can't be locked on to). The mode will keep track of how much damage each side deals to the third faction's base, and the winning team (if time runs out, or the base is destroyed) will be the team that dealt the most damage to the third faction base. The match will end upon base being destroyed, allowing the match to end without the timer running out or having to destroy all enemy mechs. If all enemy mechs are destroyed, then the match will end as soon as the surviving team deals more damage than the enemy team. If the surviving team fails to do more damage than the enemy team before the timer runs out, then the dead team will still get the victory.
I think Escort can be brought back if overhauled. The original escort didn't prevent the players from forming a death ball. This can be fixed by having multiple escorts per faction. In this new escort, each lance has an escort, thus three escorts per side (so a total of six on the map when counting both sides). Each lance's escort will take a different route through the map, never intersecting with another escort from the same faction. Each escort's path will intersect a single escort from the enemy side. The escorts in question will be different mechs based on the average tonnage/speed of the mechs in the lance. Thus players won't know what mech will need escorting. In the old escort, it was the same atlas each time. In this new escort, the randomly selected mech will be disguised like a player. The idea is that the players won't be able to tell which mech is the escort mech, so they have to shoot all five mechs in each lance. I don't know if there are any limitations to the number of mechs in a match, but if an extra six can fit in, then this new escort mode shouldn't be a problem.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 12:36 PM
Frost_Byte, on 01 August 2023 - 02:54 PM, said:
Here are some polls on your favorite, and least favorite, maps and game modes. We'd love to hear the community feedback about what you like or dislike about current maps and modes so we can help work forward on making new maps and improvements to current ones!
Of course, don't just vote in the poll. If you have more thoughts, I'd love to read about them in the comments!
i absolutly love the new scrap yard map

Posted 02 August 2023 - 12:52 PM
Posted 02 August 2023 - 01:00 PM
Cant forget the Long QP wait times just to get your base Overrun by the whole team and No one on either side gets any Damage.

Posted 02 August 2023 - 01:36 PM
And Alpine always seemed better suited for scouting in CW/FP
Posted 02 August 2023 - 01:38 PM
Frost_Byte, on 01 August 2023 - 07:14 PM, said:
1) Ceres fix in August patch will fix the pink bug for AMD users. That's the primary fix for the map.
2) The map designs comes from Krazzdaxx, we have faith in his work and his ideas.
3) I made this poll to see if I could take what you all liked and didn't like and update the bias of our matchmaker. There are parameters for how often a map or mode shows up, and I wanted to take this information and work with Cauldron and other members at PGI to see if we can update these parameters for something more enjoyable for the players. Not cut out a map entirely, but if something is really hated then reduce the frequency of it showing up.
It would be great to see maps with more Greenery. So much of it is very grey. Everytime Forest Colony, River City, Crimson, Bog, etc. get selected i'm always thrilled to play them moreso than the others like HPG, Hellbore, Frozen City, etc. with no life to them.
I saw a comment on here regarding a previous event where we ran Faction style drop decks, but were playing the regular QP maps like Forest Colony, HPG, etc. and regular game modes. It was really refreshing to play that mode you guys made up in the event and would love to see it more. The game needs more life fed into it, something that the specific event mode definitely did, seemed like that event was just packed.
Edited by GravityDrop, 02 August 2023 - 01:39 PM.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 02:15 PM
I do agree and improvement can / should be made to the map, but overall. It is a long time favorite if you know how to use it.
Posted 02 August 2023 - 02:27 PM
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