Bassault, on 18 August 2023 - 01:45 PM, said:
Nope. I've already argued with the cauldron about it ad nauseum. They are content to keep autocannons dogshit because they want to keep lasers strong. They told me that they can go in a game and do 600 dmg with ballistics, so they're fine. The cauldron wants giga laservomit meta and it won't change ever.
Well that's the thing. I honestly dont think, that making regular cACs better would necessarily also make laser vomit somehow worse. Especially, when AC20s are short range, and AC10s short to medium range.
They can do 600 dmg with acs easily? Thats good for them. I bet i could do 600 with just flamers too, against players who can't use minimap... They would do double the damage with cUACs with the same gameplay. Even IS AC20 and AC10s are underused, comparing to HvyGauss and Gauss.
How many of cauldron members are actually using them daily i wonder? How much are those weapons being used in high tiers (i can't see any in t1, but that might be just my personal experience), or in high level comps? There is absolutely no reason to take them over UACs. Like you said, they are dogshit.
Best clan balistic is still Gauss, because its one slug pinpoint accurate projectile. Burts are inferior, HAGS are going to be inferior. All i ask, is that we get more pinpoint (short range options) on clan side. Buffing brawlers a bit. Surely that wouldn't break the game. Especially when UACs can still efficiently squeeze double, if not triple damage numbers...
Edited by MechB Kotare, 19 August 2023 - 01:13 AM.