REWARD ELIGIBILITY DATES DETAILS To be eligible for the 2023 Rewards, purchases must be made between the following dates: Eligibility Start Date - November 22nd, 2022 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
Eligibility End Date - November 21st, 2023 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)

ACTIVE PLAYER REWARD Eligibility Conditions Rewards - Year 10 Cupcake Cockpit Item
- 6.5 Million C-bills
- a Mech Bay
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

MC REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Purchase MC on MWO or on Steam
- Gifting MC through the store grants the reward to the account that redeems the Gift
Exclusions - MC earned through rewards
- MC in bundles or other Packages
Rewards - Your Choice of Hero Mech (Mech Bay Included) (New Legendary Hero Excluded)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards available upon qualification by Player Selection (GSP injected with Mech)
- Reward Selection Deadline Jan 31st 11:59:59 UTC 2024

PRIME REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased, during the Eligibility period, any Booster Pack (Stryker, Warden, Hunter, Rivals, Predator, or Bloodname), New player pack, Creator Bundle, Store Deal Bundle, Dropship Deal, Complete Collection, Tournament Supporter pack, Boosters(GSP, PT), Solaris 7 Pack, Hero, Champion, or Reinforcement through the Web store on MWO or Steam
- Gifting through the store grants the Reward to the account that redeems the Gift
Exclusions - Excluding Legendary Mech Packs
- Excluding Platinum Packages
- Excluding Premium Packages
- Excludes MC Packages
Rewards - ICE FERRET IFR-J (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards available upon qualification by Player Selection (GSP injected with Mech)
- Reward Selection Deadline Jan 31st 11:59:59 UTC 2024

PLATINUM REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased, during the Eligibility period, any Platinum Collection or Platinum Custom Collection
- Gifting through the store grants the Reward to the account that redeems the Gift
Exclusions - Excludes Rewarded Platinum Mechs
- Excludes all other packages
Rewards - Your Choice of Any Platinum Mech (Mech Bay Included) (Excluding Stone Rhino Platinum reward mech)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards available upon qualification by Player Selection (GSP injected with Mech)
- Reward Selection Deadline Jan 31st 11:59:59 UTC 2024

STONE RHINO REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased, during the Eligibility period, any Stone Rhino Collection (Collector, Special Add on or Hero Add on)
Exclusions - Excludes all other packages
Rewards - Stone Rhino SR-1(P) Platinum Mech with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

CLAN LEGEND REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased, during the Eligibility period, any Legendary Clan mech Package on MWO or Steam
Exclusions - Excludes all other packages
Rewards - PIRANHA PIR-D (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

CLAN STANDARD REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased, during the Eligibility period, any Clan pack or Clan Hero Variant from the Premium Packages Pages
- Includes the Stone Rhino Packages
Exclusions - Excludes Legendary Mechs
- Excluding Booster Packs (Stryker, Warden, Hunter, Rivals, Predator, or Bloodname)
- Excluding Platinum Packages
- Excludes MC Packages
- Excludes Solaris 7 Pack
- Gifting through the store grants the Reward to the account that redeems the Gift
Rewards - ADDER ADR-W (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

INNER SPHERE LEGEND REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased any Legendary IS mech Package on MWO or Steam
Exclusions - Excludes all other packages
Rewards - URBAN UM-R (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

INNER SPHERE STANDARD REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Have purchased any IS pack or IS Hero Variant from the Premium Packages Page
Exclusions - Excludes Legendary Mechs
- Excluding Booster Packs (Stryker, Warden, Hunter, Rivals, Predator, or Bloodname)
- Excluding Platinum Packages
- Excludes MC Packages
- Excludes Solaris 7 Pack
- Gifting through the store grants the Reward to the account that redeems the Gift
Rewards - JENNER JR7-A (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023

ULTIMATE REWARD Eligibility Conditions - Qualify for any 7 of the above 9 Reward levels in any combination.
Rewards - WOLFHOUND WLF-C (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- JAGERMECH JM6-DE (L) with a 30% C-Bill Boost (Mech Bay Included)
- 200 GSP
Reward Injection Date - Rewards Injected on November 21st, 2023
NOTE: - Reward eligibility for content acquired through Gift Code redemption is determined by the original purchase date of the Gift Code. Example: If you redeemed a Gift Code on August 10th, 2023 that was purchased prior to November 22nd, 2022 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC), you will not qualify for any associated Rewards.
- Rewards are provided to the Giftee, not the Gifter.
- Gift Codes that were purchased within the eligibility period, but redeemed after the period had expired, will not be granted the associated Reward item automatically; the Reward will need to be granted manually by Support Services. If you have redeemed a Gift Code after the deadline but that was purchased during the eligibility period, please contact