Some stuff which is especially weird is how the setup for the atmosphere parameter is, and really I'm kind of curious as to why not set up the effects in the parameter to work on one layer instead of two. This could save a lot of space and time since you'd cut out an extra event from every weapon fire.
If you look at the curves for the event, it looks like you could just use those instead of relying on an entirely separate event for when ya fire. I'm not entirely savvy to how ya'll handle the parameter adjustment for different maps but I really do feel like there could be some optimization there.
It's prob a bit more apparent with the laser, like for example looking at laser_clan_large_internal, it looks like you could definitely work with that instead.
With all that said idk I'm ******* bored and I was kind of curious about the whole process now that we're getting a weapon update and I really wanted to see if perhaps a lot of the older stuff that possibly could be cleaned up would be.
Edited by Thiccacuga, 13 August 2023 - 06:10 PM.