Wraith 1, on 18 September 2023 - 11:00 PM, said:
Looks like a very good patch overall, but I'm always saddened to see more content become lostech, even if it's less good.
-Old shaders
-Knockdown mechanics (could've been adjusted)
-Old thermal vision (could've been a module/skill tree)
-River City Classic
-Caustic Valley Classic
-Outreach HPG Classic
-The 2 best versions of Terra Therma (fight me)
-Long Tom (funny giant explosion)
-Solaris VII (my beloved)
-Duncan Fischer
-Frozen City Day Classic
Anything I'm forgetting?
-Knockdown mechanics (could've been adjusted)
Probably pretty hard to do, they couldn't do it back then and good custom old cryengine coders are not easier to come by nowadays I'd assume.
-Long Tom (funny giant explosion)
Nope nothing fun in this, this was probably one of the worst things ever happened to FP
Nice idea, super bad way to do it.
-Duncan Fischer
Cool for few times then annoying waste of time after those (one of the biggest issues for me for solaris was the time used NOT to battle vs time to battle)
-Frozen City Day Classic
Not fan of not seeing
again nice idea, but well didn't work well... decent or even ok level, probably with some nice extra dev time would have been good FP mode, not QP really.
bilagaana, on 19 September 2023 - 11:42 AM, said:
Reducing variety in the game mode options and further dumbing down the game is not helpful to its long-term survival.
This game has survived already 11...12? Years without that game mode that was never really functional, it was an idea that never go polished.. as so many things PGI did.