Posted 03 August 2023 - 11:52 AM
Thank you PGI for launching this poll and attempting to discern what the player base is thinking. With so many differing opinions- many of them communicated as though they were objective facts- I strongly suspect that ANY action you take will generate more complaints. I don't envy you.
As you requested that we add our reasoning in the comments, I will add mine here. Apologies in advance for the long text:
The main thing I struggle with on the maps I dislike is poor visibility. I find maps like Solaris City, Caustic Valley, the snowstorm version of Frozen City, every version of Terra Therma, and the new scrapyard map to be too dark or foggy to be fun. I know, the mechs have night vison and heat vision, but both have pretty severe compromises that make the game less enjoyable to me.
The new Ceres Metal Scrapyard map seems like a cool layout with a lot of visual interest, but I wish we could see it. A daytime version of it was featured as the backdrop in many of the posted pictures of the new assault mechs and it looked amazing- but in game the visual details and textures might as well not be there, which is kinda sad for the designer.
I have two small gripes regarding modes. First, Incursion mode offers one more example of a complicated in-game system that is not explained anywhere in the game or its website. Players have to try to piece it together themselves, so there are always teammates that honestly do not know what the additional symbols littering their HUD are or how to prioritize their multiple objectives. I like the idea of there being more than one way to win a match. I don’t like the frustration – felt by both the experienced toward the new player, and by the new player themselves- of not understanding what those ways are.
My second gripe relates to the first- that is, that in Skirmish mode- the one mode with no secondary objectives- it is exceedingly frustrating to play or watch as the last remaining mech goes and hides without penalty while the others have to wander around looking for it. I’m not sure the best way to remedy this. I understand that some players value their k/d ratio above all else and WILL do this, regardless of the feedback they receive. But I suspect that even those players who hide do not enjoy being on the other side of a game that ends that way.
Maps, Modes, and Mechs:
The final issue I have with the maps- and the modes- is the fact that one must select their mech without any idea of the mission they are going on. This is jarringly unrealistic, even within the fictional setting. Humans don’t act like this. Even "way back in the 21rst century" we understand that one shouldn’t bring a knife to a gun fight. Why then would anyone choose to bring an expensive LRM platform to fight in Solaris City, or an expensive brawling mech to hike up Alpine Peaks, or a slow moving assault mech on a mission that depends on quickly capturing multiple resource points? If the game presents players as mechwarriors who own multiple mechs, what possible reason are we given for the “blind date” method of choosing mech first, then map/mode? The complaints from players who end up feeling like they brought the wrong mech for the mission seem very common, which feels ridiculous and frustrating.
I’m not a programmer so I acknowledge that my simple-sounding suggestion may, in fact, be incredibly difficult to implement, but: Couldn’t the order simply be reversed? Something like this:
1) Player selects which weight class they would like to play in that round, for matchmaking purposes.
2) Player votes for the map/mode they like from the preselected options.
3) Once the map and mode are announced, Player selects which of their mechs (from their stated weight class) they want to drop in.
Again, I truly appreciate all the work the PGI team continues to put into an older, free-to-play game that a lot of people really enjoy playing. I hope this survey gives you some clear insight into ways to continue improving things. Keep up the great work.