martian, on 19 September 2023 - 07:40 AM, said:
As you said 'Might makes right' ... and it was the mighty Grand Coucil that Abjured the Wolves and the weak Wolves were too weak to contest the decision.
First off, those "weak Wolves" took Terra which shuts any and everybody up since might makes right. Secondly, name a SINGLE instance of a Clan being Abjured that was overturned by combat. I'll wait. Third, When the Grand Council voted for the abjurement, all the Inner Sphere Khans (as well as several Homeworld Khans) had lost all respect for the Grand Council. Most of the Inner Sphere Clans had already begun (or were wrapping up) their own preparations to move as much of their Clan to the Inner Sphere realizing that they would eventually end up on the chopping block as well. At the time they were simply going through the motions buying time for their own plans while, for all intents and purposes, ignoring the Grand Council dictates.
You know how I know that? Because after they were supposed to be Abjured, the Wolves ended up on the Council of Six which were made up of *drum roll* IS Clans. Abjurement merely means that the individual or groups are no longer recognized as "Clan" and lose any benefits derived from being "Clan" including participation in the Clan breeding program. Yet somehow, the Wolves were not only still recognized as Clan but participated in the exchange of genetic material and the sharing of formerly exclusive Bloodnames with the other Clans on the CoS.